"Brother Ye Liang, let me ask you, do you believe that there are immortal cultivators and fairies in this world?"

At this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor sat in front of her, recovered Yan Qing's tone, and asked him.

"Well, of course I believe it, otherwise I wouldn't have been fooled by you. "

Ye Liang said with a smile.

[Fox spirit, aren't you just a goblin? 】



Until this time, the Akatsuki Female Emperor finally reacted.

From the first time Ye Liang saw her, he said in his heart that she was a fox spirit.

At that time, as Yan Qing, she thought that Ye Liang was deliberately looking down on her in his heart, thinking about her, or that he was narcissistic.

However, now that I think about it, it seems that this is not the case.

If Ye Liang knew that she was a fox spirit from the first meeting, then Ye Liang was too terrible——!

You know, she was in a sealed state before.

Even the most powerful people can easily not see the true appearance of the sealed person.

However, Ye Liang could see it at a glance.

If he is an ordinary person, then it is strange——!!!

Perhaps, not only is he not an ordinary person, but he is also a particularly powerful hidden person.

Much higher than your own cultivation.

His every move, in his eyes, perhaps, is just like a naughty ordinary fox.

That's why he looked down on himself so much in his heart, but he didn't turn his face with himself because he absorbed his essence qi.

Like a person who feeds small animal food, will he mind that the food in his bag is stolen a little more by the small animal?

Of course not.

Oh, if that's the case, then it's really...

What a surprise.

On the small earth, there is such a powerful statue living in seclusion.

But, is this possible?

Is Ye Liang really more powerful than himself?

Judging by his previous performance...

He was much stronger than he thought.

He had long known that he was a vixen, and even disliked himself in his heart.

However, he pretended not to know, and came to cooperate with himself, just...

Her face turned slightly red.

Just to do something with yourself.

For himself, it can be said that it is an endless essence power, and for him, it may really be just something that he doesn't care about.

That's why he will let himself suck his essence power, and also let himself mess with him.

Ye Liang should indeed be a reclusive power.

Although the strength is unknown, it is definitely much higher than her.

Thinking of this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, the earth has this law, otherwise, he just came to a showdown with Ye Liang and exposed his identity.

In the future, Ye Liang may not be so casual with himself as he is now.

Some people who are superior to the hidden world like to enjoy the fun of the hidden world.

But once you pretend to be forced in front of him, and even want to embarrass him, so that he has to expose his identity, he does not tear you up, it is considered your luck.

Thinking of this, while the female emperor of the red moon was rejoicing, she was also a little curious about what kind of person Ye Liang was.

Why did he go into seclusion to Earth, and why did he become the son of Ye Ziqian's old demon woman.

Should it be, in fact, Ye Ziqian's old demon woman is not an ordinary person, right?

Otherwise, how could she be so against the sky, a woman, relying on her own hard work, earned tens of billions in just half a life.

It's almost like a miracle.

In short, before figuring out Ye Liang's details, he had to be extra careful.

Thinking of this, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon said with a smile:

"Hate, if you don't have bad thoughts in your heart, will you agree?"

Since he wants to keep a low profile, then accompany him to pretend.

Saying this, Yan Qing sat down next to Ye Liang and said close to him:

"Isn't it?"


Ye Liang coughed lightly, indicating that he didn't have that idea before.

It's not that you're not strong-willed, it's just that you're too charming.

Thinking of this, he spoke:

"Yes, I had an idea, but I didn't expect it, Sister Qing, you are not an honest person. "

Yan Qing is a woman after all, of course, he still has to let her point and not let her be too humiliated.

[Vixen, if it weren't for the fact that I was hiding my identity, do you think that with your little tricks, you could still trick me into your house——!?

[Now I am actually embarrassed to say that I have bad intentions, young man, I advise you not to be too proud——!]

Ye Liang: ...

Emperor Akatsuki: Don't you want to be called a young man?!


Hearing Ye Liang's heart, the Female Emperor of Chiyue was speechless for a while.

I don't believe it, my Akatsuki Female Emperor really doesn't have the slightest attraction to you.

