“...... In that case, then you are free. "

Looking at the female emperor of the red moon in the video in front of her, in the end, Ye Ziqian couldn't help sighing and said to her:

"From now on, you can do whatever you like, don't you want my company? "


Hearing this, the Akatsuki Female Emperor couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips and sneered.

If it is Yan Qing, her life's pursuit is naturally only to successfully control a large company.

However, how can my pursuit of the Akatsuki Female Emperor be the same as Yan Qing?

Now that you let me run your company, I'm still in trouble."

So, she spoke:

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Mom, I don't want your company anymore, I want your son now, so you better take care of your own company."

I still have business, hang up first. "

Saying that, the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki hung up the phone without hesitation.

Under the influence of Yan Qing, she also has a lot of complaints about Ye Ziqian, so if she can make Ye Ziqian depressed.

She was still very happy.

I believe that Ye Ziqian must be very depressed now.

She thought she would always accept her arrangement and be arranged by her?

Hehe, I don't.

At first, she thought that she couldn't hook up with Ye Liang, and wanted to use this to embarrass herself.

I didn't expect it, his charm is so great, Ye Liang or something, he didn't obediently throw himself into his arms.

Suddenly, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but be stunned.

: Oh, think about it, it feels a little wrong.

What am I proud of?

If it weren't for Ye Liang's infinite essence power, I would have lost it.

On the other side, after Ye Ziqian hung up the phone, she finally showed a smile that had succeeded in trickery.

"Hahahaha, Ye Liang, good boy, there is yours——!!!"

In a moment of excitement, she sat directly on the chair and spun around several times.

Seriously, she still has a little count of what her son is.

As far as his son is honest, how can a girl look at him.

Although she sent Yan Qing to her son, in the final analysis, she just deliberately wanted to embarrass Yan Qing.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qing actually did it...

No, it should be said that his own son really did it.

Not only let Yan Qing be with him, but also successfully made him fall in love with Yan Qing and less love.

Awesome, can ——!

I also know that she Ye Ziqian is also a mother, her son has successfully had a beautiful and capable girlfriend, even if she is not happy, she will not be unhappy, right?

In fact, she was really happy in her heart.

It's just that she didn't want her true purpose to be seen by Yan Qing, so she pretended to be angry.

At the moment, she only felt that she had never been so happy in her life.

Let you be treacherous and cunning, and you have to drink the old lady's footwash, no matter what you do, I will not lose——!

But...... Thinking of the pretend words that Ye Liang had in mind before, she couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Smelly boy, still pretending in front of the old lady.

If it weren't for the old lady's arrangement, you wouldn't even have the opportunity to meet Yan Qing, which is hateful.

After being happy, she couldn't help but get depressed again.

The only regret, sure enough, was that he did not put a handful in front of his son.

If you have the ability to pretend in front of your son, what is the point of your life?

She glanced at the picture frame in front of her and said:

"You said yes?"

The person on the picture frame just looked at her with spoiled eyes and did not speak.

The person in the photo is naturally unlikely to speak.


Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou came to the academy together, and naturally there were onlookers all the way on the road...


At the moment when Ye Liang was about to enter the academy, a tall man suddenly jumped out and stopped in front of Ye Liang.

I saw this person wearing a vest, looking tall and big, with a sharp face, staring at Ye Liang.


Looking at the person in front of him, Ye Liang looked puzzled.

Who is this goods?

The man kept his head open, stared at Ye Liang tightly, and said:

"This academician, what's wrong with you, why didn't you wear a courtyard uniform, you came to the academy——!!!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

His gaze looked towards Jiang Yurou beside him.

Today's Jiang Yurou is wearing a pure white shirt and a white lace skirt.

At this moment, she looks like a beautiful white butterfly, fresh and moving.

His gaze turned to the men and women who were preparing to be admitted to the hospital, and these men and women were also dressed very casually and freely.

Those who wear courtyard uniforms in good manners, basically no...

Then, his gaze fell on the tall man in front of him.

The man only stared at himself.

"What are you?"

He asked.


Hearing this, the man in the vest looked angry:

I'm a discipline master of the Qingcai Academy, who specializes in the violations in the academy, you——!

