Relatively different from the iron guards, for this news, the ministers present were happy and worried.

Because among the ministers, many of them belonged to the nobility, people from certain families, and they all participated in the flame flowers auctioned before.

After spending so much money, it turns out to tell them now that Beloberg will not need heating in the future?

Who can accept this!

But this is only a small number of people, and most people are still happy.

Before they were depressed and couldn’t join the cultivation of the Flame Flower, now they are all rejoicing, fortunately, the family funds were insufficient at the beginning, otherwise they are afraid that they will vomit blood in anger now.

But despite this, no one is making a big fuss at this time, otherwise they will definitely not be able to eat and go, and they can only break their teeth and swallow in their stomachs.

As for finding Shiluwa to return the money?

Some people think this way, but they are sure that Shiluwa will never agree.

Kokolia could naturally see the expressions and hearts of this group of people, and solemnly said: “Okay, now I should tell you the bad news.” ”

Upon hearing this, the ministers and the silver-maned iron guards turned up one after another.

The previous good news made many of their hearts drip blood, and I don’t know what this bad news is.

I can only “one seventy-three” hope it is not too bad.

“I think you’re all wondering why all of a sudden, the cold snap is over, and what is the way to quickly clear the rift?”

Kokolia did not intend to say anything about the star core, and spoke: “I received a letter from yesterday, and the other party claimed to be from outside the sky. ”

“I believe that among those of you who have a long family heritage, you may know that a long time ago, there were occasional visitors from outside our world, but after the cold wave, our connection with the outside world was broken.”

“Just yesterday, I went to Eternal Winter Ridge to see their strength, and also witnessed their process of ending the cold wave, including the ability to absorb the rift.”

“So I can tell everyone here very responsibly that they are very strong, strong enough to destroy the entire Belloberg in an instant!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone panicked.

Just like the sentence before Willow crossing, you can do without nuclear weapons, but you can’t do without.

When someone else can destroy your kingdom in an instant, and you can’t do anything about him, then you are a lamb to be slaughtered in the eyes of others!

The ministers had this idea in their hearts at the moment, and they felt that the bad news that the Great Guardian wanted to say was this.

“If you think that’s the bad news I’m trying to say, you’re very wrong!”

Kokolia said coldly: “The other party not only has this ability, but they also proposed to me the idea of taking over Belloberg!” ”


“Take over Belloberg?”

Two ministers did not hold back and interjected at this time.


Kokolia ignored them and continued: “That’s right, they also defeated the ancient machine of the city builders, the creation engine! Just now, I believe many people have seen that there is a robot flying in the sky, in fact, they are transporting the creation engine away and transforming it. ”

“Regarding the movement that happened yesterday in Yongdongling, it was actually that I started the creation engine, and as for the reason, it was a bet with them, let me use the creation engine to fight one of them, and if I won, they helped us end the cold wave and clear the rift for free.”

“If I lose, I take the whole Beloberg and show my submission to them.”

“If I didn’t accept this bet, they would have attacked Belloberg directly yesterday!”

Everyone here can be sure that this is the biggest bet and the most intense gamble they have heard in their lives!

A minister couldn’t help but ask: “So the bad news you want to say…”

Everyone subconsciously swallowed dryly, already having a premonition of the next result.

Kokolia nodded and said, “Well, I lost, otherwise the creation engine would not have been transported away.” ”

The corners of the ministers’ mouths twitched, and sure enough, the creation engine lost!

Many people know about the existence of the creation engine, and in some books, there are references to such large war machines.

More than 700 years have passed, and the creation engine has been the main force against the antimatter army.

This kind of old antique, it is estimated that there is only such a one in the world.

Now even the creation engine is not the opponent of these days outsiders, how to fight this?

Kokolia stood up and propped her palms on the long table in front of her, “So I have gathered you today, do you have any thoughts on this?” ”

The ministers were silent, not knowing what to say.

Instead, Jepard, who was standing on the side, took a step forward and asked, “Lord Kokolia, I wonder what you think?” ”

No one contacted Jepard to cooperate with Kokolia at this time, and it was all his own thoughts to ask this sentence.

Kokolia had the impression of this young man from the Landau family, who was the younger brother of Shiluwa and the apprentice of Liufu.

