The commoners in the Hall of All Peoples also heard Shiluwa's words.

"The Great Guardian is here?"

"Shhh! It's really Kokolia-sama! "

"Even Lord Kokolia is interested in Miss Xiangling's craft?"

"Nonsense, every day in the past few days, chefs have come to ask for advice, and as a result, they all left silently after eating a meal, and there were even people who visited the teacher on the spot."

"I heard that Miss Xiangling is just a civilian, and she is really the pride of the commoners!"

The civilians did not let go as before, and they spoke softly.

After all, this person in front of him was a great guardian who was high above, and just the momentum of being in a high position all year round was enough to make them unable to raise their heads.

Kokolia looked at this former best friend and was a little speechless.

Perhaps considering the personal relationship between Bronia and Hiluv, or perhaps the impact of recent dream memories in her past life on her, Kokolia's expression remained unchanged, "Hiluvia, long time no see." "

Shiluwa was stunned, this guy really didn't look right, "Yes, Lord Kokolia, are you also here to eat?" "

"Well, it's just that there is no place, so I'll go first."

Kokolia scanned the circle of the civilians in awe of herself in the Hall of Ten Thousand People, turned around and prepared to leave.

Who knew that at this time, Siluva stopped Kokolia and said, "Come here, then I will give you this braised beef brisket rice bowl." "

Kokolia turned around suspiciously and saw Shiluwa lift the takeaway box in her hand.

It looks very similar to the last time Bronia brought it back to Fort Creper, but I don't know what is inside.

The ghost sent God, but Kokolia actually walked into the Hall of All Peoples, reached out and took it, "Thank you." "

After that, Kokolia stopped staying and left directly.

Shiluwa did not stop, but watched Kokolia's figure gradually move away.

"I haven't spoken in so many years, I actually remember to say thank you, hehe."

In the Hall of All People, the civilians resumed their previous noisy discussions, and even more intense.

After all, the Great Guardian personally came to eat in the restaurant full of civilians, and finally took it away, which will definitely become a topic of conversation at the dinner table for a long time in the future.

"Sister Xiangling, trouble bring me another copy."


Xiangling is not bothersome, anyway, she will leave work soon in a while.

Shiluwa suddenly remembered something, it seemed that Kokolia had not given money just now.

After thinking about it, what I said just now felt like giving it to her...

"Forget it, just treat her to a meal when you haven't seen her for many years."

Shiluwa shook her head and stopped thinking about the woman.

I hope my dear can restore her to normal, I really want to see this guy return to normal, and know what he will be like after what he has done all these years, including in his previous life.

Should, cry, right?


Not long after Kokolia walked out of the Hall of All People, he regretted it a little.

In fact, part of the reason she came to Wanmin Hall was to inquire about Mr. Zhanan.

She guessed that this Xiangling's cooking skills were learned from Mr. Zhanan, and she might be able to ask Mr. Zhanan from Xiangling's mouth when Mr. Zhanan would return.

But now, after talking to Shiluwa, she inexplicably walked away.

Is it that you are weak in heart and feel sorry for Shiluwa?

Kokolia returned to Fort Creper, in her room.

When you open the lunch box, the braised beef brisket inside is still steaming.

Kokolia did not pause and ate directly.

Although it is not as delicious as Mr. Zanan's cooking, it does surpass all chefs except Zhanan in Belloberg.

At least, in Kokolia's heart, it can indeed rank second.

She sat at her desk, and the room was quiet, with only the pith heater providing light and heat.

The room is very tidy and cleaned regularly by the maid every day, and it is also very empty.

Inexplicably, she felt endless loneliness in her heart.

Star Core, should I really listen to you?

[Kokolia... Come and meet us...]

"Why did you suddenly let me go to see you?"

[You need... Enlightenment...]

"It's too late today, tomorrow."

When Kokolia said this, she realized that she should have rushed to Eternal Winter Ridge now, right?


The next day.


Liu Fu and Yonomiya got up early, mainly because they slept too early yesterday.


Yonomiya stretched out, and under the cold wind, the whole person was refreshed.

"Brother Liu Fu, then I'll go."

"Go, come back early when you're tired."


Liu Fu gave her one last kiss to the palace and let her leave.

He also equipped Yoomiya with some robots and equipment, such as multi-terrain off-road vehicles and the like.

Otherwise, when the palace plans to come back, it will be too delayed to walk back.

