[40 years old, you have been married to Fu Xuan for nine years, and you still stay in the courtyard during this period. The couple has a harmonious relationship, and Fu Xuan has gradually taken over more Luofu affairs and become a reliable Taibu.]

But An Ming still has some doubts, why his wife is as cute as a child after returning home, and there is always an illusion that he is the senior brother and Fu Xuan is the junior sister.

Fu Xuan always likes to bask in the sun with him under the peach tree, and even complains: "Isn't basking in the sun a leisure method that only old men like? You are so young and have saved thirty or forty years of detours in advance."

When Taibu Fu sometimes doesn't have time to go to Yuque, he will call Qingque to deliver letters for her.

Qingque was naturally very unhappy when she came to see An Ming for the first time. There are obviously more quick and convenient options, but Taibu chose the slowest Qingque logistics.

But she has never been to Yuque, so it's not bad to treat it as a public travel.

Qingque may not be good at other things, but he is first-rate in regulating emotions. He soon came to Yuque and met his master under the famous peach tree.

Although An Ming himself did not know, the peach blossom sword head in Yuque had already become a legendary story passed down by word of mouth among the people of Xianzhou. Whenever the tragic third war of the rich people was mentioned, An Ming could not be avoided.

No matter how the world judged, An Ming's contribution was beyond doubt. If there was any doubt, he could ask calmly: "Go and catch an arrow from the emperor's bow?"

This is really a death after trying. Except for An Ming, no one has been able to come back alive from the great grace of the emperor's bow.

"Qingque, a humble student, greets the sword head master."

Qingque's cute eyes curiously looked at the tall back under the tree. It was not as majestic as imagined, but surprisingly reassuring.

Is this the source of the master Taibu asking her to write a leave note every month?

Qingque has been on the verge of collapse these years. She is still just a child, but she has to think about how to make up new reasons for Fu Xuan to ask for leave. The general is not so easy to fool.

At first, Qingque would copy some flowery sentences from the book, supplemented by hexagrams, astronomy, Luofu situation, alliance events, and fabricated a perfect leave note that was so perfect that Fu Xuan doubted it was true.

[The hexagrams fluctuate, the yin and yang change, now Luofu is uncertain, I go to Yuque to find a way to break the deadlock]

Until Qingque wrote 89 leave notes in a month-

The content of the leave notes gradually evolved into: [Love, ask for leave], [Yuque, leave], [Wedding anniversary, xxx days, understand? ], [Leave].

God of Birds, it's over.

Why is she the one who gets hurt when the old lady Taibu falls in love? This is not right!

She can't come to Taibusi just to write a leave note!

No, sister?

She and the Grand Master are close friends, but the Grand Master treats her like a cow and a horse!

So this is how she can become the Grand Master of Luofu? Then she can sleep with her!

"Just call me An Ming."

An Ming looked at Qing Que, and in a trance, he seemed to see his former self. What was Jing Tian thinking when he saw him at that time?

Qing Que took out more than 30 letters from the package, tied them neatly with red ropes, and placed them on the stone table next to the tree, "Sword Head... Lord An Ming, these are the letters that the Grand Master asked me to bring."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"No, no, it's just a piece of cake~"

Qing Que scratched the back of his head, and always felt that this master was much easier to talk to than he imagined, and he would not suddenly assign her a mountain of books and homework like Fu Xuan.

Well, the master is a good person!

"I can't let you make a wasted trip. Since you are Xuan'er's apprentice, it's appropriate," An Ming said as he threw a wooden sword over. Youth has no price. The bird god blinked and was hit on the head by the sword. He was dizzy and almost fell asleep.

"Wait... I'm a civilian!"

Qingque covered her swollen forehead and wanted to run away without tears. No one told her that she would be beaten for delivering letters here!

"It doesn't matter. Xuan'er was also a civilian at the beginning," An Ming also raised a wooden sword. The momentum of his whole body changed instantly, like a sharp blade ready to burst out with a shocking breath at any time.

In this way, Qingque delivered letters once or twice a year, and was always caught to practice sword. A good civilian in the Taibu Division was trained by An Ming into a half-cloud rider.

Qingque first realized the results of her practice in a game of Dihuan Qiongyu card after skipping class. With an excited "Win!", the card table was slapped into pieces by the God of Sparrow.

The surrounding card friends looked at Qingque, the weak girl, with eyes that had seen a ghost. Isn't this card table made of marble? How can it be broken!

Later, the famous God of Sparrow was able to smash the skull of the rich evil creature into pieces with just a piece of mahjong.

Using cards as swords is a good story.

But thatAll of these are things of the past. Now Qingque is just a young girl who has not officially joined the Taibu Division.

An Ming did want to accept a disciple, and Qingque was also recognized by Fu Xuan. As the head of the Jade Que Sword, he gave Qingque some inheritance.

As for what realm Qingque can reach, it depends on Qingque herself.

An Ming just wanted to leave some traces.

"Long time no see, An Ming, about the Taishi Flame you mentioned to me before," Jing Yuan lazily leaned against the door and knocked, holding a pot of sake in his hand.

"Xuan'er won't let me drink."

"Fu Qing is not here again, now it's just you and me."

Jing Yuan sat at the stone table with a smile, and looked at the peach tree and made a rather emotional voice, "It's been more than 20 years."

An Ming packed up the wine bottle and put it on the table, and took some salted peanuts. He glanced outside the door to confirm that there was no Fu Xuan before taking the bottle and pouring two glasses.

Xuan'er won't say anything if I drink a glass of wine occasionally.

"How about Taishiyan?"

"【Suihuang】 is naturally qualified as the core of Zhuming," Jingyuan took the wine bottle and recalled the result obtained a few days ago, "I'm afraid you will go to Zhuming Engine Center in person."

"... step out of this small courtyard?"

An Ming was silent for a long time, and cast his eyes to the bamboo forest outside the courtyard, "What is that person's opinion?"

"Of course I promised, but it can't be discovered by outsiders," Jingyuan certainly got Hua's instructions, otherwise it would harm Anming.

"Thank the Marshal for me."

An Ming raised the wine bottle and clinked it with Jingyuan lightly. In the end, both of them just took a sip, just to celebrate this hard-won moment.

Before leaving, Jingyuan left the documents for going to Zhuming, which were naturally forged reliable identities, and also only gave Anming one month.

Regardless of the result, An Ming must return to this small courtyard in a month, which is also the minimum requirement for Hua to maintain the judgment.

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