She spoke: “My thoughts, since I can’t beat it, I don’t want the silver-maned iron guards to sacrifice in vain, not to mention if they resist, the other party may be angry and have the idea of destroying the entire Belloberg!” ”

“Okay, my thoughts have been spoken, now I want to hear from you, you have ten minutes to think slowly, if no one has an opinion after ten minutes, then that’s it.”

In the conference room, the ministers fell into a long silence.

Indeed, if they were Kokolia, they could only choose to bet against each other.

After all, the other party can defeat the creation engine, which is enough to see that the strength is very strong.

With this kind of strength, if it directly attacks Belloberg, I don’t know how many people will be killed or injured.

The question now is how to deal with the other side’s “invasion and seizure of power”.

After a while, a minister got up, looked at Kokolia at the end of the long table, and asked: “Lord Kokolia, I want to ask, do you know what kind of action will be if the other party takes over the rule of Belloberg?” ”

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers looked at Kokolia.

This issue is also their concern.

Kokolia knew what the minister wanted to ask whether their interests would be damaged in the future, such as whether their current positions would change drastically.

“I also asked this question, and they promised that in the future, I would basically manage Belloberg, including the Dawning City they are building.”

“As for the rest, they don’t guarantee it, but I think since they are willing to promise to delegate power to me, I think they don’t like management and don’t interfere too much with our autonomy.”

“Even we can enjoy the help from outside the sky, which is of great benefit to us who have just come out of the cold wave…”

Hearing Kokolia say this, many ministers were slightly relieved in their hearts. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

They think about it, just like every time a new Great Guardian takes office, it will not change blood every time, these positions always need to be filled.

Compared to aliens, these natives are naturally more suitable candidates.

So the inquiring minister sat down and spoke, “I XXX seconded the idea of the Great Guardian. ”





After thinking clearly, the ministers also agreed to let aliens take over Belloberg.

As long as their own interests are not greatly affected, they will not care too much about who will be the ruler.

Anyway, the people who are the great guardians are not them.

Since Kokolia herself doesn’t mind, what else can they say?

At this time, oppose, when the group of aliens call in, the first is to use these opponents to sacrifice the flag to deter!

When they cannon fodder, they can’t do it, everyone is a person with status, status, power and money, why take this risk?

Kokolia nodded indifferently and said, “Since everyone agrees, then let’s discuss the specific details now.” ”

As she thought correctly, once there was a strong enough threat, then this group of ministers would throw a rat trap, and none of them dared to oppose it.

Coupled with his own hint to them, their position will not change in a high probability, and they will not object.

Since you want to rule, then someone must take care of all aspects, how can you do it without them?

In fact, when they were in Kokolia’s room before, the three of them also talked about this when they were talking.

If it is not necessary, these people’s positions can be reserved.

Of course, what Liu Fu hates the most is corruption, accepting bribes and other behaviors.

He can ignore the previous things, but when he starts to “ascend the throne and become emperor” in the future, if someone does this again, 5.8 will kill the chickens and monkeys!

It’s just that what this group of ministers didn’t expect was that what Liu Fu wanted to move was not their position at all, but the status of all the noble classes!

If they knew this, they wouldn’t know what their faces would be at this moment.

Kokolia didn’t want to make trouble for herself, and everything would wait until Liu Fu took over.

The subsequent deliberations naturally announced this matter to all the citizens of Belloberg, and in order to prevent riots among the people, a large number of silver-maned iron guards must maintain order.

But in Kokolia, the civilians may fall into panic at the beginning, after all, suddenly an alien ruler came, who is not panicked in unknown fear?

However, as long as the time gradually lengthens, everyone finds that their lives are not only not negatively affected, but are getting better and better, and they will gradually lose their resistance!

To put it bluntly, the lifelong pursuit of most civilians is nothing more than to have enough to eat, to have a place for them to sleep, to have clothes to wear…

As long as they are satisfied, fed, sheltered, and properly entertained, who cares who is the ruler who stands above them?

PS: The third more delivered! Everyone should have seen that Chapter 90 is unblocked, right? Subscribe please! After being banned for half a day, the jump booking was too serious….

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