The new situation is not good.

《Osvaldo Schneider: "As expected of the Alliance, the information investigation on me is really detailed. But you are wrong about one thing. I have been exploring and never left. Endless expansion is also a kind of exploration.

They are all exploring new unknown worlds, but the methods are different. I just combine exploration with my interests.

Now, the nameless guests, I will provide you with the best help I can at any time and welcome you to join."》

《Doctor of Truth: "You said so much, I think you want to use the shuttle function of the train to And better serve your career. "》

《Star: "It was a close call, I almost believed it."

《Pam: "This guy has become so hateful now, Pah!"

《Portio: "Everyone, leave this guy to me. I have a score to settle with his Wuwubo, I'm going to love this bastard to death with a gun."

《Osvaldo Schneider: "Conductor, I will be sad if you say that to me."

【"If you have a steady mind and pay attention to order and logic, the "Business Consolidation Department" will be your place to show your skills."

As the introduction continued, a man who was assisted by two mechanical arms to work on the projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

And the code of conduct of the Business Consolidation Department also appeared on the light screen.

The commodity business, as numerous as stars, moved around in the company's largest department, weaving a magnificent trade network in light years."

Then the camera turned and countless little people appeared on the light screen, and then with Pierpoint as the center, countless invisible lines connected one world after another. Formed a huge trade network.

Luo Fu, Punk Lord, are all in it. 】

《Walter: "To put it bluntly, the customer service can send you 800 messages a day. But one thing is right, all the planets known by the company, whether there are life or not, the business consolidation department will place people there."》

《Xing: "I know, I know, I also received customer service information from Interstellar Peace Company on Yalilo 6."》

《Topa: "Thanks to you, we know that there are still people alive on Yalilo 6. We can also recover this bad debt."》

《Sambo: "So it was you who brought the company here."

《Topa: "Do you have a lot of opinions about our company?"

《Sambo: "How could it be. Laugh jpg"

【"Do you know about super-distance transmission and synesthesia beacons? The technology that was once no different from fantasy has long been a product on the company's assembly line."

In the picture, something that looks like a satellite is assembled. As the camera turns, one tiny machine after another is connected to the human brain nerves. 】

《Black Tower: "The company really found something good while picking up trash."

《Screw Gum: "After the company got the blueprint, it took a long time for the Bozhi Society to replicate it. Conclusion: Although the replication speed is slow, it also makes interstellar communication more convenient."

【"If you have ambitions no less than a genius and know how to create value from innovation. You should join the "Technology R&D Department" and work hand in hand with the Bozhi Society."

A Chabao was produced on the assembly line, and the camera switched to a person projecting Chabao in his hand, and then he was talking to Doctor Zhenli.

Below them is the code of conduct of the Technology R&D Department.】

《Black Tower: "Ambition no less than a genius. Haha, their ambition should be the ambition of the bugs."

《Doctor Zhenli: "It's just a department where a bunch of idiots gathered."

《Ruan Mei: "Can the system put some interesting things, such as videos of Star God? These things are too boring."

《Black Tower: "Star, don't look at these meaningless things. I updated the simulated universe to test. ”》

《Star: "You beg me."

《Black Tower: "I beg you, come and test it."

《Star: "I'm coming, I'm coming."

【"Wealth and status are not worth mentioning, you choose to dedicate yourself to the cause of the Amber King. "Construction Materials Logistics Department" belongs to those most loyal believers."

A planet full of pits has countless machines operating on it.

Two people are talking while pointing at the machine in front of them. As the camera switches, a giant in a space suit appears in front of everyone.

And he holds a piece of red stone in his hand.

"This is the starting point and end point of all the company's business. The stone picked up by your own hands will become the foundation of the sub-space barrier. "

A ship full of materials passes through

The wormhole came to the Amber King who was building a wall.

The originally huge spaceship seemed so small in front of the Amber King. 】

《Bluebird: "Isn't this just interstellar brickwork?"

《Esther: "That's right, and the Amber King has never even looked at those materials."

《Emerald: "Ms. Esther, this is the core business of the company, it can't be compared to brickwork."

《Aha: "It's so funny, a group of people are moving bricks for that stone, but the stone doesn't appreciate it at all. Hahaha."

《Fireworks: "If you ask me, you might as well believe in the God of Fun. At least the God of Fun will pay attention to you."

《Emerald: "..."

【"Or, you have a different quality from ordinary people, a rock-hard courage in the face of danger. The "Strategic Investment Department" regards talents as the most valuable investment. ”

The galaxy at the beginning turned into several gems floating on the table. The most eye-catching one is of course the huge diamond.

“Regardless of origin, regardless of background, geniuses are personally selected by “Diamond”. On the stone table, it is decided where to scatter the money like rain.”

A person holds all the gems in his hand and throws them out.

And below the video is the code of conduct of the Strategic Investment Department.】

《Star: “So the Strategic Investment Department is pretty good, treating talents as the most valuable investment. I like it.”

《Topa: “Of course, there are not so many twists and turns in the Strategic Investment Department. As long as you have the ability, even if you are sentenced to death, we can get you out.”

《Diamond: “Miss Star, if you are interested, you can join us. I promise that you can become the eleventh Stone Heart Ten in three years.”

《Star: “Not interested, I still think pioneering is more suitable for me.”

《Pearl: “Diamond, you still don’t understand the heart of a child. Look at me, this is a photo of Jade and a photo of the current gold dust. You've seen Topa, too. Do you understand what I mean?"》

《Xing: "If I go, can you give me one of them? I won't be tempted by such a small thing."》

《Zhenzhu: "No, no, I mean I can give you all of them as long as you add these. What do you think?"》

《Xing: "Hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, I did it!"》

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