The bet was too long, and the bet was too long.

【“Finally, I’ll bet on… Gold Dust~~~~hahahahahaha”

Xing said excitedly.

“Uh… can it be like this… referee!! She’s obviously cheating!!”

Gold Dust grabbed Hanabi’s shoulders and said.

“Ahem, the rules… the rules don’t say it’s not allowed.

Hanabi looked at the chips in Xing’s hand behind her and said.

“Oh~~~~ the moment I picked you as the big guarantee, you were already a chip on the table. Hahahaha~~~~hahaha.”

Xing jumped on Gold Dust’s back and hugged him as he was about to run away and said.

“Ah ... "

Shajin tried his best to escape while wailing in pain.

Then the screen turned black and white with a big out on it.

The screen changed.

Shajin, who had already changed his gender, turned away and said.

"I accept the loss."

"Shajin, I want to be your dog~~"

Xing had two furry ears on his head and pounced on Shajin's fat with a look of enjoyment, and a trace of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The video ends here.]

《Xing: "Sister Shajin, I want to be your dog. It's so big, it must be very fragrant and soft. Wait for me, Shajin, I'm going to the Black Tower Space Station now."

《Shajin: "Don't come over here!"

《March Seven: "By the way, what do you think we will become after the gender change?"

《Dan Heng: "Super invincible handsome boy?"

《March Seven: "How can you describe a man like this! ”》

《Sambo: “By the way, when did Hanabi become so timid? If I just go straight ahead, wouldn’t that mean I’ll just change my gender?”》

《Hanabi: “I just want to have fun, not become your fun. By the way, does the God of Fun have the ability to change people’s gender?”》

《Aha: “Aha doesn’t know! How about you try to see if Aha can turn you into a boy? Or maybe turn you into something else?”》

《Hanabi: “God of Fun, please turn Sambo into a slug.”》

《Sambo: “Oh, my God of Fun! Old Sambo has always been doing business honestly! There’s no need to treat the honest and trustworthy Sambo like this!”》

《Seele: “You, honest and trustworthy? Are you kidding? The people you deceived have already formed an association.”》

《Black Tower: “Speaking of bugs reminds me that Joy gave all her power to a bug and tried to send it to the Genius Club. ”》

《Aha: "It's a pity that Aha failed."

《Second Creation System: "Please watch the second creation video next: (Qiong: Didn't you win the last gender transformation contest?)》

《Xing: "Qiong again, why is it always Qiong? Why does she always get all the good things?"

《Silver Wolf: "Do you think you can beat Shajin in the last gender transformation contest?"

《Xing: "I think you can."

《Silver Wolf: "Then you can't, so is it surprising that the next video is Qiong? Kafka is busy now, but she asked me to help you.

Your phone will receive a real-time update of the space station later The route map will help you find gold dust. "》

《Gold Dust: "I'm beeping, you star core hunter beeping. I'm going to increase your bounty by 5 billion credit points."》

《March Seven: "5 billion plus Silver Wolf's original bounty, how much is that! Let's do the math, one plus one equals one, two plus two equals four..."》

《Star: "Thank you, mommy, gold dust, here I come, hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss."》

《Gold Dust: "Don't come over here!"》

[The light screen lights up in the room of the Star Dome Train March Seven

Qiong is busy repairing something.

"Can it be fixed?"


As a puff of smoke rises, the camera zooms up, and Qiong and a clock-like creature look at the expression in the middle.

"Most likely it's a bad contact, look at my omnipotent smash and I can fix it with one hit."

As Qiong said that, he took out the bat and smashed it. Then another puff of smoke rose.

Then, thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, and Clockboy felt something was wrong.

"It's over, something bad is going to happen."

Then the scene changed

Qiong was half lying on the sofa playing games and spoke nonchalantly.

"It's not that serious."]

《Misha: "Why is Clockboy on the train?"

《Pam: "Why does your name make Pam feel familiar?"

《Misha: "Me too, in my dreams, there has always been a car driving in the universe

The train. Unfortunately, I am the doorman of the Daydream Hotel and cannot leave.

Otherwise, I really want to board the train and take a look. "》

《Jezi: "Maybe one of your ancestors was a nameless guest. Our next stop happens to be Pinocchio, we can chat then."

《Mockingbird: "Brother, have you seen this doorman? And isn't Clock Boy a character in the animation?"

《Sunday: "No, there are so many family members, how can I know them all. As for Clock Boy, it's just a video. It should not exist in the dream, otherwise someone would have reported it to me long ago."

《Misha: "No, Clock Boy really exists in the dream."

《Sunday: "Really? This is worth my investigation."

《Gallah: "Leave this little thing to me, Mr. Sunday."

《Sunday: "Yeah. ”》

【Then Qiong’s eyes were immediately attracted by the two people in front of him.

Two pairs of mountain peaks collided in front of Qiong’s eyes.

Then the camera moved up to show the gender-changed Blade and Danheng in the form of Yinyuejun looking at each other.

But Danheng’s eyes were closed.

“Yinyue, hahahahahaha, the former dignified Dragon Lord is so delicate now. I really want Jingyuan to see what you look like now.”

Blade laughed at Danheng, who was a head shorter and a size smaller than him, and then spoke.

“Same here, as long as you are willing to die, I will accompany you.”

Danheng said as he straightened his chest and collided tightly with Blade.

Pam and Qiong were speechless when they saw this.】

《March 7: “Danheng looks so good after becoming a dragon girl! I didn’t expect Danheng to look so good after gender-changing! ”》

《Xing: "Two big sisters, you shouldn't bump into each other. Hit my face and kill me with your uneven chests."

《Dan Heng: "..."

《Blade: "Even if you become a woman, you must die Dan Heng."

《Jing Yuan: "..."

《Jing Liu: "..."

《Bai Lu: "I am also a Dragon Lord, why can't I grow up? Woo waa, crying jpg"

《Dan Heng: "You will grow up."

《Qing Que: "Bai Lu, look at Master Tai Bu, he hasn't grown up in these years. He has never been sad. Master Tai Bu is already so old, but he is still happy.

Bai Lu, you are different, you can still grow up."

PS: Thank you for the gifts from all readers.

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