Martin was the first to speak: "It seems that there are indeed no nobles here, and the fog does not look like it was formed naturally. The traces of human intervention are too obvious."

"The people here don't seem to be very lively." Bruno recalled, "The old and the young are fine, but those in their thirties feel like zombies."

Kalifa summarized her opinion: "The order here is very good, but there is also a problem. Too much order makes it seem very...mechanical?"

"Very good, it seems that there is no class, no oppression, but it seems a little unreal." Martin smacked his lips, "Captain, didn't someone slip you a note before? Take a look at what it says?"

"I saw it on the road. It said that the magic occupied the fake fog. I never figured out what it meant." Zhang Lie threw the note over.

Kalifa guessed: "The fog on this island is fake, and it is occupied by some demon? This is what it means literally."

Martin fiddled with the paper and said casually: "Could it be that this is not a word, but four separate words?"

"It's possible." Bruno thought for a while, "But there are many possibilities, and there is no way to draw a conclusion."

Zhang Lie didn't want to continue to entangle, and summarized his thoughts:

"In short, the demon is certain, and it is very likely that he is the person who specifies the rules, but he is not necessarily bad. At least on the surface, as long as the people here are willing to work, they can survive.

We will explore the rest. At present, from this Observations of the two places show that people are relatively fair, and their lives and actions are very regular, but there are also problems inside, and some people are dissatisfied.

Geographically, all places are wrapped in thick fog, and the roads are connected by tunnels, making it very difficult to connect all places. Normally, there will only be one gathering place, but it is not the case now. It is very likely that the fog was formed later.

From the management point of view, it is obviously under the same rules, and there are no major problems with basic management, and there are special positions like receptionists.

This special environment, even if there are few people coming, is not something we have never heard of outside, but there are people like receptionists here. .

But that Ed said that he never collects taxes from civilians, so how do these management personnel survive?

And what exactly do they want from us? Ed said before that he had a request, which is very strange.

More importantly, what happened last night, there was clearly a wave of pirate attacks, but the next day it was as if nothing had happened, and I can be sure that no pirates were killed. "

Kalifa summarized: "There are only a few main points: the person who made the rules, the purpose of this person, the origin and function of the fog, and the situation last night."

Zhang Lie clapped his hands: "Yes, although there are many things, it will be too late if they come tomorrow. We should be more passive than passive, or we should take the initiative. "

Bruno immediately stood up: "It's useless to just think about it, I'll go check it out first to see if I can get any useful information."

"Okay, then we will act separately and gather here at the end." Zhang Lie agreed to Bruno's request, "I'm afraid no one will communicate with us."

At this time, Martin suddenly said: "Why not ask the guy who stuffed the note?"

The remaining three people suddenly stopped and looked at each other. Finally, Zhang Lie pointed at Martin and finally said:

"That makes sense!"

Although there was a candidate, it was not good to go back directly. The four of them explored this town first.

Each person chose a direction to act. Although Zhang Lie was also exploring, he just took a walk and observed.

The old man's vigilance, the middle-aged man's doubts, and the child's curiosity all fell into his eyes, exactly the same as the last village.

"Why are you on guard? Is it because you walked with Ed before? Or because of the unfamiliar face?" Zhang Lie was a little confused.

"This shouldn't be right. After all, there are passages everywhere, and it's not completely isolated."

Finally, he found a child, squatted down and asked: "Little boy, can I ask you a few questions?"

Before the child could speak, a middle-aged man in his thirties came over, stopped the child behind him, and asked:

"Who are you?"

Zhang Lie hesitated, but still answered the question: "My name is Zhang Lie. I accidentally passed by this island yesterday, so... I came up to take a look."

"Passed by this island?!!!"

The middle-aged man was very surprised, and it could be said that he was shocked. Finally, he said: "We haven't seen outsiders here for more than 20 years. We won't say anything."

After speaking, he picked up the child and turned to leave, but stopped after a few steps: "If you really want to know something, go and check it yourself. I have family, and I hope you can succeed."

At this time, an elderly man nearby whispered: "It's the market to buy nowSell ​​your time, don't say irrelevant words, and don't care about irrelevant people. "

The middle-aged man immediately walked away after hearing this. Zhang Lie ignored the hostile eyes of the old man, looked at the middle-aged man who left and the curious child in his arms, and finally gave up on further inquiries and returned the same way.

In the evening, the four people gathered again and exchanged intelligence. Zhang Lie found that the situations they encountered were similar.

"In other words, you didn't gain anything?"

Martin immediately complained: "They are very unfriendly to pirates, very alert, but not afraid, staring at me all the time, so I can't ask anything."

Zhang Lie waved his hand: "No, this shows that they obviously know what pirates are, and according to my experience, they were different from now twenty years ago. It is very likely that the fog came out twenty years ago, and the person who made the rules also appeared twenty years ago. "

Bruno agreed: "Yes, people under the age of twenty know nothing about the outside world, people around thirty seem to be a little dissatisfied with the current situation, and people over forty are very repulsive to us, which matches the twenty-year period very well. "

"There is one more thing." Zhang Lie pinched his chin and said, "Are we too concerned about these things? I just realized it when I was asked back before.

Do you remember that we just happened to pass by here, so we came up to take a look, but now we have no intention of returning, and our minds are full of further exploration. "

Bruno and Kalifa were also stunned. Martin looked serious and thought for a long time, and finally said: "Yes, when I was on the boat, I really wanted to come up, and I was obviously affected."

Zhang Lie glanced at the husky: "It has nothing to do with this, you are like this wherever you go."

Kalifa asked: "Captain, shall we return to the ship?"

Zhang Lie hesitated, and finally nodded: "From the eyes of those old people, we can see that some of what Ed said is not wrong, and there is still relative fairness. Leave first, and then let the navy... No, let the revolutionary army come and see. "

Time quickly came to the late night, and the four of them left the room and walked to where they had come from before, but something went wrong.

"What happened? Why is this road gone?"

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