Zhang Lie didn't know what was going on with Shiki, but he had the final say here.

He reached out and grabbed Sanji's flaming leg, and threw him to the ground. Although he held back, Sanji still felt dizzy for a moment.

Although Zoro frowned, he didn't attack because he was not like Sanji, whose blood pressure rose immediately after seeing Robin being beaten, and he had already discovered that the others were not injured.

Seeing that the Straw Hat Pirates were almost all knocked down, the pirates next to them cheered together.

Zhang Lie glanced at it, then turned around twice, and then kicked out with a huge blood-red storm kick.

Those pirates thought Zhang Lie's attack was aimed at the Straw Hat Pirates, but who knew that they were the target, and they almost didn't dodge by accident.

A storm kick swept over, and half of the pirates were cut in half. After a moment of stunned, they picked up their weapons and rushed up, and they were not afraid of death.

Zhang Lie did all this but didn't care. He said to Zoro: "These guys are in your hands. I'll go support Luffy."

"Hey, I'm not your subordinate. Don't try to order me around." Sanji jumped up from the ground and retreated to Zoro's side.

At this time, the others didn't pretend anymore. They got up from the ground. Robin said to Sanji:

"Don't say that. We are now cooperative allies. Thanks to Zhang Lie's help before, do what he says first and don't drag your feet."

"Hi! Robin-chan!"

The pervert was settled in an instant. Zhang Lie nodded to Robin, then walked around the pirates, harvested dozens of kills, and then rushed into the corridor.

In a very gorgeous palace in the palace, Shiki floated out of a room, and a trace of paleness could be seen on his originally dark and yellow face.

"Why did it start again? When this is over, I must thoroughly investigate those chefs. Who dares to embezzle and corrupt? This has happened eight times tonight!"

Shiki floated to a floor-to-ceiling mirror, picked up a small bottle, poured out a few pills and swallowed them.

"Fortunately, Zhang Lie asked me to leave first, otherwise I would have been embarrassed today."

Just when he was done, his stomach suddenly made a 'gurgling' sound again. Shiki didn't care about anything else and hurried back in.

"No, it's getting stronger!"

Luffy shuttled through the palace, looking for Shiki everywhere, but the palace was too big, and he didn't know where Shiki was, so he couldn't find him at all.

Just as he started to use the third gear to demolish it, Shiki suddenly appeared:

"Boy, you demolished my palace, damn it!"

Luffy sniffed and muttered, "What's the smell? It's a bit smelly."

Shiki's face suddenly looked ugly. He saw that Luffy was about to demolish his room, so he hurried out. Otherwise, if his men saw his situation, he might as well die.

Now, after hearing what Luffy said, he hurriedly said, "Smelly boy, we can't do anything here, let's go outside to fight."

"Tsk, why should I listen to you? I can fight wherever I want!" Luffy suddenly turned on the second gear and punched Shiki on the head.

If it was during the day, Shiki could easily dodge it even if it was indoors, but this time he was hit head-on.

Although his brain reacted, his body was a beat slower, but it didn't matter, Luffy's second gear attack couldn't cause any harm to him.

Moreover, Shiki turned around and kicked several times behind him, directly cutting the palace open, and took this opportunity to come outside.

At this time, it was snowing in the sky, and the ground was covered with a layer of white snow. Shiki floated in the sky and stretched out his hand:

"Die, Straw Hat Boy, no matter how you struggle, you can't escape the fate of destruction, Lion Power·Gosho Jiju!"

The white snow on the ground floated into the sky, condensed into several lion heads, and swept towards Luffy.

Luffy immediately threw punches in succession, easily smashing the snow lions to pieces.

"You don't have the final say on our fate!"

If Zhang Lie saw this scene, he would definitely complain. When he fought with Shiki, the Gosho Jijuan took him a lot of effort.

At that time, Shiki used all the things he could use, but now Luffy, this kid, actually used snow to attack. I don't know if he was letting himself go or was too weak.

In fact, Shiki only used the beginning of this move. As soon as the snow rose, his stomach suddenly started to rumble again, interrupting all the subsequent moves.

Although Luffy didn't know this, his super sharp fighting intuition found an opportunity.

He jumped into the sky without hesitation and knocked Shiki away with a punch. Before he landed, a duck (?) with electric light all over its body flew down and held Luffy.

"Billy, thank you, help me later."

"Damn you, I'm so pissed!" The physical and mental torture made Shi Ji's killing intent increase.

"Don't even think about going to the East China Sea!"

"You? It's just a god.Big joke! Don't expect me to show mercy. "

This sentence means that Shiki has torn up the agreement with Nami and is ready to kill her.

In the palace, after discovering that Shiki has left, Robin sets out to find Nami who is about to sneak away and tells her Zhang Lie's plan:

"So the key to defeating Shiki lies in the celestial phenomena, and it depends on you."

"Don't worry, I'll go observe the situation now!" Nami is really motivated.

In addition to this side, others also acted separately. There are still hundreds of pirates left on the scene. Although it doesn't matter to Zhang Lie, it is still difficult for the remaining people in the Straw Hat Pirates to deal with them.

So the bombing of Daft in the original plot Green Tree continued as usual, using the power of the giant beast to deal with the enemy.

And now in this final stage, Zhang Lie has completely let go. He believes that Luffy will be fine. He finds Indigo and Skaredo through sensing and kills them before they can react.

Zoro and Sanji, who are fighting with the pirates outside, suddenly feel as if something is missing. They are too uncomfortable and can only vent their anger on the pirates.

However, these are all trivial matters, but there is one thing Zhang Lie predicted wrong, that is, Luffy is actually in danger.

Luffy and Shiki fought continuously in the sky. Shiki, who has been weakened by epic level, is weakened again now.

The body is also covered with double DBUFF of weakness and diarrhea, and the whole process is sluggish and weak. Even the ground roll can't be used.

Luffy was surrounded by Billy's lightning, and with Shiki's nemesis - lightning, every attack had a special attack effect, and he would also be hurt when he was hit. He was like a hedgehog to Shiki.

Two people and one bird actually fought all the way to the edge of the island. It was outrageous. It was outrageous.

However, Luffy's luck began to decline. The medicine Shiki took began to take effect. His stomach stopped rebelling and the situation was reversed immediately.

When Zhang Lie arrived, he saw Luffy trapped in the floating sea water and was about to suffocate.

This is the content of the original plot, which was originally fine, but the problem is that Shiki was actually preparing to leave instead of using Chikiri Valley to chop the sea water!

How can this be possible? The IQ of the movie version boss is online!

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