
Looking at Ye Liang in front of him, Ye Ziqian's face was speechless.

This kid, really think of himself as a fool?

What era is it, he is a young man, and he has no other skills, where did the two girlfriends come from?

Oh yes, there's money, right?

It's okay to have money, but can a girlfriend who relies on money to find it be sincere?

That certainly doesn't count.

Therefore, she didn't believe that Ye Liang really had two girlfriends.

Even if there is, it must be the kind of woman who covets Ye Liang's money, the kind of person who wants to be her son's girlfriend, she doesn't recognize it.

"Mom, I do have two girlfriends. "

Ye Liang said: "Moreover, this girlfriend, you will definitely be satisfied." "

[Hehe, she doesn't believe it, she doesn't believe it, just waiting for the moment she doesn't believe, I called my second girlfriend out and pretended to punch her in the face in front of her——!]

Ye Liang: ... I don't mean it, my respect for my mother comes from the heart.

Ye Ziqian: Gan Nyima——!!!

Listen, is this a word that can be thought of when a son?

Have two girlfriends, huh?

Having two girlfriends is awesome, right?

Two girlfriends——!!

The old lady should take a good look at who this stinky boy's second girlfriend is, if it is not as good as Yan Qing, the old lady will laugh him to death——!

"Oh, yes, son, you wouldn't have been fooled by a little ad on a telephone pole, would you?"

At this moment, Ye Ziqian looked at Ye Liang with disdain:

"I advise you to keep your eyes open..."

Ye Liang: Why does this sound a little familiar?

He said: "Mom, I really have a second girlfriend, and it's definitely not a little advertisement on a telephone pole, don't believe it, I'll let her come out and show you." "

"Okay, you let her come out and show me. "

Hearing this, Ye Ziqian said with a smile:

"It just so happens that the girl I introduced to you has already arrived near you, and I would like to see who is better." "

Oh, although Yan Qing's little girl always doesn't know how to lift and likes to spit on the old lady, her appearance is very beatable.

Moreover, although her character is not good, she is definitely a good fertility master.

No matter who you pull out, when the old lady calls Yan Qing over, you will understand how powerful the old lady is.

"Okay. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang nodded, ticked the side, and signaled Yan Qing to enter the mirror.

Emperor Akatsuki: ...

At this moment, her expression was strange.

This mother and son duo are really interesting.

One is more capable than the other, and the other is more inappropriate than the other——!

If he really became Ye Liang's daughter-in-law, he would definitely be a thief in his daily life.

Before determining whether Ye Ziqian is not simple, let's go back to Yan Qing normally.

Moreover, even if Ye Ziqian is really a simple brain wreck, with Ye Liang's relationship, it is not good for him to turn his face with her anymore.

Somehow, it always feels like the secret between this mother and son is not small.

However, for now, he still enjoyed seeing Ye Ziqian's shocked expression.


After the Akatsuki Female Emperor sneered in her heart, a smug smile appeared on her face.

Then, she squeezed into Ye Liang's mobile phone camera and greeted the person opposite:

"Hi ——!"

Ye Ziqian: ...

When she saw that the person who appeared in the picture was Yan Qing, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but be stupid.

What the hell is this?!!!

Why did this happen?!!!

How did Yan Qing become Ye Liang's second girlfriend?

When did it happen?

How did he not know——!!!

Okay, Yan Qing, your calculating old lady——!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian instantly understood.

It must have been Yan Qing who hooked up with her son in the morning, but she deliberately didn't say it to herself, just so that at this moment, she knew that she must be unable to help but want to pretend to be with her son.

Yes, that's right, definitely——!!!

At this moment, the Lady Emperor of Chiyue did not know that she had been buckled on her head by Ye Ziqian's black pot.

She just smiled and said to Ye Ziqian in the video:

"Aunt Ye, I'm sorry, I'm your son's second girlfriend, I didn't bother to tell you before... I didn't expect you to be so open-minded, it's really great. "

“...... Uh..."

Looking at Yan Qing like this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Her gaze turned to Ye Liang and she spoke:

"Son, it's not my mother who said you... Some women, who seem to be nice to you, are actually playing with your feelings too... The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive. "


Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, the Red Moon Female Emperor couldn't help but look shocked.