Stinky man, you wait, there will always be a day when you kneel in front of the old lady——!!!

"Where am I not honest, brother, you are not honest, the front is so serious, the back..."

Saying that, the face of the Akatsuki Female Emperor turned red again.

When she was Yan Qing, she just believed too much in Ye Liang's thoughts.

Feeling that Ye Liang is so wary of her and looks down on her so much, he will definitely be like the protagonist in the anime novel, and he will not dare to accept the one who sends him to the door.

That's why she does those things.

Then, the result is...

Ye Liang's eyes suddenly turned red, and all of a sudden, the horse stepped on the flying fox.

If she was still Yan Qing now, she would definitely want to cry without tears.

How did things get to this point.

And she is not Yan Qing, she is the female emperor of the red moon.

Yan Qing is only a part of her, for Yan Qing, this may be a thing that will be regretted for a lifetime, or it may be a thing that will change a lifetime...

To her, uh, it seems to be ——!

If it weren't for Ye Liang, how could she become the Akatsuki Female Emperor now?!

It seems that he still has to stay on Earth for a while.

Ye Liang may be his own chance...

Anyway, after so many years, it's not bad for a while.

Jiang Yurou didn't know when, she had already come to the living room.

Her gaze kept staring at Ye Liang and the Akatsuki Female Emperor, and her eyes were so angry that they were about to breathe fire.

Her heart was sour, and she cursed secretly.

Stinky Ye Liang, stinky bastard, when the old lady does not exist?

No matter what you think in your heart, but on the face, the old lady is still your girlfriend, right?

What are you doing so close to other women in front of your old woman?!!!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help it.

She wanted to open her mouth to remind the two in front of her, she Jiang Yurou is still there, in front of her, don't be so arrogant——!!!

"Ahem. "

Coughing gently, Jiang Yurou said to Ye Liang:

"Brother Ye Liang, didn't I come out at the right time?"

Generally speaking, a man should be too close to other women.

No matter how shameless he is, when he sees his girlfriend coming, he always points his face.

I will always be embarrassed and instinctively avoid the women around me.

Ye Liang's gaze looked towards Jiang Yurou.

When were you here?"

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: Gan Nyima ——!!!

I TMD wanted to scold my mother, it turns out that you TMD really didn't put me in the eyes, right?!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt that her lungs were about to explode.

However, she had to hold back her anger.

Because at this moment, Ye Liang showed a smile.

One hand put his arm around the Akatsuki Female Emperor, and the other hand stretched out to Jiang Yurou, signaling Jiang Yurou to take his hand:

"No, you came at the right time. "

At this moment, he originally had a clear conscience.

After all, Jiang Yurou has said it all, she doesn't care about this.

You see, now she's still smiling.

However, the voice of Xiu Immortal Voice Pack was...

[Hehe, Jiang Yurou, stinky woman, how is it, now I put my arms around other women in front of you, what are you going to do? ]

If you catch my hand, I'm sure you'll be angry.

If you don't pick up, it's better to break up with me directly.

And that's what I wanted——!

That way, I'll never have to talk to you again, and I'll be at ease.

How's that.

If you don't pick up, I can get free, you take it, and I also make you angry to explode——!

Hey, hey, ——!!!hey,

Ye Liang: ...

I'm TM, this Xiuxian voice package is also too cheap.

If people heard the voice of my immortal cultivation voice pack, I would probably be criticized as the most scumbag scumbag in the world.

No, it's even more scum——!!!

Jiang Yurou: Stinky scumbag——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but scold in her heart.

Bastard, shameless, do not face——!!!

She felt like she was dizzy with anger.

In his life, if he doesn't understand this breath, he may really die without a blind eye.

She had already thought of remembering Ye Liang's appearance at this moment after she died, and she was unwilling to close her eyes.

No, no——!!!

Hold on, hold on.

This scumbag is not afraid of anything in this life, if he is very angry, break up with him and leave him, just take advantage of his heart, as he wants.

You can't do that yourself——!!!

Even if he tries his best in this life, he will make this scumbag pay.

