Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 74 Lei Wanbao: Grandpa has someone outside!

Zhang Yan looked at the weapon refining manual in his hand and couldn't help but sigh, there are still many good people in this world!

Although Lei Kunhai, the Lei Peak Master, looks fierce and wants to test himself, he even revealed the answer before the test.

If this is the case and he fails to pass the test, then it can only be said that Zhang Yan himself is useless!

Holding the weapon-refining manual, Zhang Yan happily excused himself and planned to conduct research on the weapon-refining manual.

Looking at Zhang Yan's leaving figure.

Lei Wanbao rubbed his face and walked over again: "Grandpa Zu, did you just give him your weapon refining manual?

What if he really learned it? "

"Alas." Lei Kunhai sighed and looked at his silly grandson: "How can it be so easy to refine weapons? You can be considered a genius in weapon refining. You have been carefully guided by me since you were a child. Now, It takes decades to refine a high-grade magical weapon. Do you think this kid can learn to refine a weapon with just a manual?"

When he said this, Lei Kunhai paused for a moment, and then continued: "Don't say he can learn to refine weapons, even if he can learn a little bit, I will give him up directly."

"Huh?" Lei Wanbao said softly, but he didn't expect Lei Kunhai to say such words.

"What's so good about this? You can figure out the art of a weapon refining master with just a weapon refining manual. He must be a unique weapon refining genius. In our Qianbaofeng, except for me who can refine magic weapons, the rest There are three or two big cats and kittens.

I have to find a way not to interrupt the inheritance of Qianbaofeng! "

"Grandpa, grandpa, and me, I can definitely inherit your mantle!"

Lei Wanbao slapped his chest loudly.

"You?" Lei Kunhai glanced at Lei Wanbao and chuckled: "It's not that I look down on you. Although you have some talent for refining weapons, you are the ultimate in high-grade spiritual weapons. It is difficult to refine magic weapons. "

Lei Kunhai mentioned three difficulties in a row, which was enough to explain what he was thinking.

"All right……"

Lei Wanbao looked a little frustrated, but he did not refute Lei Kunhai.

On the other side, Zhang Yan returned to the cave and equipped the weapon refining code on the equipment column without hesitation.

For a moment, everything about weapon refining came to mind.

"So this is a weapon refining!

Unexpectedly, there are so many ways to refine weapons.

No wonder weapon refining can become a high-level profession. There are so many things to pay attention to. "

Zhang Yan was convinced after feeling the knowledge contained in the weapon refining manual.

This weapon refining is indeed much more difficult than spiritual planting.

If there is no one to teach and the newcomers refine the magic weapon by themselves, they may be destroyed nine times out of ten times.

But now that Zhang Yan has Lei Kunhai’s weapon refining manual, he can’t be considered a newcomer!

He can also be regarded as an old bird.

But unfortunately, this is only temporary. He must absorb all these things and use them for his own use.

And this requires constant attempts to combine practice with theory.

"When I have digested some knowledge, I will go find Master Lei Peak. I am sure Master Lei Peak will be willing to guide me."

Got the weapon refining manual.

Zhang Yan studied the knowledge inside when he had nothing to do.

On weekdays, he and Mu Sen take care of their spiritual plant garden.

After all, although weapon refining was important, the fact that he became a true disciple was also very important.

So he has to grab it with both hands, and both hands have to be hard.

In this way, more than ten days have passed.

Zhang Yan felt that he had a little understanding of weapon refining, and then walked towards Qianbao Peak.

This time when he entered Qianbao Peak, no one stopped him at all.

I walked in very smoothly.

Not long after entering, I saw a man with jewels approaching.

"Senior Brother Lei, I wonder if the elder is at Qianbao Peak?" This time Lei Wanbao's face was not injured and he looked quite handsome, but he was much worse than Zhang Yan.

"Grandpa Ancestor is refining weapons for people.

What, you want to go and see it? "Lei Wanbao glanced at Zhang Yan. He felt that Zhang Yan should be allowed to see how a real weapon refiner made weapons.

Once he sees the difference, he won't think about such a joke as learning to refine weapons.

"Is it okay?" After hearing this, Zhang Yan was also excited. Being able to watch the master of Qianbao Peak refining weapons is something that many people dream of.

"Of course outsiders are not allowed, but I am the great-great-grandson of my grandfather. Let's go, I will take you there." Lei Wanbao said, leading Zhang Yan straight to the weapon refining workshop.

Before they arrived at the weapon refining workshop, Zhang Yan heard the sound of clanging and banging.

"Are they all refining weapons?

Isn't the weapon refining in the weapon refining furnace? "Zhang Yan was a little surprised. In his impression, refining a weapon was the same as refining an elixir, so why did it need to be hammered?

“Weapon refining is divided into external refining and internal refining.

Internal refining is what you said requires a cauldron for refining.

Generally speaking, internal refining is more suitable for refining some more delicate magic weapons, such as flying needle type magic weapons and seals.

The external refining ones are more versatile and are suitable for basically all magic weapons. "

"I see." Zhang Yan nodded lightly. He thought of the weapon refining manual that once said that a strong body is needed for weapon refining. He had been puzzled before.