Lie down, as far as you mean to say this?!!!

Do you want a face?!!

And Ye Liang listened to Ye Ziqian's words, and he couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Mom, in front of people, you don't say this, right?"

"Son, don't blame your mother for speaking straight... Look at this Yan Qing..."

Ye Ziqian's gaze glared towards Yan Qing, and said seriously:

"Seeing that although she is so beautiful and takes such care of you, but she is not married at such an age, I know at a glance that she is an X cold, she must be looking for you to fall in love spiritually, and she will definitely not let you touch her ——!"


Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

: Mom, you misunderstood, your son's seal was lifted with her.

Ye Liang: I can't say this, can I?

Say it, make Yan Qing very embarrassed, right?

But don't say it, it's a little unbearable to Yan Qing.

In the end, Ye Liang decided to speak out.

Today's mother looks a little abnormal.

He spoke:

"Mom, you misunderstood, Yan Qing and I have already ..."


At this moment, Jiang Yurou on the side couldn't help but be stunned.

Her gaze looked towards Ye Liang and Yan Qing.

These two hateful guys, sure enough——!!!

And Ye Liang said this, but Yan Qing's face was very calm.

There was no embarrassment at all.

Even, she looked at Ye Ziqian with some pride.

“...... Uh..."

Ye Ziqian couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

What is this situation again?

It's not scientific——!!!

Yan Qing, this girl, will easily fancy a man?

Unscientific, too unscientific.

Originally, he just teased Yan Qing, wanting Yan Qing to contact Ye Liang and cultivate each other's feelings and so on.

But now, his son is actually so powerful?

I said before that I had to make my son fall in love with Yan Qing, so that Yan Qing could get the right to act freely.

Now, his son really lost his love word?!

That's great, right——!!!

Moreover, did Yan Qingzhen fancy his son?

This is completely different from her before.

What's going on here?

[Hahaha, how about it, my mother must have been scared by me at this moment, right? Her son is much more capable than she thought. 】

[She may never believe that her son is so powerful that he found two girlfriends at once, right?]

[Hey, if you don't pretend to have a wave in front of your mother to find two girlfriends, this life is too boring. ] 】

Ye Liang: ...

Ye Ziqian: ——!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but feel very embarrassed.

Good guy, he didn't do it as a good person, and he didn't do it as a bad guy.

Pretend not to be forced to be pretended to be ——!!!

Smelly boy, really have this ability, found two girlfriends?

He wouldn't have been deceived by Yan Qing, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Ziqian said again:

"I said son... Although you have found two girlfriends, your mother is also very happy, but Yurou's side will definitely not agree, don't worry, your mother will come over immediately and persuade Yurou for you——!"

At this moment, she can only change the topic and change her train of thought.

Yan Qing, this girl has followed her since she was a child, and she has long been abnormal.

It's not surprising that she would accept the setting that a man has several women.

But Jiang Yurou is a normal girl.

Therefore, Ye Liang must be troublesome to convince Jiang Yurou.

And at this time, she, who is a mother, can appear.

Let her son know that she is not a mother for nothing.

The dispute between girlfriends, she also has a way to solve.

"Auntie, no need——!"

At this moment, Jiang Yurou finally found an opportunity, she directly pounced and said in front of the camera:

"I don't have any opinion about Brother Ye Liang, you don't have to worry. "

At this moment, she finally saw the face of her future mother-in-law.

Wow, so young, so beautiful, is it really Ye Liang?

How does it feel right——!!!


At this moment, Ye Ziqian also looked at Jiang Yurou in the video, with an incredulous face.

What did you hear just now?

Jiang Yurou, this little girl, actually said that she didn't mind?!!!

Still no opinion at all?

Groove ——!!!

What did I hear?!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian was a little skeptical of life.

[Hahahaha, laugh to death, this feels so cool. ] 】

[My mother definitely doesn't believe that I can let Jiang Yurou and Yan Qing coexist peacefully and let them accept this status quo. ] 】

[At this moment, hearing Jiang Yurou's words, she was so shocked that her three views were about to crack. ] 】

【Cool ——!!!】

Ye Liang: I... I'm TM, it's quite cool, this kind of feeling when you do something shocking and then be looked at with incredible eyes, it's really cool.

