A07 stood quietly beside the flowerbed, and time had never left any trace on her.

Just like the first meeting seven years ago, nothing has changed.

"You... have grown taller."

A07 hesitated for a long time before speaking, and her eyes as beautiful as the sunset were now filled with complex emotions.

"We meet again," An Ming didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment, "I didn't introduce myself last time, my name is An Ming."

"An Ming... An Ming," A07 murmured softly, and after a few seconds, she raised her serious face and said: "Melfire Knight pilot, A07, I have been ordered to lead you to the mountains."

She was a little afraid to look directly into An Ming's clear eyes. If she knew that An Ming was the boy she had met before, she would never accept this task.


An Ming didn't expect to hear such an answer. It didn't sound like a person's name, but the number of an item.

A07 looked a little nervous, and was slightly relieved when she saw that An Ming's eyes did not change. She was afraid of that kind of eyes - the kind of eyes that looked at consumables.

How strange, as the fuel of the Molten Knight, why would she have such thoughts? As a cyborg, she was just a consumable.

"I will conduct a driver assessment on you," A07 put her right hand on her chest, and her eyes, which were like a weak little rabbit, suddenly became firm, "I will not let you go to the mountains before completing the assessment."

"Yes, examiner."

An Ming saluted slightly, and the inexplicable feelings in his heart made his whole body boil. Being able to meet A07 again was the best gift God gave him.

Therefore, he did not notice the worry that flashed in A07's eyes.

[12 years old, A07 became your swordsmanship teacher this year. Her superb skills benefited you a lot, and the long time you spent together also made you understand her better]

[At the same time, the cavalry led by the empire began to sound the horn of conquest around them, and the gray sky of Gramer seemed to have color]

[You can always see A07 leaning against the window in a daze, quietly watching the cavalry passing through the sky]

[A07's swordsmanship is extremely superb, and you can never defeat her]


A crisp rebound sounded, and the sword in An Ming's hand fell uncontrollably to the floor. The sharpness in the eyes of A07, who stood quietly in front of him, slowly subsided.

A07 is more like an ordinary girl next door on weekdays, with a warm and healing smile, but as soon as she enters the battle, she will show a fiery edge.

A07 had a few strands of hair soaked in sweat on her forehead. After a slight breath, she said, "You have made great progress."

An Ming's actual performance was not just "great progress", it would be more accurate to describe it as a leap forward. A07 had never seen anything like this before.

At the beginning, he could only hold on to her for less than a minute, but now he could hold on for more than ten minutes, and even fight back and forth.

The more dazzling the talent An Ming showed, the deeper her worries were. It was very likely that the incident could no longer be stopped.

The ruling parliament would never let go of a genius like An Ming, and the empire also needed a sharp blade that could be known to the world, and An Ming was the best choice.

What's more, the empire was never afraid of betrayal.

Because... that was a situation that would never happen.

"It's all because of your good teaching, sister."

"Sister...?" A07 blinked her beautiful eyes, staring at An Ming, whose height was almost catching up with her, and she couldn't help but feel a little dazed, but soon she overlapped with the figure of the boy in her memory.

An Ming wiped the sweat off his palms with a towel and suggested casually, "I want to take my sister to a place. Today's practice is over. Should it be okay?"

"Yeah," A07 pursed her thin lips, and the light pink color looked like cherry blossoms in full bloom.

After closing the door of the sword practice room, the two walked side by side on the campus street in midsummer. The girls all changed into cool clothes, showing their best side. A07 still wore a black shawl and a white and blue skirt, and the blue-black gradient stockings outlined the delicate curve of her calves.

An Ming had accidentally seen her closet, which was full of neatly stacked skirts and stockings of the same style.

"It's been a year."

"A year... Yes, it's been a year."

An Ming saw that A07's eyes were nostalgic, and there was some reluctance that came from nowhere.

"This way," An Ming reached out and held A07's slender wrist at the corner under the shade of the tree. The sudden touch made A07's whole body become a little stiff, but she did not break free, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks.

Under the dense shade of the tree, there were only a fewA ray of sunlight fell from the crack, but An Ming led A07 forward in it with ease.

The disturbances in the outside world gradually disappeared, and only the sounds of unknown insects could be heard, until the clear sound of spring water came from the front, with a kind of Peach Blossom Spring atmosphere.

"When I first came to the college, I always liked to come here alone," An Ming recalled that dark memory. Perhaps it was the love of his parents and the obsession to see A07 again that supported him until now.

Clear spring water flowed down from the cracks in the mountain, forming a small pool of water, and crystal blue light lit up from time to time under the shade of the trees.

A07 had never seen such a scene, and his eyes reflected little by little blue light balls, "What is this?"

"Fireflies, generally only have a lifespan of 3-7 days."

"......" A07 suddenly didn't know what to say, and her beautiful eyes were full of confusion, "Why do you shine?"

Obviously, it only has a lifespan of seven days, why does it bring such a warm light?

If we are born to die, then what is the meaning of living?

"Fireflies may not shine for others, but to prove to themselves that they have been in this world," An Ming looked at the slightly dim blue pupils in A07's eyes and said what he had always wanted to say:

"When we first met, I thought your eyes were beautiful. With such beautiful pupils, you must have a nice name."


A07 was stunned. For some reason, a trace of bitterness flowed through her heart. She had never had a name, and she was only called by a cold code name.

She also didn't understand the eyes that An Ming saw. There was probably only confusion in those eyes.

The blue light of the firefly fell into the girl's almond eyes, and the pupils seemed to be inlaid with stars more gorgeous than the Milky Way.

"Liu Ying."


"Let's call it Liu Ying," An Ming smiled at the girl, "as warm and shining as a firefly."

"Liu... Ying," A07 read the short characters awkwardly as if she was learning to speak for the first time. It was just a simple word, but it was so precious to her.

Her world was originally dark, but now there was light.

Just like a firefly, just a little bit of light.

But just a little bit is enough.

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