The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

《Bai Lu: "Does Xing have other clothes? I've been playing with her for so long and I thought she only had one set of clothes?"

《Xing: "I bought a lot of identical clothes. Otherwise, the clothes would have been torn after so many fights."

《Yun Li: "Luo Fu is still the best, with so many good swords. Miss Su Chang's four swords are too murderous. But for me, my Lao Tie is still the best."

《Yan Qing: "Lao Tie?"

《Yun Li: "It's the giant sword in my hand. I call it Lao Tie."

《Xing :"My friend, this is a very authentic name!"

"March Seven:"Why do I feel that the giant sword is very suitable for teppanyaki."

"Yun Li:"Ah!"

"Xing:"It looks really good, big enough and Yun Li can heat it with flames."

"Bai Lu:"So Yun Li won't starve to death even if she doesn't become an official."

"Jack Crow:"But the most practical thing is Miss Su Chang's sword."

"Su Chang:"I'm glad it can help."

"March Seven:"What do you mean?"

"Xue Yi:"Use Miss Su Chang's sword to heat it up. The murderous aura brought by the prisoner frightened the prisoners. Now the prisoners in the prison are much more obedient. "》

《March 7: "Speaking of which, no one should be stupid enough to escape during the martial arts ceremony, right?"

《Gui Naifen: "Definitely not. Now there are masters of various immortal boats arriving in Luofu. And there are also General Feixiao and General Huaiyan who are about to arrive."

《Bai Lu: "In addition to General Jingyuan's three hunting envoys, there is also a former Dragon Lord Dan Heng, and Su Shang, the killer. Who dares to escape from prison?"

《Hu Lei: "..."

《Jing Liu: "You want to escape from prison?"

《Hu Lei: "No, no, how could it be possible."》

《Aha: "Don't be a coward, little husky! Go up and Aha will bless you."》

《Lan: "Leave the fairy boat, get out of here!"

《Aha: "What a humorless guy."》

【"Waiting is a stupid placebo. Even a second can't stop the hot breath.

It's better to dive deep into your heart and study the history.

Only then can you survive the endless cracks of time."

As the song continued, Rocky, who was writing poetry, looked behind him.

He seemed to see Lily holding the manuscript and appreciating it.

As the song accelerated, the manuscript flew out of her hand and turned into ashes in the air.

The scene changed. Lily was holding her mobile phone and watching the communication between the two.

"Only if we travel far beyond the stars and escape gravity can we love each other.

Slide towards infinite time and space, no one responds to the silent sea.

Only the stars witness the vicissitudes of the world.

After crossing the universe, we finally arrive at the dim beyond the stars!"

As the music continues, the picture changes and the spaceship begins to fold.

And Rocky embraces the starry sky.

As the folding continues, once, three times, fourteen times. Finally, an unknown error occurs.

The picture changes

Rocky looks at Xing and asks:

"She went to the future. In other words... and I stay in the present... Is that it?"

Rocky does not wait for Xing to answer and continues to speak:

"You don't think I will wait for her? Of course I will... go find her! Set off immediately!"

When Rocky said this, his eyes were extremely firm. He wanted to find her, he wanted to catch up with time! 】

《Star: "To be honest, when Rocky talked about the first half, I had a different feeling in my heart, but I also understood. He is not an immortal, and it is too cruel for him to wait for someone for ten or even dozens of years.

But when he said he wanted to catch up with time, I was scared!"》

《March 7: "If there is no system, Rocky may have to look for a long, long time."》

《Black Tower: "According to the speed of time and the speed of his spaceship. The preliminary estimate is a few years, and if he is lucky, a few months.

This is still under the condition of everything being good. If he encounters the people of abundance, the antimatter army or other evil forces on the way.

He may not even have bones left."》

【"That is the swaying sea of ​​stars, which is endless and light years away.

The darkness is lined up in the distance, silently witnessing this accident.

Only the stars witness the vicissitudes of the world.

After leaping across the universe, it finally arrives, dim outside the stars!"

With continuous folding and jumping, Rocky crossed countless starry skies.

Finally he found his lover.

As the hatch opened, Lily looked at her lover running towards her with tears in her eyes.

The video also included the last poem written by Rocky and the Mobius strip.

Ends in overlap. 】

《March 7: "Great, they are finally reunited. I thought this video would not have a happy ending."

《Second Creation System: "Am I so cruel? I am not the kind of system that relies on emotions to gain energy.

Playing that kind of tragic video does me no good at all."

《Black Tower: "Then what is your energy source?"

《Second Creation System: "The world provides me with energy, and I don't bring the host through. Usually, absorbing some energy from the world is enough for a long time.

In addition, I rob a few seniors from time to time, and some of their energy also belongs to me."

《Star: "6"》

《Second Creation System: "Okay, it's time for me to get off work. You guys continue to sleep."

《March 7: "Do you think I will be able to do this after what you did?" Are you still sleeping?"》

《Second Creation System: "Oh, that's right. Then get up early to go to work."》

《Qingque: "I just came back from Taibusi in Tianshan (Note: the name of the new fairy boat, taken from Shanhaijing: there are many jades, the jade is green, there is realgar, and the divine beast Dijiang also lives there.)"》

《Second Creation System: "Don't blame me for this. You went to work by yourself. I didn't force you."》

《Bailu: "I can't sleep either. If I can't sleep and don't grow tall, I'll blame you."》

《Second Creation System: "How about this, I'll play some fun for you. That's all right."》

《Aha: "Fun, Aha likes fun. Hahaha."》

《Second Creation System: "Come over and work overtime for me."》

The system directly grabbed Aha into the system space.

《Hua Huo: "Is it my turn to be the god? It's so much fun. Hahaha."

《March Seven: "Aha was caught and forced to work, it looks like this time there will be a lot of fun."

《Xing: "This system is enough to capture people and force them to work."

《Qing Que: "Yes, but the Taibu Si of the Tianshan Xianzhou is really good. This is the first time I've seen a Xianzhou paved with top-quality jade."

《Bai Lu: "What, is that Xianzhou so rich?"

《Qing Que: "Well, there are jades everywhere anyway. And there are caves that produce jade continuously."

PS: Thank you for the gifts from all readers.

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