Ye Ziqian: I'm Shuang Nima——!!!

At this moment, Ye Ziqian should have been very happy, but now she was not happy at all.

There is always a feeling of depression that the good things he wants to do have been completed by Ye Liang in advance.

This son is also too capable——!!!

If he is like this, won't he, the old mother, never have the opportunity to appear?!!!

And put on a yarn——!!!

It feels like the whole person is numb——!!!

No, it can't be delayed any longer.

Thinking of this, Ye Ziqian said to Ye Liang:

"Son, since you said so, and, Yan Qing, I didn't expect you to really become a couple with my son, I misunderstood you just now, apologize." "

"Hehe, it's okay, Auntie, can I call you mom in the future?

You have to worry that I will call you old, and we can each call each other in the future.

You call me sister, I call you mother. "

The Lady Emperor of Chiyue had a bit of pride in her eyes at this moment, and she looked at Ye Ziqian's expression, as if to say:

"Come on, come to me, stinky woman.

Don't you like to arrange me?

Now you can arrange for me again."

You asked me to come in touch with your son, and you wanted to use me to provoke your son's self-esteem, and then you came out to help him.

But I don't give you a chance, I TM directly give it for nothing, see what you can do with me.

Want to pretend, I'll make you a fool.

The same. "


At this moment, Ye Ziqian's face couldn't help but turn livid.

Good guys, I TMD——!!!

Okay, Ye Liang, you boy, can you ——!!!

So capable of taking the sister, don't tell your mother, just wait to pretend in front of your mother, right?

Okay, yes, no problem.

Her gaze turned towards Ye Liang again, squeezed out a smile, and said:

"Ye Liang, seeing that you have such a good relationship with Yan Qing and Yurou, my mother is a little envious, not bad. "

“...... Auntie, can I also call you mother?"

At this time, Jiang Yurou suddenly opened her mouth with some embarrassment and asked Ye Ziqian.

"Uh... Of course. "

Ye Ziqian looked at Jiang Yurou's appearance, and then looked at Yan Qing, and the two women squeezed around Ye Liang.

That scene, middle-aged and elderly people couldn't resist at all——!!!

"Mom. "

Jiang Yurou said, her eyes looked towards Ye Liang again, and saw that he was looking at her with a smile.

She couldn't help but smile slightly, looking a little shy.

Hehe, although she couldn't hear Ye Liang's heart, she knew that Ye Liang must be very upset now.

She took the opportunity to call her mother to see what Ye Liang would do now.

It is impossible to get rid of her, it is impossible to get rid of her in this life, and you can only obediently accept fate and let her dangle in front of his eyes every day.

"Huh~ hehe, well, well, you mother, I am so happy..."

Listening to Jiang Yurou call her mother, Ye Ziqian felt a pang of grievances in her heart at this moment.

Damn it——!!!

The things arranged by yourself, why did you get it to the end, and it was all this stinky boy who was in the limelight?!!!

Is he really that powerful?

Her gaze moved towards Ye Liang again, coughed lightly, and said:

"Ye Liang, since you now have two girlfriends, my mother won't hide from you... In fact...... The genetic disease in our family requires you to marry three wives, I am afraid that you will be pressured, so I only said two at the beginning——!"


At this moment, Ye Liang was dumbfounded.

Jiang Yurou: Three, three?!

What kind of strange disease is this?!!

I really don't blame Jiang Yurou for her poor intelligence, now she even knows about immortals, so her ability to accept many things is particularly great.

Even some settings that even the immortals can't accept, she can easily believe in existence.

Her gaze cast towards Ye Liang...

Fortunately, plus one Zhao Ziyan, there are exactly three, don't worry.

Emperor Akatsuki: ... If at the beginning the slave family was still just a little skeptical, now the slave family is really sure.

There is absolutely no such disease, it is all caused by this old demon named Ye Ziqian——!

In order to pretend to be realistic in front of her son, she really has no chance, and she has to create opportunities.


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