The old man was buried in a graveyard, and the old mane was buried.

Alexandra Square.

The silver-haired girl was leading a team of well-equipped Silver Mane Iron Guards to patrol everywhere. Even though they had searched for three days without success, they still maintained sufficient vigilance.

In front of the Eternal Winter Monument composed of huge blue crystals and exquisite gears.

A group of children were excitedly asking their teacher where this tall monument came from.

The female teacher slowly told the introduction of the Eternal Winter Monument in the textbook:

The gears symbolizing knowledge and industrial power, and the huge crystals symbolizing the cold wave.

The two symbols fit tightly together, and the gears bound the frost, representing the spirit of the city builders who would not succumb to the wild nature.

The children seemed to feel the spirit of the ancestors who fought against nature and were indomitable, and their faces were red with excitement.

The silver-haired girl Bronya, who was patrolling nearby, looked at the children quietly.

She was somewhat happy that Beloberg was still peaceful today.

But thinking that Beloberg had to fight the cold wave and now had to beware of the antimatter army that would come out of nowhere, the girl frowned again at this severe situation.

A little boy looked away during the teacher's speech and suddenly saw Bronya next to him.

"Ms. Bronya! It's Ms. Bronya!"

The little boy's excited shout attracted the children's attention at once.

"Wow, it's really Ms. Bronya! So beautiful! So elegant!"

The girls cheered excitedly.

The boys also rushed forward.

Bronya's popularity was undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment.

She hurriedly welcomed the children's enthusiastic hugs, and she was gentle and elegant in the chaos.

The guards wanted to expel the child, but Bronya waved to stop them.

"Ms. Bronya, are you on patrol?"

The little boy who first discovered Bronya asked excitedly.

Bronya gently brushed one side of her hair behind her ear, bent down slightly and smiled:

"Yes, I am on patrol."

A little girl at the side asked immediately:

"I know, Ms. Bronya is catching the bad guys hiding in Beloberg!"

The little girl's words immediately caused the classmates to scramble to answer.

"I know that too! I know that too! My father is a Silvermane Guard! He said there are bad guys hiding in Beloberg! Lady Bronya is catching them!"

"I know more! The bad guys are those Rift Creatures!"

"No! It's the blue-haired bad uncle who sneaked up from the lower area!"

"No! No! It's, it's, it's some legion! I forgot the name, but it's definitely some legion!"

The children chattered like sparrows.

Bronya was familiar with the children's excessive enthusiasm, but she didn't mind, smiling and waiting for the opportunity to speak.

Fortunately, the teacher who accompanied the team hurriedly stopped the children.

"Be quiet! Don't disturb Lady Bronya!"

Bronya smiled and nodded to the teacher to express her gratitude.

Then she asked the children seriously:

"Did you hear it from the adults at home?"


"Everyone has been talking about it these past two days! Dad said there might be a big war!"


The rush of answers let Bronya know.

The three-day strict investigation by the Iron Guards still aroused the suspicion of the citizens.

And some high-ranking officers who knew the target of the search leaked the information.

Bronya did not tell the Iron Guards that they were searching for the enemies of the Antimatter Corps.

It was to minimize the panic of the citizens.

It was also for stability, so the citizens were allowed to carry out their activities as usual.

But she also knew that information leakage was difficult to avoid.

Thinking of this, she asked the children seriously:

"Are you afraid?"

"No! We have Lady Bronya to protect us!"

"Yes! There is also the Great Guardian, the handsome Lord Jeppard, and many, many Iron Guards to protect us. We are not afraid!"

"Let all those bad guys die!"

The children's answer was full of trust in the Silver Mane Iron Guard.

It also made Bronya feel the heavy responsibility on her shoulders again.

However, her tense nerves in the past three days also relaxed a little in front of the children's energetic smiles.

Bronya's right hand wearing a black glove touched the Iron Guard medal on her chest and promised the children seriously:

"Thank you for your trust. The Silver Mane Iron Guard will never let these bad guys destroy Beloberg!"

"Yeah! We believe that Lady Bronya will do it!


"Lord Bronya is so handsome!"

"I want to fight the bad guys too!"

"Is there a possibility that the bad guys you are talking about don't want to destroy Beloberg?"

A man's voice suddenly interrupted the childish and excited words.

A moon-white sleeve suddenly broke into Bronya's field of vision.

She looked up in surprise and found that a man was standing among the children.

The man had short hair, a sharp face, and a pair of black pupils.

Bronya felt as if she had seen this man somewhere before.

And she had seen him recently...


It was the strange wanted poster that Jeppard drew based on Lord Cocolia's description!

The enemy they have been chasing for the past three days!

Although the man in front of her looked better than the one on the wanted poster, the features of his eyebrows and eyes were exactly the same!

After recognizing the man, Bronya's heart tightened.

"Iron Guard! Defend against the enemy! Protect the children! "

Bronya shouted orders nervously, and at the same time, a delicate rifle in her hand was pointed at Qi Yu's forehead.

But she waited for a moment, and the guards behind her did not move!

Bronya turned her head and looked behind her. The guards were standing there in fascination.

She looked at the children in front of her again. They closed their eyes, but there was a smile on the corners of their mouths, as if they had dreamed a good dream.

This weird scene made Bronya sweat coldly, and she looked at the man in front of her in surprise.

"Don't be nervous, I won't hurt you, I just want to go shopping."

Qi Yu signaled Bronya not to be so alert, and explained why he was here.

He didn't lie, he just wanted to go out and see what the real Beloberg looked like.

But Bronya would definitely not believe Qi Yu.

She held the rifle tightly in her hand, without retreating a step, and warned sternly:

"Leave these children! "

"Relax, I'm not a terrorist who will hurt children."

Qi Yu calmly walked through the children and walked straight towards Bronya.

It seemed that what was pointed at him was not a gun that could take his life at any time, but just an ordinary fire stick.

Bronya's right index finger nervously held the trigger, exerting a little force, ready to pull it at any time.

"Don't come any closer!"

But Qi Yu turned a deaf ear and walked straight towards Bronya.

"Iron Guard! Take the children away! "

But no matter how Bronya called out, the guards around him and even the children in front of him did not respond.

She realized that she might have been hit by some strange trick of the enemy.


A gunshot!

Bronya fired a shot at Qi Yu's right hand!

But the bullet was blocked by the light shield that suddenly appeared in front of Qi Yu!

Bronya looked at Qi Yu, who was unharmed, with an ugly face.

The enemy seemed to be stronger than she had imagined.

And Qi Yu had walked in front of her and gently pressed the gun in her hand.

"Bronya, right? It's a bit strange to call your name in front of you for the first time."

Qi Yu said with a smile.

"Your current job is to find me, so your time is all mine, which means you can accompany me to visit Beloberg and be my guide when you are free, right?"

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