Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 35 Extreme Speed ​​Boating

Chapter 35 Extreme Speed ​​+ Extreme Speed ​​+ Racing + Lightness

"Stop them, don't let anyone go!"

The beard pointed at Zhang Yan, and the two late-stage Qi-training monks behind him immediately chased after him.

And at this moment.

Zhang Yan had already piloted the Golden Bamboo Sword and flew more than ten feet.

When he came from the Liu family, in order to prevent any accidents, he had already equipped two magic weapons, the light boots and the Aoki boat.

And these two magic weapons, without exception, have an extremely fast entry.

The blessing of two extremely fast entries, coupled with the perfection of Aoki Zhou's racing skills and the increase of lightness technique.

Zhang Yan's speed was so fast that he could fly.

The two late-stage qi-training monks behind him who were stepping on paper kites were dumbfounded.

How can I pursue this crazy thing?

"Why does this kid fly so fast!"

A white-faced monk looked at the red-faced monk beside him and asked.

"Look at other people's flying magic weapons, and then look at our flying magic weapons."

The red-faced monk said as he stepped on the paper kite under his feet.

Although this kind of paper kite is also a flying magic weapon, its flying speed is really limited and slow, and their paper kite is also patched.

It is almost impossible to catch up with Zhang Yan.

"Then what should we do? If we let these two people run away, we will be in trouble!"

The white-faced monk turned even paler.

"Don't worry, they can't run away." The red-faced monk said, unhurriedly tugging at his cuff, and a green hornet flew out of the cuff.


The red-faced man gently flicked out a drop of spiritual honey. After the hornet turned in a circle to catch the spiritual honey, it flew straight in one direction.

"So what if the kid runs faster?

After all, he was just an early Qi practitioner, and the Qi in his body could not support him on the road for a long time, not to mention that he also brought a burden. "

"This red jade bee is the best at tracking. We don't need to be faster than him. As long as we hang him, we will bite him to death sooner or later.

And the other party will definitely go to the family. You take a shortcut to intercept and kill them, and I will continue to follow them. "

The red-faced monk said, urging the paper kite under his feet to move forward at "extreme speed". There was no patch on his paper kite, and it flew much faster than the white-faced monk.

In theory, the red-faced monk was right.

Zhang Yan flew with the Golden Bamboo Sword for less than half an hour before almost running out of mana.

But he didn't panic at all.

Put away the Golden Bamboo Sword.

Then he unloaded the Qingmu boat, put Liu Yiting on the Qingmu boat, and continued flying.

Although the Aoki Boat is a high-grade magic weapon, its flying speed is not as fast as the Golden Bamboo Sword with double speed, perfect boat racing skills, and the blessing of lightness.

However, as a high-grade flying magic weapon, the Aoki Boat can be used by multiple people at a time, and it can also be activated using spirit stones.

Replace with spiritual stone.

Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the green wooden boat and began to restore his magic power.

Holding a spiritual stone in his hand and constantly absorbing the spiritual power from it, Zhang Yan really wished he had a heavenly spiritual root.

Spiritual roots are not only the speed of cultivation, but also the recovery of mana through meditation, others are much faster than you.

"When I find spiritual objects in the future, I must upgrade my spiritual roots. If I can't be promoted to a high-grade spiritual root, a medium-grade spiritual root will do!" Zhang Yan thought with a sigh as he closed his eyes.

While recovering his mana, he controlled the flying boat.

But he didn't go to Liu's house.

After all, the other party was originally targeting the Liu family. If they returned to the Liu family, they might encounter some kind of ambush, and this place was not far from Qinghengfang City.

So he decided to go to Qinghengfang City first.

Once there, safety will be guaranteed. As for the Liu family, Zhang Yan now has too much to take care of himself. With Liu Yiting, he is worthy of Elder Liu.


The Liu family's residence must be protected by formations, and the Liu family cannot be destroyed in a moment.

at the same time.

Zhang Yan also took out the jade talisman representing the Qingheng Sect.

This jade talisman has many functions. In addition to representing identity, it can also carry contribution points and even transmit messages. Unfortunately, message transmission has a distance limit.

Otherwise, you can ask the sect for help.

After meditating for a quarter of an hour, the magic power in Zhang Yan's body was restored to 80%.

His expression changed.

He couldn't help but look into the distance.

He saw a big red-faced man flying toward him on a paper kite. Under his feet, the kite was covered with yellow talismans. Zhang Yan recognized them as magical talismans.

Although he had the acceleration of the magic talisman, his paper kite had been destroyed beyond recognition. It looks like it will be scrapped soon.

But the red-faced monk was not heartbroken at all.

In his opinion, as long as he catches Zhang Yan, he can replace it with a flying sword. Who needs a tattered paper kite when there is a handsome flying sword?

But when he saw Zhang Yan, he was dumbfounded.

They actually used a flying boat!

And it looks like a top-grade magic weapon.

A top-grade flying magic weapon!

For a moment, blood surged up, and the red-faced monk's face turned even redder.

What kind of treatment is the other party receiving?

In the early stages of Qi training, there are actually two flying magic weapons!

It's okay to have a flying sword, but there is also a flying boat.

He is the biological son of the head of the Liu family, right?

No, I'm afraid my own son doesn't get this treatment either.

"It's over."

The moment he saw the red-faced monk, Zhang Yan did not panic at all. Instead, he stood up and looked at the red-faced monk.

"Daoyou, I am a disciple of Qingheng Sect. I wonder if you can do me a favor?" He said and took out his jade talisman.

"A disciple of Qingheng Sect?"

Seeing the jade talisman in Zhang Yan's hand, the red-faced monk's face changed.

Qingheng Sect is the sky in Tianmu Mountain Range.

In principle, everything here belongs to Qingheng Sect, and their families are just living under someone else's roof.

Especially the Qingheng Sect itself is more united, and attacking Qingheng disciples is courting death! But, the problem is that he has made an enemy of Zhang Yan now.

He glanced around with a vague look.

This is Tianmu Mountain Range. A disciple of Qingheng Sect died here. No one knows who did it. And, most importantly, he looked at the green wooden boat under Zhang Yan's feet.

That is a top-grade flying magic weapon!

Although it is not easy for him to use it because of the other party's identity as a disciple of Qingheng Sect, it is also a windfall in the black market!

This is his opportunity!

Didn't he send the white-faced monk away just to enjoy the magic weapon on Zhang Yan alone?

Thinking of this, he smiled in a self-righteous way: "I didn't expect that you were my junior brother from Qingheng Sect. What a misunderstanding. Junior brother, are you going back to the sect? How about I take you back?"

"Brother, take me back?" Zhang Yan showed a hesitant expression on his face, which seemed deceptive considering his age, but then he shook his head: "Forget it, brother. I can do it alone."

"Alas, it's so dangerous outside. I'm worried about you being alone!"

The red-faced monk said as he flew towards Zhang Yan.

"Since you're worried, then... go and rest!"

Looking at the distance, Zhang Yan narrowed his eyes and took action directly.

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