Xiuxian: I have an equipment bar

Chapter 9 Magical Instruments

"Have you achieved some success in Mu Yuan Shu?"

Hear this.

Musen's face was stunned.

The people around were even more uproar.

"How can it be!"

"It's only been seven days!"

"Is this just a small amount of Mu Yuan Shu? So how talented is this guy?"

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Zhang Yan.

There is envy, surprise, and some curiosity.

However, no one really had any doubts.

The reason is also very simple.

Whether this thing is complicated or not, you can see it after using it.

How is it possible to cheat?

Unless Zhang Yan doesn’t want to mess around anymore.

"You can use it and let me see." Musen looked at Zhang Yan solemnly and said.


"Can I borrow a seed?"

Zhang Yan spoke shyly.

He is relatively poor.

There are no seeds in the body that can cast spells.

"for you."

Musen waved his hand.

A seed of a spiritual plant appeared in front of Zhang Yan.

"This is a semi-spiritual grass. Use Mu Yuan Technique to ripen it and take a look."


Zhang Yan took a deep breath, mobilized the magic power in his body, and then cast a Mu Yuan Technique.

Almost at the moment he did it.

Musen knew that Zhang Yan had really mastered Mu Yuan Shu.

Because his operation is so skillful!

It doesn't look like I've only been studying for a week.

Instead, it feels like I have been studying for several years.

And as a ray of emerald green light appeared in Zhang Yan's hand.

Musen's eyes lit up.

As expected, the opponent has mastered Mu Yuan Technique.

And saw the green light on Yan's hand.

Everyone around was stunned.

Although they know that generally no one will lie about this kind of thing.

But when they actually saw Zhang Yanmu's mastery of Yuan Shu with their own eyes, they were still indescribably shocked.

"Not bad, not bad, very good!"

Musen's eyes widened.

The smile on his face, the smile on his face that he could hardly stop.

"Okay, you guys continue studying first, you come with me!"

Musen first waved to the remaining people.

Then he asked Zhang Yan to follow him.

Watching Zhang Yan and Mu Sen leave.

Everyone present showed envy.

It is clear.

The reason why Mu Sen wanted to leave with Zhang Yan.

He must have taken a fancy to Zhang Yan's talent.

The outer sect disciple in the Qi training stage was favored by the major cultivator in the foundation building stage.

That is definitely going to reach the sky in one step!

Think of this.

Everyone was even more envious.

at the same time.

In a separate room.

Musen looked at Zhang Yan pleasantly.

"You are very talented in wood spells."

"It was just a fluke."

Zhang Yan answered modestly.

"Don't be so modest. Just do whatever you want. It's a blessing to have good understanding.

You are an outer disciple, what about your spiritual roots? "

"Among the three spiritual roots of metal, wood and water, the wood spiritual root has the highest aura sensitivity, which is close to the middle grade." Zhang Yan answered truthfully.

"Low-grade spiritual roots, the spiritual roots are still a bit too weak."

Hear this.

Musen sighed.

But he quickly continued: "I intend to introduce you to my master, but your spiritual roots are still too weak. If you can practice Mu Yuan Shu to great perfection within three years, I will take you there." See Master, I will introduce you to our Mu Ling Peak."

"Bring in the Wood Spirit Peak!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Yan was shocked.

Qingheng sect disciples are divided into inner sect, outer sect and true sect.

The inner gate is divided into five peaks and thirteen mountains.

Especially the five peaks have elders of the Golden Core stage sitting in charge.

Of course.

The most important reason is that as long as he joins, Zhang Yan will automatically become an inner disciple.

The treatment of inner disciples is much better than that of outer disciples.

Generally speaking, if you want to become an inner sect disciple, you need to participate in the sect competition.

Only then can one become an inner disciple.

Or, have a skill that you can excel at.

For the sect, only those disciples who can create benefits for the sect are considered good disciples.

If you are strong in combat, you can become an inner disciple.

If you have good skills and can continuously produce spiritual stones for the sect, you can naturally become an inner disciple.

Even, to a certain extent, disciples with good skills are more precious than those with fighting skills.

The reason is also very simple.

under normal circumstances.

The development of a sect can never be separated from the support of resources.

after all……

Although high-end combat power is a means to protect the sect, it is also a deterrent.


The sect does not have to fight every day.

However, the sect needs to consume a lot of resources every day.

Where did these resources come from?

In addition to the mineral veins occupied by the sect, the most important ones are those with advanced skills.

Among them, there is no need to mention alchemy, weapon refining, talismans, and formations.

This spiritual planter is also indispensable.

A qualified and powerful spiritual planter can make the sect's spiritual rice harvest abundant.

It can speed up the growth of elixirs.

You can even cultivate elixirs within the sect.

It can be said.

These things are the true core figures of the sect.

Among them, Mu Ling Peak is the main peak that specializes in cultivating spiritual plants.

The current peak master once cultivated a fourth-grade spiritual plant.

It is said that it can be used to refine elixirs for the Nascent Soul stage.

But the details are not something that people like him can find out.

However, no matter what.

If he can join Mu Lingfeng.

For Zhang Yan, it would be the best.

As for the three-year limit of the mastery of the Wood Yuan Technique.

He doesn't care at all.

Just kidding.

Is it really free to use the plug-in?

"How about it, are you willing to join our Mu Lingfeng at that time?" Mu Sen asked Zhang Yan with a smile.

"Of course!"

"Thank you, Master Mu!"

Zhang Yan saluted hurriedly.

"Don't call me Master Mu. If you join our Mu Lingfeng, I will be your senior brother at that time! I see your talent. It will definitely not be difficult to master the Wood Yuan Technique within three years. Maybe you can call me senior brother now." Mu Sen admired Zhang Yan very much. And judging from the other party's current progress, there is a great hope that the Wood Yuan Technique will be mastered within three years.

Not to say 100%, but 80% of it.

"In that case, thank you, Senior Brother Mu." The foundation-building period master.

Zhang Yan also climbed up the ladder directly.

He stuck to it directly.

"By the way, Junior Brother Zhang, I just said that I would give you a reward. Now tell me what other rewards you want besides the spirit-eating flower and the seeds of the spirit plant?" Mu Sen asked Zhang Yan in a good mood: "Pills, talismans, magic tools, all are fine!"


"I want a magic tool." Zhang Yan's heart moved, and he said to Mu Sen: "If possible, Senior Brother Mu, just give me a second-hand magic tool."


"Second-hand magic tool?"

Mu Sen looked at Zhang Yan with more appreciation.

He had clearly told Zhang Yan that he could choose a magic tool.

But the other party actually asked for a second-hand magic tool directly.

What does this mean?

The other party has a good character and is not greedy for external things!

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