On the battleship, An Ming closed his eyes and rested, with Wu Ye Fang between his knees.

The battleship headed for Fanghu at full speed, but even if reinforcements arrived, it would take more time to arrive in Fanghu, and it was still unknown what the battle situation would be at that time.

The battle situation changed rapidly, and I just hoped that the Chi Mings of Fanghu could hold on for a few more hours, waiting for the arrival of Luofu reinforcements to blow the horn of counterattack.

This was what An Ming thought in his mind, but he never expected that the real battlefield would be a hundred or a thousand times more cruel than he imagined.

The third Fengrao War officially started in the fairy ship Fanghu, and its cruelty far exceeded An Ming's expectations at the beginning.

The moment the battleship docked, when An Ming stepped on the land of Fanghu, he felt the strong smell of blood in the air that could not be dissipated for a long time, and the war in the distance was closer than he imagined.

The Fengrao people have already penetrated into the Fanghu fairy ship!

The situation has reached an extremely serious level. Even if Luofu's reinforcements arrive, they cannot instantly reverse this extremely unfavorable situation.

Millions of battleship soldiers have devoted themselves to this extremely tragic war without hesitation, and the sky is constantly bursting with flames of battleships exploding.

An Ming only felt that even breathing has become difficult. This is the real battlefield.

He held Wuye tightly at his waist, took a deep breath, and his eyes regained clarity again.

There is no time for him to be afraid. Now there are more people to protect.

Wuye unsheathed, the black sword edge is extremely conspicuous against the azure background, like a black shadow that devours everything flashing in the center of the battlefield.

Hot blood fell on An Ming's side face.

He saw Bu Liren roaring and raising his weapon, his pupils filled with anger and hatred.

Although they have never met, there are only enemies on the battlefield.

As the sword shadows intertwined, the "line" of annihilation penetrated Bu Liren's neck. In the moment when he himself did not notice, his head had been separated from his body.

An Ming did not relax his vigilance. The next moment, the bronze beasts in the distance spewed out blazing flames, covering a large area of ​​the battlefield straightly, just to clear the gap for advancement.

Once a gap appears in the battle line, Fang Hu will be defeated on all fronts.

An Ming gritted his teeth and noticed that the Chuihong Guards on the side suffered heavy casualties, but still roared fearlessly to fill the gap in the battle line.

Hundreds of beasts will be a devastating blow to a small-scale battlefield. These beasts must be destroyed as soon as possible!

Wuye's hilt was stained with the blood of countless enemies, and the gray dragon pattern gradually shone with an excited light under the blood.

In just a moment, a piece of black fragments fell off the sword edge, revealing pure and flawless white.

As long as he holds the sword, he can do anything.

It was as if the world pressed the mute button at this moment, listening to the sound of Wuye unsheathing again.

As the black pieces fell off, this unfinished sword showed its true appearance for the first time.

"General, why is this sword called Wuye?"

"Maybe it means that you can't touch the hilt at night."

An Ming still remembers Jing Yuan's eyes at that time, and smiled again after he finished speaking, but there was a lot of nostalgia in that smile.


"It means - draw the sword and see the dawn."

When Wuye is truly unsheathed, there will be no more night.

The black sword body is the real scabbard of Wuye, and only those with a clear sword heart can draw this sword.

No wonder it is called the unfinished sword. Those who have obtained this sword are equivalent to fighting with the scabbard. It is strange to be chosen.

An Ming can't make Wuye completely unsheathed now, so he can only glimpse the pure white of Wuye's sword blade, and the sword body is still black.

But it is enough to deal with the weapon beast.

The front end of the dark sword breath flows with white that blends with the sky and the earth. An Ming is like a killing god on the battlefield, and the snow-white sword blade keeps harvesting the enemy's heads.

When the dragon pattern engraved on the hilt was completely swallowed by blood, the sword covering the battlefield passed through the ground like a crescent moon.

The weapon beasts carried by the Buli people were instantly split in two, and the sharp white sword light remained on the flat cut in the middle of the body.


An Ming leaned weakly against the ruins as a cover, and his mind was so painful that he couldn't think. Now he finally understood why Fu Xuan liked to drink sweet tea.

The mental consumption of this sword was more terrifying than expected, and the consumption of mental power really needed to be supplemented with sugar.

The consumption of physical strength can still be relieved by rest, but mental strength is not so easy to recover to fullness.

And there is no time to wait for recovery on the battlefield, which is why the fortune tellers are usually in the rear.

After all, there is still too little that a person can do. Even if he can temporarily maintain the stability of a front line, how can he stabilize the entire defense line?

"Are you okay?"

A worried female voice came, An Ming held Wu Ye cautiously, and after seeing the jade sign of the Dan Ding Division doctor on his waistOnly then did he lower the sword.

"No problem."

"The field hospital is not far away, and the wound must be treated in time!" The girl with black jade eyes insisted on taking An Ming to the hospital for treatment.

An Ming failed to convince the stubborn girl after all. Looking at her long silky hair, he thought of Fu Xuan who was far away in Luofu. He wondered if Sister Xuan'er would be angry with him because of the previous things when he returned this time.

"My name is Yu Fei, a doctor from Dan Dingsi. I haven't seen you in Luofu," Yu Fei opened her mouth slightly in surprise after seeing the jade sign on An Ming's waist.

"Yuque's Yunqi Xiaowei? So young!"

Yu Fei murmured in disbelief. She had never seen such a young Xiaowei, not to mention that the strength An Ming showed on the battlefield just now was not fake.

"An Ming, I was ordered to come to support Fang Hu."

An Ming answered concisely, intending to return to the battlefield after receiving a simple bandage. The current situation is still not optimistic.

"It would be great if my good friend was here... She's a very good alchemist!" When Yu Fei mentioned her friend, her eyes sparkled. An Ming had seen this look before.

"It's okay. You're also very good. Thank you."

Yu Fei's level as a medical practitioner was also very high. She completed the bandaging and applying medicine very efficiently.

But hearing the increasing number of fire and explosions on the battlefield, An Ming couldn't imagine how many of the Yunqi comrades died during this period. The fleet summoned by Bu Liren in the sky covered the sky, and Luofu's battleships continued to explode from the sky into a flash of fireworks.

Although there was no hope, the Yunqi still fought hard to defend Fanghu. They must not let Fengraomin break through the front line!

An Ming smelled the bloody smell in the air for a long time. It was the will of the dead and the expectation of the living.

"The immortal boat soars, the cloud riders always win..."

An Ming saw the wounded being sent to the field hospital, and lost his life before he finished his last sentence.

He reached out and closed the eyes of the cloud rider.

An indescribable sadness rushed to his head.

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