The sound of the song was so beautiful that it was difficult to make a sound.

【“Let me out. Break speculations aside the milky way.

Hear me roar. The silent one is about to make some noise.

See me roam.”

As the music platform descended, they danced and sang in the middle of the stage.

“My footprints EMBLEMS cannot be erased.



Always. on my way.”

With the end of the last dance, their performance ended. 】

《Fu Xuan: "This seat, this seat, ah ah ah!"

《Qingque: "Master Fu Xuan, calm down! We made a profit by exchanging one performance for a fairy boat."

《Shiluwa: "Ling Ke!"

《Ling Ke: "Okay, sister, I'll go change clothes now."

《Jepard: "Come to my place after changing clothes, we have something to tell you."

《Bronya: "Xi'er, you are great!"

《Xi'er: "I know, let me go. Where are you touching..."

《Silver Wolf: "Elio, get down! I'm not done with you, why do you want to sell me and not Kafka and the others?"

《Elio: "Silver Wolf, calm down. This is a misunderstanding!"

《Silver Wolf: "What misunderstanding! Take my shot!"

《Gold Dust : "Silver Wolf, just wait for your fame!"

"March Seven: "Their reactions are really intense!"

"Secondary Creation System: "Yeah, that's right. It's time for me to get off work too."

"March Seven: "?"

"Xing: "Leaving so early! Why don't you play for a while?"

"Secondary Creation System: "It's done, why wouldn't I leave?"

"Qingque: "It seems not?"

"Secondary Creation System: "Yes!"

"Qingque: "No!"

"Secondary Creation System: "Qingque, do you want to perform again?"

"Qingque: "You"

"Bai Lu: "I can testify that there is no!"

"March Seven: "Yes, no."

"Secondary Creation System: "I won't argue with you, so I'll reluctantly work overtime."

《Xing: "What overtime? This is today's work. Besides, you work overtime for your boss!"

《A certain unscrupulous and black-hearted boss: "We all work overtime voluntarily. You said overtime pay? We all work overtime voluntarily, so what overtime pay are we talking about!"

《System prompt: "A certain unscrupulous and black-hearted boss has been deleted by the system."

《Secondary creation system: "Disgusting, this system does not have a boss and salary. Why do I feel so pitiful when you say that!"

《Secondary creation system: "Next, please enjoy the secondary creation video: Universe Record Book"

(The one in the birthday party of the Star Dome Railway in the small broken station can be watched by those who are interested.)

《Black Tower: "Universe Record Book, this is a bit interesting."

《Blue Bird: "This should have nothing to do with us . We don't want to be sold without knowing what's going on anymore. "》

《Hua: "..."》

《Qingque: "That Marshal, I don't mean to blame you. How could I blame you? You sold it so well!

If there is such a thing, you can sell it to Taibu Lord. "》

《Fu Xuan: "Qingque!"

《Qingque: "Taibu Lord, I was wrong, I kowtowed to you. I kowtowed and spared me."

《Hua: "Okay, I'm sorry for you in this matter. Let's put it this way, you can ask for anything you want."

《Qingque: "Can I take a few days of paid leave?"

《Fu Xuan: "Qingque you"

《Hua: "Okay, Qingque will take a paid leave for three months starting today, and your salary and benefits will also be raised to the level of Taibu.

Fu Xuan, you should also raise your benefits like Qingque. As for the others, I won't go into details one by one, you can go back and see for yourself. ”》

《Qingque, Fu Xuan: "Thank you for the reward, Marshal."

《Silver Wolf: "Kafka, did I get any reward?"

《Kafka: "Go find Elio."

《Elio: "Sorry, the cat you called is out of service. Please call again later.

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow."

[The video starts with

A blue planet appears in the video with music.

As the music speeds up, every detail of the blue planet begins to appear in front of everyone.

Finally, four characters of the Book of the Universe appear

"Please take a seat in the crowd. Follow me to remember this hymn of harmony. The strong and the weak should follow the order, the eternal commandment. Life and death are connected and can never be separated."

As the song starts, the hymn of harmony appears in front of the camera. Then the camera changes to the robin lying on the grass and sleeping. 】

《Family: "Universal harmony, harmony of stars, supreme merit praises to the Lord!"

《Sunday: "My sister is the representative of harmony, she is quite suitable."

《Mockingbird: "I didn't expect it either."

《March 7: "I didn't expect it to be Miss Robin who represented harmony. I thought it was Mr. Sunday."

《Sunday: "My sister is fine. I don't need it."

《Gold Dust: "Mr. Sunday, I wonder if we can discuss the ownership of Pinoconi after I arrive at Pinoconi?"

《Sunday: "There is no dispute over the ownership of Pinoconi. It will always belong to the family and to Him."

《Fireworks: "Chicken Wing Hair Boy, wait for me to arrive at Pinocchio, we have to have a good chat. I am becoming more and more interested in you.

It's strange to say it, I don't know why I always feel that you are hiding a big secret."》

《Sunday: "No need, I have a lot of things to do. As for secrets, everyone has secrets, right?"

《Star: "Yes, yes, my secret is that I have hidden a lot of my treasures on the train."

《Pam: "!"

《March 7: "It's over, it's time to clean up again!"

【"More unique than law and reason, more precious than milk, wine and honey. All worlds disintegrate, only memory remains forever."

The scene changes, the black swan is held in the hand of memory Fu Li.

"Live in isolation, stay away from this chaotic whisper. The universe is undisintegrated, a place of nothingness."

Then the scene changes with the singing.

First, a red black hole appears, and then the camera changes, the Void Star God appears first and then the Yellow Spring. 】

《March 7: "It is most appropriate for Void to use Huang Quan as its representative."》

《Star: "There should not be many Void Fate Walkers of the Order level in the universe."》

PS: Thank you readers for the gifts.

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