Doesn't he hate himself?

Don't you want to break yourself up?

Don't you want to break yourself up with him?

Even if he is angry, he can't let him succeed.

This is called...

Wounding a thousand, self-inflicting eight hundred, worth ——!!!

As long as you can make this stinky guy who cares about himself on the surface, but actually hates himself to death in his heart, he is also worth it——!


And...... I don't hate him yet.

Hmph, by his side, he will not necessarily be angry, but he will definitely be disgusted, in this way, he will hurt the enemy by a thousand, and he may get a thousand.

This kind of thing, it's so earning——!!!

At this moment, a thousand thoughts flashed in Jiang Yurou's heart.

On her face, there was only one smile.


She showed the gentlest smile and the most well-behaved expression in her life, and stretched out towards Ye Liang's hand.

Ye Liang's hand was slightly forced, allowing her to sit beside him.

At this moment, Ye Liang really embraced left and right, sitting and enjoying the blessings of Qi people.

Looking to the left, Yan Qing is showing an obsessive look at her, and looking at the right, Jiang Yurou is looking well-behaved.

He spoke:

"Yurou, in the future, Yan Qing will also be my girlfriend, she is older than you, you can call her sister." "



Although she thought a lot, but in practice, Jiang Yurou felt how much willpower she needed to restrain the urge to burst the dog's head of this man who was holding her.

Her fingers were crunched, but her face could only show an unprecedented well-behaved color, through Ye Liang, looking at the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon beside him and saying:

"Sister Yan Qing, hello, everyone will be a family in the future, please take care of it." "

The Lady Emperor of Akatsuki didn't think so much.

At this moment, she was just thinking about what Ye Liang was coming from.

If Ye Liang's is really some kind of hidden master, then his cultivation must be terrifying.

Because she didn't sense even a little bit of cultivation from Ye Liang.

If Ye Liang didn't cultivate at all, he would have been sucked dry by himself last night.

In short, she is still willing to believe that Ye Liang is a real master.

Even if Ye Liang disliked her in his heart and just teased her like a pet, she was now happy to play this kind of family game with Ye Liang.

Facing Jiang Yurou's greeting, the Lady Emperor of Chiyue smiled:

"Sister Yurou, I will depend on you to take care of me in the future, you don't know... Ye Liang, what he really likes is you, I just don't want to face it, so I relied on my good figure and grabbed Ye Liang's weakness. "


Hearing Yan Qing's words, Jiang Yurou's whole person was not good on the spot.

What the?

Is it me that he likes the most?


Jokes, big jokes——!!!

He wants to kick me out of the way now, do you know?!!!

No, you don't know at all.

You don't know how much anger I am suffering from him now, although I am leaning on his body now.

Hey, my grievances, in this life, who can understand?

There is no way to understand at all.

"Sister Yan Qing, your figure is so good, teach me when you have time." "

Jiang Yurou said to Yan Qing:

"How can I make me stand out like you? "

"Okay. "

The Akatsuki Female Emperor said with a smile:

"When I have time, I'll teach you slowly. "

At this moment, both women have ghosts in their hearts, however, they each look very harmonious.

In Ye Liang's arms, both of them could whisper...

And Ye Liang at this moment is naturally very happy, anyway, his ideal seems to have been realized.

At this time, far away, inside the office of the president of a company.

A very young and beautiful woman was sitting here with a bored face.

"Hey... Although I really want Yan Qing, that little girl, to be my daughter-in-law, but she is gone, I am really bored every day alone. "

With that said, she picked up a picture frame and looked over the picture inside.

In the photo, there is a man, a man with long silver-white hair.

His appearance was somewhat similar to Ye Liang, but it was completely different.

The man's face had a very cold expression, but there seemed to be a bit of pampering in his eyes when he looked at the camera.


Ye Ziqian gently stroked her finger against the face of the man in the frame.

"Forget it, I still don't play these false things with my son, just tell him that Yan Qing was sent by me to be his wife." "


(It's the beginning of the month, everyone has tickets in hand, so what, ask for tickets.) )

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