The green star core was successfully collected by the special-grade Paloo Ball.

But the blue light reappeared immediately, and the star core struggled out.

The star core is level 79.

In theory, the special-grade Paloo Ball should not be able to capture it.

Because Qi Yu secretly saw the capture probability of a level 75 full-blooded firefly before, even the master Paloo Ball was 0%...

But when the special-grade Paloo Ball was used to capture the star core, there was already a 0.1% success rate, which was a bit abnormal.

Qi Yu guessed that it might be because the star core itself was half-sealed by the restraint device left by the company.

Qi Yu was not surprised at all that the star core struggled out of the palu ball in an instant.

He was ready for a protracted war.

He immediately took out another special palu ball and threw it up.

He did not use the master palu ball for the time being, because there were only 5 of them, and the success rate was only 1%.

The special palu balls had the materials of the task reward yesterday, and then they were processed by the palus from yesterday to now.

He now has 308 of them!

So Qi Yu planned to throw out 200 special palu balls first. If he still didn't hit, he would throw the master palu balls again.

Of course, he prayed that it would not happen, because 200 special palu balls were very precious to him!


Beyond the wind and snow, there was a very fierce battle.

Three of the six wind-raisers had died, but nine of the enemy's tramplers had also died.

The star holding the flame gun rushed on the battlefield, extremely brave!

Not far behind her, Sanyueqi leaned back slightly with her slender waist, her chest filled her white shirt, and her bow and arrow were fully drawn to the sky.

Then, many ice arrows with a powder-blue color formed on the bow in an instant, and as Sanyueqi loosened her fingers, the ice arrows shot out at a high speed!

The battlefield burning with flames was immediately attacked by ice arrows with icy wind!

At the same time, thunder and lightning struck!

Xiluwa swept the guitar coolly and handsomely, her golden hair flying, and her sexy figure burst out with powerful power.

In addition, there was a purple figure with a flash of knife light, flexibly shuttling through the battlefield, weaving a network of death!

Nearby, a man in green clothes, as proud as a dragon, held a long spear and accurately and fiercely pierced through the trampler who was wounded by the knife light.

With the help of a bullet at the right time, the enemy was perfectly harvested!

Immediately, a mechanical hand fell from the sky!

Several tall ice spears fell from the sky, nailing the trampler to the ground!


The attack from the sky has not ended yet, and a satellite cannon in low-Earth orbit exploded on the creation platform!

With the assistance of Cocolia, the creation engine and Ji Zi, March 7 and his group quickly killed the trampler.

The battle was tense and exciting!

But inside the enclosed snow and wind, it was a completely different style.

Qi Yu took out the Interstellar Peace Company safe box that had been collecting dust in the inventory and sat on it as a chair.

With his left hand, he took out a newly grown tomato from the Palu Camp and ate it slowly to replenish his consumed physical strength.

This tomato juice was sweet and thick, and he found that he quite liked it.

The upgraded food was indeed more delicious!

At the same time, Qi Yu's right hand was not idle, and one after another special Palu balls were thrown from his hand to capture the struggling star cores.

The scene looked very leisurely for a while...

Soon, Qi Yu had thrown out 50 special-grade Palu balls.

But the highest capture probability only jumped to 21%.

"You are not a soldier of "Destruction", who are you?" "

After being captured 50 times, the Star Core, which had been silent all the time, suddenly spoke.

Qi Yu was very surprised why the Star Core was interested in such a question.

The Star Core gave Qi Yu the feeling that it was a semi-intelligent life that only responded to people's wishes, but realized them in a bad form.

It was more like a top AI with the ability to turn the virtual into the real, and all its actions were just to achieve its goals.

But now it asked Qi Yu about his origins.

What changed it?

In this short period of time, he captured it with the Palu Ball.

So, it was the system?

The system made the Star Core interested in Qi Yu?

Qi Yu was a little confused about what this meant.

Did the Star Core realize that the system was not simple?

Unable to come up with a definite answer, Qi Yu gave up thinking and continued to calmly take out the next ball.

At the same time, while chewing a tomato, he vaguely replied to the Star Core:

"I seem to be falling."


The Star Core was silent.

One after another

The pallu ball takes it into the ball, rotates it twice, and releases it again.

Qi Yu also started to feel a little distressed.

In just a few minutes, he had already lost nearly a hundred special paru balls.

You know, if he hadn't completed the system tasks and received the material rewards, he wouldn't have been able to create more special paru balls!

At this stage, the special paru balls are an important strategic resource for Qi Yu. It can be said that one is used less than one.

But there is no way, the star core has this capture value.

When the hundredth special paru ball was thrown and still failed, Qi Yu decided to use the master paru ball in advance.

Before the two hundred balls are gone, let’s throw one to try our luck. Maybe the master palu ball will be able to enter the soul with one shot?