Why don't you come to the academy in uniform?"

He glared at Ye Liang and asked.

"Look, it's Ye Liang, he was targeted by Yang Heizi. "

"Hehe, there is a good show. "

"Ye Liang was too arrogant in the past two days, and he didn't expect that he would be targeted by Yang Heizi. "

"yes, haha, he's inferior now. "

“...... However, why did Yang Heizi suddenly want to trouble Ye Liang today?"

"Then I don't know, I heard that Xu Changjun once asked his father to propose a kiss to Jiang Yurou's family before, but Jiang Yurou refused. "

"Lying groove, isn't this a disgrace to Xu Dashao?"

"Yes, Jiang Yurou is fancyed by Xu Dashao, this Ye Liang dares to compete with Xu Dashao for women, isn't he dead?"

"Xu Da Shao only needs an order, and some academy masters want to please him. "

Everyone around was talking about it, and everyone was looking at this side and pointing.

"So what... I'm not the only one who doesn't wear a hospital uniform..."

Ye Liang's gaze turned to the surrounding people who were also not wearing courtyard clothes to watch the bustle, and said:

"Why didn't you ask them?!"

"Why, you have an opinion?!!"

Hearing this, the man who was called Yang Heizi was also the discipline master in this academy, and he glared at Ye Liang and said:

"Now I just ask you, why don't you come to the academy in your uniform——!?"

As he spoke, he cast a 'rest assured, look at me' look at someone at the back of the crowd.

Behind the crowd, Xu Changjun was looking at this with a playful expression.

He smiled coldly and muttered with a sad face.

"Ye Liang, offending my end, it's not something you can afford, I said, I want you to be unable to fool around in this Jiangzhou, do what you say, this is just the beginning." "

At this moment, Ye Liang's gaze cast towards this Yang Heizi in front of him, and he raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"What a smile, white teeth-!!!"

Yang Heizi glared at Ye Liang and said:

"I didn't wear a hospital uniform, and I didn't go back and change it?!"

Oh, when you go back and change, I'll say you're late, let's see what you do——!

This time, as long as he let Ye Liang lose a big face, he would definitely be able to please Xu Gongzi.

At that time, he will have a great future, hahaha——!!!

Thinking like this, Yang Heizi's heart couldn't help but feel very proud.

Looking at Ye Liang, he was like looking at a lump of fat meat, and what appeared in his eyes was actually greedy.

Now many people have received orders to embarrass Ye Liang.

As long as Ye Liang succeeds, then their benefits are not small.

Currying favor with the students is a normal thing for them.

Usually they receive quite a few benefits ...


Ye Liang just quietly looked at this Yang Heizi in front of him, listening to his words, coupled with the discussion of everyone around him, of course he understood.

The identity of the person in front of him, and his purpose.

Again deliberately came to find trouble for yourself?

Is it true that I am a good bully?

[You forced me, I didn't want to mobilize my forces and bring a bloody storm to the entire Jiangzhou, but you deceived people too much——!]

Jiang Yurou was originally worried about Ye Liang.

Suddenly hearing this voice made her stunned.


No way?!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was a little dumbfounded.

What is Ye Liang going to do?

He was just stopped by this Yang Heizi because he was not wearing a courtyard uniform.

Just plan to bring a bloody storm to the entire Jiangzhou?

Lying groove, should you be so exaggerated——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was a little worried about the fate of this Yang Heizi.

Of course, this is just a joke, in fact, Jiang Yurou also wished that Ye Liang could teach this guy a hard lesson.

Even the blind man could see that this Yang Heizi was deliberately making trouble for Ye Liang.

Anyway, if others don't wear courtyard uniforms, he doesn't care, he just stares at Ye Liang, right?!!!

Isn't this bullying honest people?!!!

Although Ye Liang, this guy is not honest...

"It seems that Ye Liang is ugly today. "

"yes... You see, he was so scared that he didn't even dare to speak. "

"Haha... Before he was quite beautiful, he was surrounded by so many beautiful women every day. "


Everyone around looked at this scene and laughed.

Of course, most of them are boys who have just a lot of lemons.

