Before her.

Every Great Guardian will hear the whispers of the Star Core the moment they take over.

For Beloberg, this is a devil's contract, an inescapable curse, but also the last way to protect his homeland.

How can mortals resist the endless antimatter army? The human body is fragile, and the army is endless.

Alisa Rand made a wish to the Star Core, and concluded a never-ending cold wave with a contract of destruction. After the antimatter army was repelled, Beloberg fell into new despair.

Every Great Guardian is fighting against the bewitching whispers of the Star Core, enduring the pain that lasts a lifetime, and finally rushing to the Rift to end his life.

But nothing can be changed.

The cold wave will not stop, the Rift is still expanding, and the mining of the earth's marrow is on the verge of limit.

Cocolia once had a good intention, but when she really became a Great Guardian, she found that nothing could be changed.

Beloberg is just a beacon devoured by the cold wave. Beloberg has survived the first seven hundred years. How many more seven hundred years can it hold on?

If it cannot end this endless death cold wave from the root, Beloberg still has no future.

When her best friend told her about the dangers of the star core and questioned her with the previous research data, Cocolia knew everything, but could only stare at Shiluwa.

She wanted to say.

Friend, we can't go back to the past.

The naive Cocolia is dead, and only the great guardian of Beloberg remains here. She will no longer be just "Cocolia", but a leader who carries the will of all the great guardians and does whatever it takes.

She can only use the coldest tone to push her former best friend away from the vortex of the star core.

If someone must die, let her bear the cost of the contract with the devil alone.

Cocolia gently touched Bronya between the photo frames and whispered, "Mom won't let you continue to suffer this pain..."

Let all this end in her generation.

From now on, it will be a new world of infinite light - that is the extremely beautiful Yalilo-VI that has been recorded in history books.

Cocolia made a choice, or rather, she had no choice.

But perhaps, there is still a last glimmer of hope.

She recalled those nameless guests, symbolizing the pioneering star train that returned to Yalilo again.

If the will of pioneering can defeat the star core, then there is still hope.

Cocolia closed her eyes.

But is such a despicable person as her worthy of redemption?

Everything is too late.

If only by going to destruction can we protect Beloberg and practice true protection.

Cocolia is willing to die.



Panyan Town.

Under the bright street lights, you can see the smiling faces of the children gathered, but you can also see the miners lying on the ground not far away staring at the "sky".

The atmosphere in the lower city was particularly depressing, like a city-state covered by dark clouds forever, with no light in sight.

Clara stood on the ground barefoot, not caring about the coldness of her feet, her heart pounding violently.

Two clean little hands carefully held the exquisite transformation device, and the cyan wings gently spread out between her palms, creating an amazing view.

"If the machinery can be transformed and upgraded, the Rift Creatures may be suppressed..." Clara muttered to herself, but soon shook her head.

Not to mention whether Yalilo has replaceable mechanical parts, this exquisite technology alone is a field she cannot reach.

Molten Knight is Grammer's highest masterpiece to fight against the Zerg. The technology contained in it is all-encompassing, and it is obviously not a level that Yalilo can catch up with today.

What's more, this transformation device carries a breakthrough to infinite fit, and is the ultimate Molten Knight forged by the imperial technology and the burning emotions of An Ming.

——The real ∞.

Despite this, Clara did not show a discouraged expression, but solemnly returned the transformation device to Liuying, and her beautiful ruby-like eyes flashed with gratitude.

"Thank you, brother Anming, and sister Liuying."

Clara thanked them very sensibly, "If you need a guide, Clara can lead the way... but Mr. Swarovski is still waiting for Clara, so you can't stay too long..."

This time I left the mechanical settlement to collect parts. It is very dangerous to go alone to the Rivet Town that has been eroded by the Rift, but special parts can still be obtained.

"It's okay, Clara, just do your own thing," Liuying squatted down and gently stroked Clara's little head, and in her heart she had already begun to imagine whether her and Anming's children would be so well-behaved and sensible.

By thenWhen she was in charge of teaching combat, An Ming taught knowledge... Well, An Ming was a good student when he was in Grammer.

Liuying remembered it very clearly. She once wrote an excellent graduation speech for An Ming.

An Ming smiled and said, "When we meet next time, I will show you a powerful transformation." At that time, he will chant the transformation command in front of Swarro to summon the Molten Knight. It's very cool to think about it.

"Clara will look forward to it!"

Although Clara didn't know what An Ming meant by transformation, she still looked forward to it from the bottom of her heart and wanted to share everything she saw with Mr. Swarro.

Liuying watched Clara trot away, looked at her bare feet, and whispered, "The children here remind me of my fellow cyborgs."

Not being expected by others, not finding the meaning of life, and having no future.

The best ending is to never come to this world.

Liuying thought of her past self, but now she has the power of protection.

Then she can change the world.

"I am the nameless guest, Yingbao is the star core hunter," An Ming gently rubbed Liuying's cheek and said with a smile: "It is the star core that should be afraid."


Liuying was not sad, but was glad that she was no longer the one who could do nothing.

When she was in Grammer, she could only watch her beloved disappear, and she would never feel the regret at that time again.

Liuying also knew that her current strength was not enough.

If fate still wanted to take An Ming away from her again... this time, even the Star God would not be able to do it!

This happiness was so real, it was not an illusory dream.

She had not married An Ming yet, so how could she stop at such a place.

The cake shop she had imagined in her dream would surely take root and sprout in a corner of the future, and bloom beautiful flowers.

On that piece of scorched earth -

Offer the last elegy.

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