Qi Yu swallowed the last bite of the tomato in his hand and took out a pink paru ball!

He breathed at the ball, and after a simple "mental enchantment", he gently threw the ball.

The Master Pallu Ball absorbs the star core into the ball smoothly just like the premium Pallu Ball.

Then the pallu ball started spinning.

The probability also starts to jump!

The superior paru ball went much smoother!





Starting to break records!



Qi Yu stood up immediately, there was hope! !

coming soon! coming soon!


It seems like I really hit the target!

Qi Yu's eyes widened, full of excitement, his emotions suddenly became excited, and his heart was in suspense!


The pallu ball suddenly stopped spinning and paused for a few microseconds.

A ray of blue light shot out, and the star core was released...

hiss! ! !

Qi Yu's hanging heart suddenly died.

such a pity!

Qi Yu felt as if the cooked duck had flown away...

It's okay, it's okay, the probability is this.

It would be nice to come again!

The good news is that the Master Parlu Ball is really powerful, and the capture probability has been raised to 65%!

The probability is more than half, which is very promising!


Qi Yu decisively took out another master palu ball and threw it quickly!

Master Palu Ball continues to capture star cores!

Probability jumps!



twenty one%.

The palu ball stopped rotating and the star core was released.

Qi Yu's heart was suddenly blocked...

No, why haven’t you even broken the record of 23% for special parlu balls?

You are a fake master of Parlu Ball!

Qi Yu realized that not every master paru ball can bring a higher probability of catching...

Now there are only three master paru balls left. Qi Yu, who feels sorry for the ball, decides to wait and lose the master ball again...

In exchange for the special parlu ball, Qi Yu continued to lose the ball with a starting probability of 0.1%...

Another few minutes passed.

"Hey, Qi Yu, are you okay?"

Suddenly, March Qi's concerned questions came from the wind and snow behind Qi Yu.

Qi Yu had said beforehand that he would look for opportunities to try to seal the star core, so they probably knew what Qi Yu was doing on March 7th.

But when I saw Qi Yu disappearing for almost ten minutes on March 7, I was a little worried that something had happened to him.

So March 7 moved while fighting, moved to the vicinity of the star core, and shouted into the wind and snow.

Qi Yu also heard March 7's voice. He gritted his teeth and smiled, shouting in as relaxed a tone as possible:

"I'm fine. It's just that the star core is resisting badly. I still need some time. You don't have to worry about me!"

I'm fine, I'm just heartbroken...

"Okay, if you need help, be sure to shout!"

March 7 also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Qi Yu's relaxing voice.

Although she didn't know why Qi Yu's voice sounded a little painful, she still chose to believe Qi Yu.

Qi Yu also realized that the battle outside might be coming to an end, otherwise March 7th would not be leisurely enough to come and ask him.

And he has already lost 195 special parlu balls!

Still failed to capture the star core! !

If this continues, Jizi will really have to seal the star core!

Then the 195 special-grade palu balls and 2 master palu balls he invested were all wasted...

Maybe more...

Qi Yu couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

After throwing 5 more special paru balls, there was still no harvest.

Qi Yu stopped suddenly.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath for half a minute.

Allow yourself to calm down a bit.

After having a premonition that there might be no harvest, Qi Yu felt a little frustrated. After all, he had been quite successful in capturing Palu.

Unexpectedly, Xinghe had chewed a hard nut and almost wiped out all the little wealth he had managed to save...

But maybe Qi Yu was more accustomed to failure in his previous life, so he immediately stopped and adjusted his attitude.


It's okay, it's just that the European Emperor Experience Card is over. It's normal to be a little bit...

Qi Yu told himself that it doesn't matter if he fails. At most, he will lose a flower on the brocade. He still gave Beloberg a helping hand!

Be calm!

Be relaxed!

Exhale the last breath.

After adjusting his state, Qi Yu took out the Master Palu Ball again with a mentality ready to face failure!

The Palu Ball was thrown gently.

The star core was absorbed into it.




The Palu Ball stopped rotating.

The star core broke free.

Without hesitation, Qi Yu took out the Master Palu Ball again and threw it directly up.

Use all the resources you can to fight for greater gains. If you win, you will be happy. If you fail, you will... He will fight again next time!

The probability continues to jump.







Hey, a new high!

Qi Yu's heart was in suspense again!


Very promising!

Rise again!


Good! Good!

Qi Yu's heart was finally relieved!


It worked! !


Qi Yu couldn't help but laugh!

Extreme joy filled his heart!

Sure enough, no matter how low the probability is, but if you try more, you will succeed once!

The palu ball fell into Qi Yu's hands.

Qi Yu was overjoyed as he played with the pink palu ball.

Because this ball showed that the second goal of his "script" had been completed - he successfully captured the star core! !

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