The gathering was naturally lively. Zhang Lie and Bruno told them about their experiences on the floating island, and naturally they were full of bragging.

"I told Shiki at the time that you must drink this wine, otherwise you will not give me face!" Zhang Lie completely forgot how worried he was at the beginning.

"Then Shiki didn't dare to say anything nonsense and drank the bowl of wine with drugs on the spot."

Ajin immediately shouted: "The captain speaks, who dares not to give face, even the admiral has to cooperate!"

"This Shiki may have a problem with his brain." Martin complained and guessed it right.

Bruno next to him continued to brag: "The captain held Shiki over there, and I moved their arsenal directly in the palace and gave it all to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Later, these weapons made great contributions, and the entire palace was blown into ruins, and more than 500 pirates were killed!"

"Humph, a sinister guy who only knows how to do small tricks behind the scenes!" Ajin looked disgusted.

"Why are you so hypocritical!" Bruno couldn't hold his face.

"Telling the truth is not okay? If you don't agree, come and practice. I have learned a lot from Aokiji, and I just need someone to try my hand at."

Bruno immediately shut up: "Humph, lucky guy, he got special treatment through the back door with the captain's relationship."

"What's the matter, you have the ability to use the relationship." Ajin didn't think it was shameful at all. On the contrary, being able to make connections is a skill.

Everyone was chatting, but Martin seemed a little absent-minded. Zhang Lie asked with a smile:

"Martin, I see you are confused, what are you thinking about?"

"Ah? Oh, I'm wondering what that is." Martin pointed to Bruno's side.

Zhang Lie knew it well, but he deliberately said: "That, that's a knife."

"...Those two knives seem very good."

"Of course, these are used by Shiqi, named Yingju and Muku, both are big and sharp knives."

"Oh, what did the captain get them for?" Martin looked stupid.

Zhang Lie avoided answering: "This is my souvenir, Shi Ji gave it to me before he died, let these two knives witness the future."

"How is it possible, Shi Ji was killed by you, how could he give you the knife." Martin blurted out what was in his mind.

"What did you say?" Zhang Lie's eyes widened.

Martin reacted and immediately changed his words: "No, no, it must be that the captain's personality is too strong, Shi Ji was conquered before he died, so he gave the knife to you, the captain."

"Although this sounds a bit false, it is not far from the truth." Zhang Lie was very pleased, and his eyes narrowed with joy.

"Well, Captain, what do you think we should do with these knives? Look, I'm the only swordsman on the ship."

"What's wrong with being a swordsman? Don't I also use a knife?"

"You already have the Ghost Cut, I think these two knives are for me."

"You are shameless enough, these are big knives, and two of them." Zhang Lie was shocked by Martin's shameless spirit, but turned around and handed the knives over,

"But I admire your shamelessness, these two big knives are for you."

"Long live the captain!" Martin grabbed it in his hand in an instant, "I will definitely vigorously promote the spirit of shamelessness and will never let the captain down."

"Get out, I'm just talking casually." Zhang Lie was really afraid that Martin would not be able to figure it out and take the joke seriously, which would be a headache in the future.

For a whole day, they all rested on Barbaro Island. Now that the cook has returned, they held a banquet directly in the evening.

Although there was no wine, there were many small giant beasts on the island, and there was enough meat, which also allowed Ajin and Martin to recover some blood.

The next morning, Bruno hoisted the sail, Martin went to the observation tower, Akin turned the rudder, Kalifa held the juice, and Zhang Lie lay on the beach chair and gave orders:

"Let's go, head to the next island!"

The ship slowly turned and headed in the direction of the recording pointer. Since Barbaro Island needs three months to store magnetic force, this direction is still the island of the first channel.

The wait on the road is long and boring, especially when it is not on any channel. There are really no merchant ships, let alone pirates.

In this case, the navy will not regard this place as an area of ​​concern, so Zhang Lie is still exercising.

Because the physique has reached a certain level, the effect of exercise is relatively low, so Zhang Lie focuses on the fruit ability, observation color and swordsmanship.

The other two have training methods, but I don't know about swordsmanship, so Zhang Lie has to learn from Martin.

"Martin, how can I practice the flying slash? I asked you before, but I didn't get an answer then. Now tell me in detail."

Martin kept swinging the new sword in his hand, saying perfunctorily: "This way, then that way, that's all."



“Tell me nicely, or you will be my sparring partner every day. Don’t try to escape until you have mastered it!”

“Spare me, Captain!” Martin finally got serious, but he was too talented. If he really asked him to say it, he really couldn’t tell how he had mastered it, so he could only teach him from the beginning.

“So, Captain, you are actually the type who can’t do it at all. Basically, you can only do one sword-drawing slash. I suggest you start with meditation and then focus on the sword-drawing slash.”

Zhang Lie thought about it and felt that it was okay. After all, he was really focused on physical skills:

“What about meditation, and how to do it?”

“Meditation allows the owner of the sword to feel the sword with his spirit. It is a way to achieve the unity of man and sword. The method is…”

So next, Zhang Lie spent at least six hours meditating every day, emptying his mind, feeling with touch, and understanding with feeling.

After half a month, Zhang Lie finally felt a little touched. Although it was very small, he could clearly feel the ghost cut in his hand.

It was a bloody will of killing, very unruly, with a sense of madness and destruction.

But for some reason, every time after contacting Zhang Lie, this will suddenly became very docile, like a fierce dog, barking at outsiders, but obeying the master in every way.

"What does this mean? Is it that I am more evil than your demon sword? Isn't it a demon?" Zhang Lie shook his head, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

If Ghost Cut can be transformed into a human form, he will definitely roll his eyes and say, "You have killed more people than all my previous masters combined, otherwise why would I be afraid of you. '

But no matter what, this Ghost Cut is indeed very compatible with Zhang Lie, and it is even more so after having this connection.

Now every time Zhang Lie swings the sword, he can feel that his spirit is attached to it.

Finally, one time when Zhang Lie was staring at a sea fish in the sea, he swung the sword with murderous intent, and a red sword energy broke through the sea, leaving a huge crack on the sea surface.

"Flying slash, it's done!"

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