The best way to make a living is to wear silk stockings.

《Xing: "Mommy's legs are best suited to black silk stockings. Hehehe. Drooling jgp"

《Silver Wolf: "How did you figure that out? I remember that I didn't add these memories to you."

《Xing: "You don't understand. For a queen like Mommy, long and straight legs are best matched with black silk high heels. For a cute girl with short legs, white silk stockings are best. For a girl with fleshy thighs, I suggest wearing flesh silk stockings."

〈The author seems to have exposed something. It's all the fault of the second personality.〉

《Silver Wolf: "I'm skeptical about the education of the Star Dome Train."

《March 7: "It's none of our business. She's self-taught."

【Kafka starts spanking Xing's butt.

"After I was awakened, I vaguely heard my mother say that she would leave here and let me wander."

The first scene was Xing opening her eyes and seeing Kafka and Silver Wolf.

Kafka looked at Xing tenderly.

Then the camera switched to the cat Xing eating a fish bone with garbage on his head.

"The manual operation of sending the hang is the sustenance of maternal love. How can I live without you?"

Kafka sent the star core into Xing's body and flattened Xing by the way.

Then Kafka took out a black card and said, "Swipe mom's card."]

《Xing: "Really? I want lots and lots of Xingqiong."

《Kafka: "Of course, baby. I'll be in Luofu, remember to find me."

《Xing: "Mommy, wait for me, I'll find you right away!"

《Yukong: "General, let's control them first."

《Jingyuan: "Okay, she's still a child. Don't take children's jokes seriously. Fu Qing will leave the rest to you."

《Fu Xuan: "Well, in my method She can't run away now. By the way, General, you are old too. How about abdicating after this matter is over? "》

《Jing Yuan: "Well, the weather is nice today."

《Fu Xuan: "Answer my question!"

【"I joined the train and was wanted again. Are you watching me? It's okay. I'll find garbage to eat."

Xing chose to board the train. Then the camera turned and showed Xing being wanted in Beloberg. Then Xing got out of the trash can with a dog. The other half of the screen showed Kafka's back.

As the music played, the scene of Xing turning over garbage appeared again.

"I came to the train to inspect the children's work this time. Pretending to be a stranger is also a last resort. Wuming guest with different goals but good nature, please change your location and stop the disaster quickly."

As the screen softly chanted, Kafka appeared in the carriage of the Star Dome Train and asked the train crew to change their destination. 】

《Kafka: "Baby, I've been watching you."

《Xing: "Mommy, I'm the best and I love you the most."

《March 7: "You can even broadcast what happened yesterday? That's amazing. And you, Xing, wipe your saliva."

《Elio: "The future is blurry. System, I hate you for adding so much work to me!"

《Fu Xuan: "I didn't expect that it was the Star Core Hunter who asked you to come. Kafka, what is your purpose?"

《Kafka: "Purpose? I'll tell you if you catch me."

《Dan Heng : "Where are you? I'm here to find you. I can't reach you on my phone."

"March 7: "Ah! Teacher Danheng, you're here too. Great, we're in Changletian, come quickly, these snacks are delicious!"

"Blade: "There are five names for a person, and three crimes, Danfeng, you are one of them. You can't escape! I'll let you know what true death is!"

"Danheng: "But I have a Luosha merchant here, and I need Yunqi to pick him up."

"Blade was in a corner of Luofu, and saw that Danheng ignored him, and he was almost angry that his demonic body had an attack.

"Walter "Rakshasa? Alert, jpg"

"Walter: "Danheng, describe what that person looks like."

"Luofu: "I'm just a merchant entrusted by someone. Since Wumingke wants to know about me. I will naturally tell you everything I know."

"Luofu uploaded a selfie. 》

《Walter: "Okay, Danheng doesn't have to hand him over to Yunqi. Just bring him to me. I have a gift for him."》

《Rakshasa: "Isn't it a bit bad to accept a reward without any merit?"

《Walter: "You're welcome. You deserve it."

《Luo Fu: "How about this? I know some medical skills and can treat you.

As a thank you. "》

《Walter: "Don't be so polite. Crack, crack"》

Chang Letian

Walter was sending a message while unconsciously crushing the bowl and chopsticks in his hand.

Xing and Sanyueqi, who were standing by, did not dare to speak when they saw this scene.

Because they felt a strong murderous aura from Walter.

【"The explosion of the star core brings guilt, and the unprovoked disaster is approaching."

As the music continued, the first bird's-eye view of the fairy boat, and then the crowd and Danheng, who revealed his identity as Yinyue Zun, faced Huanlong.

"Since mom said so, let's go with the bat."

First, Kafka looked at Xing, whose face was flushed, with a smile on her face, and then Jizi looked at Kafka with an unhappy face.

"Listen to me, at the end of the journey, all the puzzles that bothered you will be solved. When you have the opportunity to make a choice, don't let yourself regret it. "

As Kafka spoke, Kafka appeared on the screen without a coat, and the figure behind her was the star god of destruction Nanook.

Then several people looked at Kafka's wanted poster, and Kafka walked alone on Luofu.】

《Suchang: "What! The star core is going to explode on Luofu. No, I have to go back quickly. The Great Lord of Extinction Huanlong is also here, and Luofu needs me."

Suchang's mother held a banquet to celebrate because Emperor Gong Siming spoke up for her.

Jingyuan also approved her leave and let her go back.

I didn't expect that Luofu would have such a big thing.

Suchang left in a hurry after talking to the group.

And Gui Naifen, who came back with her, was still sleeping soundly in her room.

《Jingyuan: "The Great Lord of Extinction Huanlong, is your goal really Jianmu? You should have come to Luofu now."

《Huanlong: "The generals of the fairy boat are ready to welcome destruction. I think it would be very interesting if the patrolling order was turned into a virtual soldier. "》

《Yan Qing: "Too arrogant, come out and let's fight."

《Fu Xuan: "Humph, I'm afraid you'll come here with your life but not leave with your life."

《Topa: "The company is willing to provide all support to Luofu free of charge."

《Xing: "Topa, where is that gold dust? Why did I see her come out to talk today!"

《Topa: "He is busy performing now. To be honest, the effect is good. So far, more than a dozen planets have voluntarily joined the credit system.

I didn't expect the system charm cat girl potion to be so strong. "》

PS: Thank you for the gifts from all readers. Sorry for the one update today.

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