Now it seems that it should be necessary to swing the hammer.

When the two of them entered the weapon refining workshop, Zhang Yan suddenly felt a wave of heat coming towards him. The air inside was at least 20 degrees hotter than outside.

But fortunately, everyone is a cultivator and is still resistant to this high temperature.

Inside the weapon refining workshop, he could see many disciples swinging hammers and smelting.

"Why does it feel like a mortal forging iron..." Zhang Yan complained in his heart, but he continued to follow Lei Wanbao into the room.

The further he went, the more he could feel the temperature rising continuously.

At the end, even Zhang Yan could only use his magic power to resist.

In the innermost part of the weapon refining workshop, there was a cave deep underground.

From outside the cave, one could still hear the clanging sound inside.

"Grandpa is in here." Lei Wanbao said to Zhang Yan with a smile.

"Here, this is a fire-proof bead, take it with you, don't burn yourself to death." Lei Wanbao was not bad, and took out a fire-proof bead from his arms and gave it to Zhang Yan.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Lei." Zhang Yan took the fire-proof bead and felt much cooler all over.

"This cave leads to the sea of ​​​​underground fire, you have to be careful." Although Zhang Yan squeezed out one of Lei Wanbao's true disciples.

But Lei Wanbao felt okay.

Anyway, it's not the first time, he's used to it!

Entering the cave, it's very narrow at first, but after walking a few dozen steps, it suddenly opens up.

There's actually a huge square inside.

Lei Kunhai is in this square, standing in front of a weapon casting furnace, his upper body is naked, holding a huge iron hammer in his hand.

He is constantly hitting a piece of metal on the anvil, and the metal is deforming rapidly as he keeps hitting it.

Zhang Yan didn't say anything, but was watching carefully.

It must be said that Lei Kunhai looks extremely rough on the surface, but in fact, he is very careful. With a sledgehammer in his hand, he wields it vigorously, and that piece of iron must have been knocked out of a flower.

This is not a metaphor.

It's a statement.

The other party really knocked out a palm-sized flower from the ball of metal on the anvil.

The flower bud is about to bloom, and it looks lifelike. The most terrifying thing is that Zhang Yan can faintly feel the spirituality inside.

Knock out a flower with a hammer.

Zhang Yan just wants to say, Lao Lei, you are really awesome!

While observing, he was also constantly verifying what he had learned in his heart.

It was unknown how long it had passed.

Lei Kunhai suddenly stopped hammering, then turned to look at Zhang Yan: "What do you want me for?"

"Reply, Master Lei Feng, I have learned a lot from observing your weapon refining notes, so I would like to ask you for guidance." Zhang Yan said with a serious face.


I have learned a lot from observing the weapon refining notes?" Hearing Zhang Yan's words, Lei Kunhai was almost angry and laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't tell me about your insights, go and forge iron for me first." Lei Kunhai was a practical person and didn't want to hear any insights at all.

He asked Zhang Yan to forge iron directly.

"Okay, I'll try." Zhang Yan knew what Lei Kunhai meant. Equipped with the weapon refining notes, he could keep up with the other party's rhythm.

The so-called forging iron is forging and purification. The other party wanted him to purify the impurities in the spiritual iron.

This is the basic skill of a weapon refiner.

Zhang Yan didn't waste any words and picked up the hammer handed over by the other party. This was a new hammer. Except for the huge force entry, there was nothing else.

He went to a furnace next to him, found the spirit iron ore, started to calcine, and then hammered it one by one.

This is a physical job.

For a cultivator like Zhang Yan who has never forged his body, it is a bit strenuous.

"After I'm done, I must learn a body-building exercise." Zhang Yan complained in his heart.

When forging the spirit iron, Zhang Yan did not directly use the bonus in the refining notes, but relied entirely on himself.

Of course.

He would definitely not give up the knowledge bonus in the refining notes.

After all, you can cross the river by feeling the old Lei, why do you have to study blindly?

He corrected his mistakes over and over again during the forging, and every swing of the hammer was more accurate than the last time.


Always improving.

Lei Wanbao stood behind Zhang Yan at first and laughed at the joke, but he couldn't laugh anymore after watching it. This guy...

Why does it feel like the other party is improving all the time?

Although he knew that Zhang Yan was a genius, was he really that scary?

In addition, when he saw Zhang Yan swinging his hammer, he always felt that there was a hint of déjà vu.

Very familiar and oppressive.

But he didn't remember it for a while.

He just turned his head slightly and looked at Lei Kunhai who was swinging his hammer.

Then he compared it with Zhang Yan's swinging hammer.

Exactly the same!

At this moment, Lei Wanbao's heart was about to explode.

What's going on?

Why is Zhang Yan so angry!

This posture, this movement, this strength...

It's over, Grandpa has a new grandson outside!

At this moment, Lei Wanbao's heart was torn and his heart was in a mess. He couldn't believe that the Grandpa who had always loved him was actually a person who abandoned him after having an affair!

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