The sound of the ... "All, long, life, endless, purgatory, hell."

"Poke, good and evil are self-made. Reverse right and wrong."

With the music, the picture splits into two halves. One half is the upside-down golden Feather Emperor holding a planet.

The other half is a Feather Emperor holding a planet in a weird shape.

Then the two Feather Emperors switch positions and face each other.

Then the various classes of the Wing Makers appear on a big tree.

The top of the tree is the Medicine Master and the bottom is the Feather Emperor.

And on the side it shows: After three thousand years of the star era, the Wing Maker civilization has regained its prosperity. 】

《Fu Xuan: "This arrangement is also to prove that Yu Huang is the Envoy of Plenty."

《Xi'er: "Is the Wing Maker civilization so terrifying? Even the Star God is their supreme leader."

《Fu Xuan: "It's just their wishful thinking. The Star God of Plenty will not become the actual leader of a civilization. They just use this to show their respect for the Pharmacist."

《Xing: "Then can I pray for the Pharmacist of Plenty to become the leader of the civilization?"

《Qingque: "Of course, then your civilization will be harassed by the Medicine Envoy and the Plenty People all the time. More importantly, the light arrows of Emperor Gong Siming will destroy your civilization."

《Bai Lu: "And the light arrows are falling like rain."

【"Brand new, can life be more splendid. Wherever you step into, there will be no miracles for the living beings. Spread widely, dispel all diseases and sufferings."

First, the eyes and the bright red flowers of Yu Huang flashed by.

Then, accompanied by music, Yu Huang leaned against a big tree with his hands open and floated in the air.

Below, countless Wing Makers with flowers and vines growing out of their bodies bowed down to Yu Huang in the air.

The text on the side showed: Five thousand years of the star calendar, the star god has gone away, and the personal worship of Yu Huang is growing.

"Rest, life, injury, stop, shock, open, scenery"

"Watering, the flowers of life are dancing. Squeeze, the ravine of desire."

Accompanied by the music, Yu Huang gave something to his own son.

Then the picture changed and a colorful butterfly flew along with the picture change.

The last picture freezes on the picture of Yu Huang worshiping the pharmacist. 】

《Xing: "I suddenly found that Yu Huang is not bad. Hehehehehehe"

《March Seven: "You are crazy, aren't you?"

《Fu Xuan: "I know Xing is not reasonable, but I didn't expect her to... I didn't expect it!"

《Hua Huo: "Little Gray Hair, I'm optimistic about you, come on!"

《Yu Huang: "How dare you!"

《Xing: "You are wrong, you are the Envoy of Abundance, right? Your Divine Medicine Sister will not refuse the prayers of all living beings, right?

As an Envoy, shouldn't you inherit this virtue?"

《Yu Huang: "My God is my God, I am me, not to mention that your request is really..."

《Xing: "This shows that you are not sincere enough. You regard the Medicine Sister as the Lord of God, You can't even do this. What else do you have? "" "" "March 7:" I found that the stars are still there. " "Fu Xuan:" This guy's improper MLM leader is a pity. "" "Jing Yuan:" The train group really has talents! "" Walt: "We can explain this." "Aha:" Don't explain Aha understand. "[Eye, ears, nose, tongue, body, and meaning." The bloom on the other side of the other side, the planet with a spines wrapped, the blood flowing from the corner of the pharmacist's eyes.

Then Yu Huang took off the mask on her face and turned into a one-eyed monster.

The wings were blue, purple and black, and plant patterns appeared on her clothes.

And under each of her arms behind her back, a green and red eye opened.

"Joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, and shock."

"Just broke free."

The hands that had originally blocked her senses retreated, and several bright red flowers began to grow from below.

"All, immortality, infinity, purgatory."

Reverse right and wrong. "

Then the weird Yu Huang began to rotate and finally turned into a normal Yu Huang.

And her whole body, including her face, was entangled and grown by red flowers and vines.

The video ends here.】

《Fu Xuan: "At the end of the video, I believe you should know the consequences of immortality."

《Xing: "This style, hehehehehehe, I like it."

《March Seven: "This guy is completely hopeless. Sister Ji Zi, is there any way to make her lose her memory? ”》

《March Seven: "I can't stand her like this anymore. It's better to let her lose her memory and restart."

《Ji Zi: "Okay, March. Xing is still young, so be patient with her."

《Xing: "Where is my Yu Huang? Where is my dear Yu Huang?"

《Qing Que: "She probably doesn't want to speak in the group anymore after seeing you like this."

《Bai Lu: "I agree."

《Second Creation System: "Xing's taste is already so broad that it's unimaginable."

《Hua Huo: "I'm talking to the system. I heard that you accepted benefits from the company and released a promotional video for the company. This time you released this video for Feng Zao.

Did you accept benefits from someone?"

《Second Creation System: "Am I that kind of system? Don't slander me! I also released a promotional video for you.

Did I accept benefits from you!"

《Hua Huo: "Yes, you accepted benefits from me. Transfer one million credit points to the system. ”》

《March 7: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you are such a system."

《Bluebird: "Yes, yes, system, you will be condemned for abusing your power for personal gain."

《Silver Wolf: "Let me post this black material on the interstellar network."

《Second Creation System: "Little Silver Wolf, are you sure?"

《Silver Wolf: "I am sure, wait, why do I have a bad feeling?"

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