The young girl was very happy.

"Today, you will become the Great Guardian. Are you nervous?"

The mother asked the girl.

The Great Guardian also asked her successor.

"I am ready."

Cocolia suppressed a trace of nervousness in her heart and said firmly.

"Okay, I hope you can lead the people of Beloberg to a better tomorrow."

The mother said kindly, also full of expectations for her successor.

Cocolia put on the exquisite Iron Guard medal and walked towards the people who greeted her.

At the grand inauguration ceremony.

She read out a solemn oath to the standing Yongdong Monument:

"I will guard the wind and snow!

I will implement the will of "preservation"!

I will dedicate my life to Beloberg!


The applause was thunderous.

Her ministers, her iron guards, and her people cheered for her and jumped for joy!

She looked at her best friend, Shiluwa, who was also clapping with a smile. She noticed her gaze and winked at her, as if to say:

"You are the Great Guardian now, but you must protect me!"

Cocolia smiled.

She noticed that the iron guard next to Shiluwa looked familiar, as if he was her former classmate in the academy.

She also invited him to drink soda and chatted with him several times.

He has also become her people.

Cocolia felt the heaviness on her body from this moment on.

But she was confident that she could be a qualified Great Guardian and bring a better future to the people of Beloberg.

"Can you really do it? "

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded in his mind.

Cocolia looked at the noisy crowd below, wondering where the voice came from...



"Lord Cocolia, according to the report from the officials of the Statistics Department, the amount of earth marrow ore that can be mined in Beloberg is decreasing year by year, and it may face the dilemma of no ore to mine in 20 to 30 years."

"Lord Cocolia, the rift is gradually eroding into the front line of the restricted area, and our army's defensive front is gradually shortening, and the Iron Guards have suffered heavy casualties."

"Lord Cocolia, some nobles bribed the Iron Guards in the upper and lower districts, stole a large amount of earth marrow ore and put it on the black market for auction, making a lot of money."

"Lord Cocolia, there is a surge of strike ideas among miners in the lower districts recently. There is intelligence that they will strike and march to demand better treatment for miners. "


Listening to the officials' repeated calls of "Lord Cocolia", and the reports of the most frustrating things, Cocolia frowned, feeling that the burden on her shoulders was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

The bribery of the nobles was easy to solve. After a long period of peace, it was natural for some corrupt termites to appear.

As long as she held the military power tightly, severely suppressed them, and killed a group of the most violent ones, the remaining clowns would naturally not dare to jump again.

It was not difficult for the miners to go on strike. First, delay, then suppress, and finally improve their treatment as they wished, so as not to let them get too much, and they would really gain something.

Improving the happiness of the people of Beloberg was what she was determined to do, and the people in the lower district were no exception.

However, the earth marrow mine was about to be exhausted, and the rift was constantly eroding. These two things made Cocolia feel powerless.

"The Everlasting City" Beloberg could hold on in the wind and snow, firstly relying on the indomitable will of the city builders, and secondly relying on the rich and convenient earth marrow energy.

But no matter how much energy there is, it cannot withstand the tireless pursuit for seven hundred years.

And they are also unable to explore more mineral sources.

Because of the wind and snow, because of the rift...

Twenty or thirty years...

This is quite long for a person, but it is just a short moment for civilization. The time number lingers in Cocolia's heart.

Will Beloberg come to an end during her tenure?

No, I will not let that day come!

But, what should be done?

What should be done?

"Child, listen to my voice, I will tell you where the future is..."

The strange voice sounded again.

"Who! Who is talking!"

Cocolia turned around suddenly and looked around majestically!

But there was silence all around.

Only her personal guard, the man asked her softly:

"No one is talking, what did you hear?"

Cocolia did not answer.

But her purple eyes revealed a trace of helplessness.

But she can't rely on him, she needs to find a way on her own...



"Does the "new world" really exist?"

After years in office, Cocolia has become mature.

She is in the best years of a woman's life, with a proud and plump figure

, the noble status of the Great Guardian, her every move has a charm that can overturn a city and a country.

But most men who admire her dare not speak in front of her, because her eyebrows have already carried the majesty of a ruler who commands life and death.

She has mastered the handling of government affairs and established her majesty in Beloberg.

But she is not happy.

Because Beloberg's desperate future still bothers her all the time.

That strange voice is always tempting her.

Under the increasing pressure and anxiety, she changed.

She wanted to try the method of that voice.

Change may lead to life, but if you don't change, you will definitely die.

Beloberg's predicament has reached such a level.

The only way she can change now is this voice...

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?"

She turned her head and looked at the iron guard who had been staying beside her.

The man remained silent and did not comment on Cocolia's actions. He just said gently:

"You are tired."

Cocolia lowered her eyebrows, put down the confidence she had forced in front of her people, curled up in the seat of the Great Guardian, and murmured:

"Well, I am really a little tired."

Looking at Cocolia's haggard and pitiful appearance, the man suddenly smiled and asked:

"If one day in the future I reappear in front of you and tell you that I can save Beloberg without relying on the star core, will you believe me?"

