[At the age of 15, your excellent performance in driving the Molten Knight earned you Caesar's recognition. The empire's resources began to tilt towards you in all directions. Strength, wealth and power did not confuse your heart]

[You began to frequently go in and out of the mountain base for training, and you became more and more proficient in driving the Molten Knight. The only thing you lacked was the test of actual combat]

[Liu Ying always showed great resistance to your participation in actual combat. She had a few quarrels with you, but in the end, you couldn't bear to see the crying face of the girl]

[You promised Liu Ying that you would participate in actual combat after graduation. Liu Ying also knew that this was an inevitable future. As a senior driver, she tried her best to teach you all the skills of the Molten Knight, just so that these skills could save your life one day in the future]

"You have grown taller."

Liu Ying reached out and touched An Ming's head, with a look of surprise in her eyes, "You are as tall as me at the age of 15..." She pouted cutely, thinking that now she couldn't be a sister.

An Ming brought a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Liu Ying, smiling and saying, "Grow taller, so that you can see me at a glance no matter how far away I am."


Liu Ying lifted the chair with both hands and moved to An Ming's side, blinking and saying, "You saw it when you came back from the mountains a few days ago, the scope of the Dead Sea has doubled."

What this means is self-evident. The war between the Empire and the Zerg has probably reached a new stage, and the false peace may soon be unable to be concealed.

An Ming recalled the B31 he had seen not long ago. After a certain expedition, he never came back. He was replaced by B97. The cold numbers made it difficult to associate the passing of life, but those people had indeed been to this world.

He once asked B31 a question: "If you can, would you choose to be an ordinary person?"

B31 just smiled and shook his head, "I would rather never have lived."

"We are born to burn to ashes."

"Don't run away?"

"Where to run away?" There was no hatred in B31's eyes, just calmness, "We are the ashes left behind by the empire's advance."

"It is also dawn."

It is ashes, and it is also dawn.

Even if no one knows the ashes behind the dawn, it doesn't matter.

Gramer has no future, and they have no tomorrow.

An Ming put two sugar cubes in Liuying's coffee and stirred it. She always liked sweets more. "The war is about to begin, and it is inevitable."

"I always feel that these years are like a dream, without war, and without fighting with the swarm."

Liuying often thinks that meeting An Ming is the luckiest thing in her life, but this happy time is shorter than she imagined.

How can there be true happiness in Gramer?

The moonlight outside the window was bright, and it was another midsummer. Fireflies could be seen occasionally on the dark road.

After drinking coffee, the two went back to their rooms to rest. Liuying tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, wondering why she didn't feel sleepy tonight even though she had never had insomnia after drinking coffee.

Anyway, she couldn't fall asleep if she continued to lie down, so she might as well go and see if Anming was asleep.

Liuying stepped lightly on the floor with her bare feet, her delicate white gauze skirt covering her beautiful body, and her soft long hair casually scattered behind her shoulders.

Under the moonlight, Liuying quietly poked out half of her head, as nervous as a thief, and only breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Anming sleeping without any image.

"You are so serious at ordinary times, but you are still a child when you fall asleep."

Liuying squatted in front of the bed, stretched out her index finger and poked Anming's cheek mischievously, revealing a sweet smile.

I don't know if An Ming slept too soundly or the effect of coffee wore off, Liuying yawned lightly and lay beside An Ming in a daze.

Liuying fell asleep without knowing when, and subconsciously felt the familiar breath, her breathing quickly became steady, and a sweet smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Early morning.


An Ming was suddenly awakened, thinking that Liuying was attacked, and immediately reached for the sword beside the bed.

After calming down, he found that Liuying was in his arms, her soft body tightly pressed against his chest, and tears in her eyes could be seen faintly under the trembling of her beautiful eyelashes.

An Ming did not ask Liu Ying why she was in his bed, but only asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Liu Ying pointed her index finger at a certain part of An Ming's body, panicking: "That, that part has grown bigger!"

An Ming: "?"

This story started a few minutes ago. When Liu Ying woke up from her dream, she opened her eyes and saw An Ming's sleeping face close to her, and his strange sleeping posture like a koala.

He leaned his face against her chest like a baby, eating several silver-gray sticks in his mouth.Hair.

Liuying was a little embarrassed, and she felt a little sweet in her heart. She carefully pulled her white thighs out from between An Ming's legs and found something wrong.

Her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and then she was stunned.

It actually got bigger through the pants!

The young Miss Liuying obviously had no idea what this meant. She thought that An Ming's body had mutated and she screamed subconsciously.

Compared to the ignorant Liuying, An Ming naturally knew what it was. He couldn't help but blush a little, mainly because he didn't expect to see Liuying as soon as he opened his eyes.

"This, uh... It's just a normal phenomenon. Well, don't go into it too much."

"Is it, is it like this?"

Liuying carefully glanced at it again, and withdrew her eyes with a slightly red cheek. Although she knew nothing about that kind of thing, she could still vaguely sense some ambiguous atmosphere.

In the end, both of them tacitly chose not to mention it again, as if it had never happened.

But since that day, Miss Liuying seemed to have experienced the joy of sleeping with Anming in her arms, and always pestered him to sleep in his bedroom.

Anming's sleeping posture was very bad, and sometimes he would even cling to Liuying like a pillow and would not let go, and he always liked to bury his head in her chest.

At first, Liuying was still a little uncomfortable, until one night she heard Anming whispering to her in his sleep: "Mom".

Liuying hugged Anming gently and murmured: "We only have each other."

It would be great if we could be together forever, but is there really such a thing as forever in this world?

Looking at Anming's sleeping face, Liuying couldn't help but whispered: "Anming, I like you so much."


After saying this, Liuying herself was stunned, her cheeks flushed, and she couldn't understand why she said such a thing.

Like? Is it the like of liking cake, or something else?

Liuying blinked her bright eyes, stared at An Ming in confusion, and couldn't help but move closer.

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