The old man was very happy.

[Video starts

Aha walked up to Xipei and said:

"A family of the same kind? Uh~hahahaha, believe me, you don't want to get involved with them. Yes, yes, there are many benefits to joining a family. Sharing knowledge and helping each other. That's great, but they won't tell you where those who oppose joining the family are now?

What are you asking me? Hahahahaha

Only the guys in the family know the answer behind this! Aha doesn't know anything!"]

《March 7: Is the family actually like this? ! 》

《Star: "March 7, how can I believe everything Aha said? Sister Hippe wouldn't be so cruel."》

《Hippe: "I tolerate everything. Everyone in the family is my child."》

《Aha: "So can you tell Aha where the missing people went?"》

《Sunday: "Of course they were sent back to their original homes. The family won't force anyone. If you don't want to join the family, you can leave."》

《Hanabi: "Really? I don't believe it. Lady Hanabi thinks that Pinocchio must be hiding something fun."》

《Gold Sand: "The family's management of Pinocchio has been unqualified since the resurrection of the remnants of order.

But the family still firmly holds the ownership of Pinocchio. To some extent, it is Irresponsible for the guests."》

《Sunday: "The family assures you that Pinocchio is absolutely safe."》

《Star: "But you have postponed the Harmony Ceremony!"》

《Sunday: "That's because the family still needs to make some preparations."》

《Hanabi: "I don't think you are adding security personnel to make some preparations. Instead, it seems that you are using the security personnel to find something."》

《Sunday: "That is just a necessary safety measure, and the Lord has agreed to this matter."》

《Hippe: "My child's request, I agree to support it."》

《Star: "Then Sister Hippe can sleep with me?"》

《Hippe: "Of course my child, as long as you join the family."》

《March 7: "You are cold to me Be quiet, He is not a pharmacist! "》

《Mockingbird: "The Lord God is so tolerant of his children. Brother, don't you think so?"》

《Sunday: "Yes, yes."》

【Then Ah Ha took out a carefully wrapped gift and gave it to Hippie and said:

"But Ah Ha doesn't mind giving the family some small gifts from time to time. After all, I think Hippie shouldn't mind. A group of performers performed for the family, and it's useless for Him to mind. Hehehehe

Indestructible dreams? It's so funny, in terms of bragging without changing your face. The family's experience makes the Masked Fool feel ashamed. Or they even deceived themselves.

Using uneven bricks and stones to build a high wall without a foundation, the family seems to despise the self of intelligent life too much , [Joy] is everywhere, everyone is a masked fool! ”】

《Aha: "Hippie refused Aha's gift, which really made Aha very sad."

《Fireworks: "It's so funny hahahaha. Indestructible Dreams This is the most fun I have ever heard hahaha."

《Sunday: "Shut up! Fool! Under the protection of harmony, the family will not let any guest have an accident. The Harmony Ceremony will also be held ten days after the original deadline.

At that time, the family will present exquisite gifts to everyone to express their apologies for the postponement of the date. ”》

"Preparations are almost ready, let the world witness the return of order. Seven days off, no one can stop it from coming."

Sunday muttered to himself after reading the reply in the private chat.

This time he made full preparations according to the video. The universe will finally usher in the seven days off!!!

《March 7: "Great!"》

《Gold Dust: "A beautiful gift? Really interesting."》

【"It's going to be fun to watch next. The [mysterious] bomb has been dropped. Ahaha, I'm really looking forward to it. Bang~


There's a saying that the family might as well ask a certain idiot for advice. Oh~ No, the idiot's wall has also been broken several times by a driver.

Squeak, squeak, things have changed! But I don't know why I always have a bad feeling that I should add some dirt to the grave of an old friend."】

《Aha: "Things have really changed! Akivilli Aha really misses you! Your expression when you saw Aha blowing up the train was so funny.

Haha ... ”》

【Bonus: The Real Masked Fool (written by the author himself.)

Aha then came to Scott's photo and put on a clown mask for him.

The other half of the light screen was playing several ending videos in the game.

Aha then said:

"Scott, hahahahahahahaha.

Sorry, Aha can't help it when he mentions him. He is a great animal linguist. His understanding of animal language is really vivid.

You ask Aha why it is so vivid?

Of course, Aha has heard it himself. Hahahaha

To be honest, he should not believe in that idiot. Because no matter how much you believe in that idiot, that idiot will not look up to you.

After all, how can a stone that can only build walls care about its believers? Scott is not even as good as a child now.

Because that child has already received the attention of the stone.


《Aha: "Hahahahaha, well said. ”》

《March Qiqi: "Scott is a bit bad, but he still abides by the bet."

《Star: "That guy really knows animal language."

《Silver Wolf: "After all, it's the first time I've seen someone who can sing the Suleda advertising song with a pig's cry. It's a pity that this is not a game, and it's a pity that I can't listen to it live."

《Scott: "It's over, it's over, now the whole universe knows me."

《Gold Dust: "Hahaha, at least you have kept the company's reputation, which is great."

《Topa: "Indeed, a guy who goes back on his word is much better."

PS: Thank you readers for the gifts.

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