Cocolia was stunned for a moment, not knowing why the man said this, perhaps to comfort her.

She thought for a moment and said in a low voice:

"It's such a slim hope that it won't appear. Haha, but if you said it, I might consider whether to believe you."

"It's good to consider it. Well, it may be a bit too early to say this now, but if I can really save Beloberg, how will you reward me? Lady Great Guardian?"

"Reward? Well... If, if, you can really save Beloberg, then... As long as I can give it, you can have anything you want."

Cocolia said so, and her extremely depressed mood also rose a little because of the man's interruption.

The man nodded with satisfaction.

He understood Cocolia, and what she said was true.

"It's just that we all know that such a future will not come..."

Although Cocolia was left with a glimmer of illusory hope in her heart by the man, her reason made her understand that it was just a fantasy.

She looked out the window at Beloberg wrapped in snow with absent-minded eyes and asked:

"You said that people should take medicine when they are sick, but why should the world eat people when it is sick?"



"Silver Mane Iron Guards, listen up, seal off the lower area!"

Cocolia's order was faithfully carried out.

And the people who were loyal to her were also divided into two worlds.

She only took a child from the lower area, which also belonged to her.

And left behind countless confusions and resentments.

Since she decided to listen to the voice called "Star Core".

She put aside her previous hesitation.

She became more decisive and ruthless, and was able to accept the news that the rift had eroded into the Beloberg business district and the Iron Guards suffered heavy casualties without any expression.

And she knew this would be the result early on...

"Cocolia, why did you seal off the lower area?"

When asked by her former best friend Shiluwa, Cocolia could only give a formula - in order to concentrate her strength to resist the rift erosion in the upper area.

Xiluwa didn't understand, but she couldn't change Kokolia's decision.

But after that, when Xiluwa made progress in the research of the star core and wanted to apply for a force to go out of the city to find the star core, she was severely opposed by Kokolia.

The research was even stopped and all researchers were detained.

"... Why, Kokolia... Why have you become so indifferent?"

Listening to her best friend's words, Kokolia felt a little heartbroken.

Xiluwa didn't understand her.

She didn't want to explain to Xiluwa.

A thick barrier stood between the two people who were once the closest.

She turned her head and looked at the iron guard who had been silently accompanying her.

Fortunately, he still understood her.



A warm afternoon.

The bright sunshine penetrated into the room through the window, gently falling on Kokolia and the silver-haired girl sitting on his lap.

The fairy tale full of love and kindness was gently told from Kokolia's plump and rosy lips.

The girl listened with great interest, but she was quite critical of the ending of the fairy tale.

"Mother, why can't Lord Geller live a happy life like Catherine?"

"Do you want her to be happy, Bronya?"

"Lord Geller is a kind person. Kind people should live a happy life."

Cocolia smiled

, did not continue.

Only in Bronya would she let go of all her coldness and defense, and silently asked herself-are you kind?

She already had her own answer in her heart.

In the silent time, the sunlight from the window was slightly blocked by the clouds, and Cocolia's upper body was hidden in the shadow.

"Do you regret it?"

Behind her, the man in the shadow asked softly.

Cocolia did not look back. She looked at the little girl on her lap who was completely bathed in the sun, as if she was looking at hope, as if she was looking at her former self.

"No, no..."



Time turned into memory page by page, but Cocolia's appearance had not changed.

Perhaps because of the blessing of the "preservation" authority, the passage of time made her no longer a girl.

But she still retained her elegance and charm.

But she was sitting in the dark room of the Great Guardian with a heavy face.

After returning from Yongdong Ridge, she issued an order to capture the man from the Antimatter Corps, regardless of life or death, and then sat there motionless.

Until the Iron Guard who had been with her for more than 20 years walked in front of her and looked into her eyes.

The familiar feeling she had when she first saw the man's face finally had a source.

He looked exactly like the man from the Antimatter Corps on Yongdong Ridge.

Cocolia opened her mouth to speak, but the golden hair that she accidentally held in her mouth stuck to her lips. She found that she had not spoken for a long time and did not know what to say.

She closed her lips again, bit the strand of hair with her clean teeth, and stared at the man expressionlessly.

Qi Yu asked her softly:

"Are you going to advance your plan?"

Cocolia was silent for a while, and finally answered him:

"Yes, I will let Beloberg start to enter the "new world" in three days."

"Even if there are many casualties? ”

“They won’t die, they will just become residents of the new world… just like the Iron Guards who have died in the Rift over the years.”

“Do they agree to be transformed into such a Rift monster?”

“It’s better than actually dying.”

“I think that’s worse than death… What about you, you don’t object to being a Rift monster forever?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Aren’t you afraid of failure?”

“What kind of failure? Is it the only ending where I die?”

“What if? What if you are the only one who turns into a Rift monster?”

“If that’s the case, then I’m not afraid of failure…”

Cocolia stood up from the Great Guardian’s ice chair and stared at Qi Yu with a firm expression, just like when she swore an oath in front of the Eternal Winter Monument.

Her powerful voice echoed in the Great Guardian’s room:

“Because there are my people on both sides.”

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