At the same time, not only the Yoomiya Palace, but all the original demons with high enough intelligence are equipped with mobile phones, and if necessary, they can contact the shelter through their mobile phones, and then there will be robots to deliver the required materials.

At present, the factory in the shelter has been reorganized, and the production of various parts and the assembly of products can be realized through automation.

"It's finally a bit of a technological explosion."

Liu Fu walked towards the ruins of the ancient city near the refuge, and at this moment, half of the rift and rift creations had been cleared of the city, and the ice was gradually melting and breaking.

A large number of robots are collected and dismantled in the city, and useful resources and useless waste products are all transported out in categories.

With what Liu Fu spent five days entering into the vault database, Noya reimagined and designed the specific construction plan for the future city.

Liu Fu suddenly asked, "Hmm... Noya, you say, shall I give this city a name? "

Noya's voice came from the phone, "Of course, please name the new city." "

"Hmm... It's called... Dawning City. "

Liu Fu just gave a name casually.

For the city's past names, there are naturally in the database, but he doesn't want to use the past names.

Since the city is about to usher in a new life, and it is still guided by itself, it is natural to name it yourself.

Noya: "After the information is entered, the city will be called Dawn City in the future!" "

Liu Fu said: "After the city is cleaned up, leave a part of the manpower to stay, and then allocate a batch to expand outward, and find as many ancient ruins as possible." "

The re-emergence of a civilization requires countless human and material resources.

At present, he lacks everything, and hopes that Sambo promised that his batch of materials will be delivered sooner.


Liu Fu frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the west. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The star core is moving again? What's going on? "

Since Liu Fu came to Arilo VI, this was the first time he felt that the star core released such a large amount of power.

Willow Fu suddenly had a sense of foreboding, and quickly flew into the shelter and came to Belloberg through the teleportation anchor.

As soon as he returned here, Liu Fu took out another mobile phone and contacted Bronia.

This mobile phone was specially equipped before, in order to facilitate contact with everyone in Belloberg in the future.

Bronia: "Hey, father, is something wrong?" "

Listening to Bronia call her father, Liu Fu knew that there must be no one around the other party, at least no outsiders.

Liu Fu hurriedly asked, "Duck duck, is Kokolia still in Fort Creper now?" "

Bronia wondered, "Mother? I don't know, I haven't seen her today, maybe I'm not feeling well, didn't get up, is something wrong? "

Since Kokolia had such a thing a few days ago, Bronia subconsciously thought so.

Liu Fu took a deep breath, Kokolia was not a person who liked to be late for work, although the time was still in the morning, it was already more than an hour of work time.

"There is a riot in the power of the star core in Yongdongling, I have to go and see it immediately, hang it first."

After Liu Fu hung up the phone, he no longer hid his strength and quickly flew towards the direction of Eternal Winter Ridge!

After five days of accumulation, Liu Fu's strength has increased many times, and it is not easy to say how strong he is, and he has to fight to know.


Fivernament Ridge.

"You want to give me more strength?"

Kokolia looked slightly puzzled, not understanding why the star core suddenly raised this matter.

She felt that the power given to her by the star core was strong enough, and she had never even fully used this power.

The reason is not only that she can't use it usually, but when she uses this power, she herself will also change, and it is easy to be thought that the Great Guardian has become those monsters outside the city.

[Coco... Leah...... Threat...... Gradual...... Have to... (Good)... Eradicate...... Have to...... Thorough...... Eradication...]

Kokolia asked, "What threat?" Did something happen? "

[Someone... Destruction...... New World...]

Kokolia asked, "Who is it?" "

[We... I don't know...]

Kokolia shook her head and said, "It turns out that you also have things you don't know." "

[Hopefully... You go...... Investigation...]

"So that's it, give me the strength to clear the threat, come on."

Kokolia nodded, indicating that she understood.

But I don't know why, in my heart, I always have an emotional tendency to resist the power of the star core.

Kokolia doubted whether she was schizophrenic, obviously welcoming the arrival of the new world, making Bronia the mother of the new world is her lifelong wish.

How could you possibly resist this kind of thing?

[This is... We...... Power...]

The power of the star core completely broke free from the shackles of the ancient container, and the yellow light bloomed!

When the huge power gradually poured into Kokolia's body, the surrounding wind and snow seemed to be even more raging.

The howling wind and snow, like the star core excited, mocking, and despising all living beings in this world!

"You guys... Stop for Lao Tzu! "

The furious sound penetrated the blockade of the wind and snow, making the earth tremble, and even triggered an avalanche in the surrounding mountains! .

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