The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of fire.

Above the erosion tunnel, which was like burning paper.

A Doomsday Beast swept forward surrounded by two hundred fighter planes.

Opposite them was another Doomsday Beast, which was chased by more Doomsday Beasts and aircraft.

The Doomsday Beasts looked similar, but the one being chased was the fastest.

It flew towards the gunfire of the aircraft like a moth.

Its wings spread.

The light rain washed forward!

The Doomsday Beast on the opposite side also responded with the same light rain!

The sound of explosions was the main theme of Car Wash Star tonight.

The faster Doomsday Beast rushed out of the smoke.

It was heading towards the group of aircraft in front of the left, where there were fewer unmanned fighters.

It looked like it was going to continue to break through and escape.

However, the Doomsday Beast and the aircraft group on the opposite side disagreed.

Their mission was to drag this Doomsday Beast here.

As long as they could hold it back for a moment, this little bug running around would be ruthlessly destroyed!

Even if they would die with it!

They were destined to be "destroyed" and were always ready to go to "destruction".

At this moment, a light blue cross began to light up in the cloudless sky above them.

It was like the light of the stars, but much brighter.

The servants of "Destruction" used their fastest speed to block the way forward for the little bug.

The "little bug" seemed to see that there was no hope of breaking through, so it raised its head and climbed up to the sky at a 90-degree curve!

They immediately caught up!

All the aircraft groups and Doomsday Beasts began to rush towards the starry sky.

It was mighty, like fireworks in the rising stage, exploding with light at any time.

They didn't notice.

A small black dot fell from the "little bug".

At an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Compared to the fleet and the extremely huge Doomsday Beast, the black dot was really tiny.

But for the black dot, this moment could be said to be his great moment.

The greatness of courage.

Qi Yu never thought that one day he would take the initiative to jump from 10,000 meters.

A parachute jump without a parachute!

With the deep blue light that was becoming extremely dazzling in the sky.

He could see the outline of the curve of the planet in the sky.

It was an orange curve.

It was the sunlight from the star that illuminated this galaxy to the opposite hemisphere.

It was magnificent.

If this star had consciousness, perhaps it would not have thought of it.

When it illuminates the land under Qi Yu's feet again.

No intelligent life can praise its beauty or be grateful for its selflessness...

Qi Yu measured the vastness of the sky at a speed of nearly 400 meters per second.

The surging blood in his heart expressed his excitement.

He had also dreamed of leaving behind the heavy reality, going to a distant place to jump without worries, and breathing the taste of freedom.

But in his previous life, he did not realize it.

Unexpectedly, just a few hours after crossing over.

He had already lived the life he had dreamed of.

So even at such a dangerous moment.

Qi Yu was still a little moved.

He even thanked himself for crossing over.

Even if it was just for this moment, it was worth it.

In this lively mood, Qi Yu opened the mask of his helmet without thinking.

The whistling wind rushed into his ears.

But he could breathe the air of this sky freely.

He could appreciate more clearly the spots of light under the night sky and on the sea.

It was a pity that it was the light of destruction.

He could imagine it.

In the past prosperity of this planet, the lights of the city that never sleeps must have illuminated the sea like wicks...

A strand of flying lavender hair floated in front of Qi Yu's eyes.

Qi Yu turned his head and looked.

The black swan, like a wind elf, followed him freely.

A pair of starry eyes looked sadly at the destroyed city below.

Even if she became Palu, she was still the black swan who was keen on collecting memories and sad about the destruction of civilization.

As if she felt the same emotion, she looked at Qi Yu sideways.

Under the starry sky, the two looked at each other in the vast sky.

The world was vast, but it seemed that there was only each other in their eyes.

Qi Yu could feel that the black swan's emotion, which was different from Palu's for the master, was growing in those beautiful eyes.

That emotion might be called a like-minded person or a confidant.

The two smiled together.

At that moment, Qi Yu seemed to have truly known the black swan.

A living woman, she really walked out of the game and came to him.

And he really did travel through time.

Qi Yu exhaled a breath of turbid air from his chest, and felt that he was his true self at this moment.

His mood suddenly became clear

Qi Yu, who had opened the hole, got rid of the embarrassment of escaping.

The black swan's red lips moved slightly, indicating that he was approaching the tunnel.

Qi Yu understood and turned to take out the Paloo Ball.

He sucked the Doomsday Beast that had attracted all the enemies to the sky.

Even though it was ten thousand meters away, the Doomsday Beast returned to the Paloo Ball in seconds.

Qi Yu could imagine the sudden shock of the group of pursuers and laughed at it.

The deep blue light in the sky was so bright that it was difficult to see directly with the naked eye.

But Qi Yu relied on his good eyes after the physical strength bonus and still stared at it.

He didn't know if the "Iron Curtain" was behind the deep blue.

But he still raised his middle finger to the deep blue light.

To the "Iron Curtain"!

And to that bastard "Destruction" Star God!

The blue light of the Paloo Ball in his hand flashed, and the seriously injured Doomsday Beast appeared next to Qi Yu again.

It grabbed Qi Yu and fell straight into the tunnel!

In the night sky, the long-charged near-Earth orbital cannon fired!

A deep blue beam of light pressed from space to the docking port at high speed!

In an instant, everything was silent!

Then, a thousand-foot-long light!

The beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth gradually dissipated.

The originally magnificent docking port was mostly incomplete.

The bottomless hole attracted a lot of seawater to flow back.

The virtual soldiers, buildings, and the erosion tunnel that existed here a moment ago have disappeared without a trace.

The quiet night sky suddenly had the sound of an engine.

A huge spaceship slowly flew here.

A huge red coil shot out from the bottom of the spaceship, sweeping the hole below, as if exploring something.

After a while, a hollow mechanical electronic sound sounded between heaven and earth:

[Search result: The target disappeared.

Possibility 1: Dead.

Possibility 2: Entered the erosion tunnel.

Analysis: The purpose of the target's actions before and after is obvious, the probability of possibility one is 30%, and the probability of possibility two is 70%.

The inference result is possibility two, the target has escaped.

Update command one: continue to pursue.

Update command two: start all self-destruct programs and destroy everything. 】

The electronic sound dissipated in the air, which was the only language of this planet in the long years to come.

The light blue light in the night sky lit up again.

The number was thirty.

The entire night sky gradually lit up into a blue day.

At the same time, countless fighter planes on the sea, including this spacecraft, exploded.

Mushroom clouds rose in thousands of docking ports.

The light in the sky turned into a deep blue light column and descended.

β-6 Car Wash Planet became a ruin where "destruction" walked, and there was no civilization.

… … … … … … …

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