And the girls looked at Ye Liang more and more pleasantly.

Therefore, at this moment, they were all a little worried about whether Ye Liang would really lose face.

Now let him go back to change the hospital clothes, it must be too late.

"Boy, you talk, I'll let you go back and change your hospital clothes, do you have an opinion?!"

At this time, that Yang Heizi was standing in front of Ye Liang, with a vicious look.

Such a scene attracted more and more onlookers.


At this time, in the distance, Li Xiaofeng was rushing here with a set of courtyard clothes.

When he saw the scene here from the rooftop, he understood.

It must have been Xu Changjun who arranged for someone to deal with Ye Liang.

So he hurriedly returned to his class, let one of his classmates change the hospital uniform, and wanted to bring it to Ye Liang's rescue.

After all, no matter what, although Ye Liang was not afraid of this kind of scene at all, he would definitely be troublesome.

According to what Lu Xiaoer said, Ye Liang wanted to keep a low profile.

If he wants to survive, he must try to ensure that Ye Liang will not encounter such troubles, so that he can continue to keep a low profile.

At the moment, he was really afraid.

After all, Ye Liang's methods were too terrifying, and Lu Yao'er's methods were equally terrifying.

The god is haunted, and I am afraid that his life is only a momentary thing...

At this time, he couldn't help but look forward to it, as long as his performance was good, then, maybe he not only didn't have to die, but also could simmer Ye Liang.

Ye Liang is so powerful, if he befriended him, wouldn't he have a great future?

However, at this time, Ye Liang looked at Yang Heizi in front of him, and after he finished speaking, he spoke:

"You're done fart?"


At this moment, the audience froze.

"No, Ye Liang actually said that Yang Heizi was farting?"

"He doesn't know how powerful Yang Heizi is, right?"

"Offend Yang Heizi, it's not easy to mess around in this academy. "

"How can someone who can be a discipline master in the Qingcai Academy be simple, this time, Ye Liang's path has narrowed. "

"Yes, that's right. "


Listening to Ye Liang's words, everyone around began to discuss.

Some people are worried, some people are happy to watch the excitement.

And that Yang Heizi's face suddenly darkened.

Very good, very good——!!!

This kid is a little gutsy.

"What do you say? I told you to go back and change my hospital clothes, you said I fart? OK, I have a little money at home, and I don't put the courtyard teacher in my eyes? Bully, isn't it ?!!!?"

He said angrily to Ye Liang:

"Believe it or not, if I report your words and deeds today, I guarantee that you will be expelled from the youth——!!!

We young talents don't need people like you who are undisciplined and disrespectful——!

Saying that, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips proudly.

I heard that there is some money in this Ye Liang's house, but I checked it myself, and there is a gross money in his house.

An ordinary single-parent family.

In this academy, there are many people who dare not offend, but there are definitely many people who can step on them at will.

What's more, as a discipline master, it is reasonable to let a student go back and change into a hospital uniform, even if the dean stands here to help him, he will have a plan.

"I'll tell you, you either honestly change into your hospital clothes today and I'll let you in, or, you won't be used to be a young talent, huh——!!!

People like you who do not respect teachers and teachers are not worthy of going to school in Qingcai. "


Ye Liang was thinking about how to deal with this guy, originally, the theory was that he was the one who took care of the loss, and he didn't need to be angry with the other party.

However, being maliciously targeted made him very unhappy.

Now this guy is like a TMD fool again, forcing and nagging here endlessly.

Really when he Ye Hao bully can't do it?!

Being provoked on Earth, Immortal Cultivators have the right to take the initiative to attack...

So, whatever he does, it's okay.

[Kill him directly.] 】

Ye Liang: ... You don't have to kill people, do you?

Jiang Yurou: What... This, this, this is going to kill?

Oh my God——!!!

[It's a little too shocking, because this kind of trifle kills people or something, and I, Ye Liang, am not a devil. ] 】

Jiang Yurou breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, although this guy deliberately targeted you, he also came according to the rules.

Because then you have to kill people or something, don't you.

[Let him kill himself.] 】

Jiang Yurou: Uh...

[That's it...]

At this moment, Jiang Yurou's heart was a little panicked.


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