
Originally, Jiang Yurou was still worried about her home.

His father wanted to divorce his mother on the grounds that his mother was cheating.

This kind of thing, even if she thinks about it, it is easy to accept it, right?

Otherwise, she would not have told Tang Pinru about her father's divorce before.

She had thought that she could delay a little longer and tell her mother about this at the right time.

But I didn't expect her father to start so quickly.

Give her a chance at all——!

And now, her worries about the inside of the home have been overshadowed by another emotion.

That is anger.

Anger towards Ye Liang——!!!

This abominable fellow, GZZ, TMD, is just too much——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou scolded Ye Liang as if he had smeared honey in his heart.

However, the moment she saw Ye Liang, a smile immediately squeezed out of her face.


Wait, no, I don't have to laugh today——!!!

Hahaha, I can honestly lower my mouth on this guy——!!

Thinking of this, she showed a sad look again.

Jiang Yurou: Hahahaha, I'm sorry, Mom, it's not that I don't want to be sad for you.

However, now Ye Liang, this stinky guy, is too much——!!!

I...... Hee-hee, what, I'm going to teach him a lesson before I talk.

You wouldn't mind if I used your miserable experience to talk to Ye Liang, would you?

Thinking of this, she had a crying look on her face, and she felt proud in her heart.

She is really a filial daughter.

She threw herself directly into Ye Liang's arms.

"Ye Liang——!!!"

She threw herself into Ye Liang's arms with a crying face.

And Ye Liang naturally took her into his arms very distressed.

In his opinion, Jiang Yurou must be very sad now.

However, without waiting for Ye Liang to say a few words to comfort this woman, she had already seized the opportunity.


As soon as she threw herself into Ye Liang's arms, she directly bit it down.


At this moment, Ye Liang naturally felt Jiang Yurou's small movements.

No, what's going on with this woman, how do you like to bite when you encounter things?

Gan ——!!!

Immortal cultivators are not unable to feel pain, if they cannot feel pain, then their perception will decrease.

Immortal cultivators' perception of pain declines linearly.

In other words, the more ordinary the injury, the more powerful it is for immortal cultivators.

For example, if a girl bites an immortal cultivator, the immortal cultivator will clearly perceive all the pain.

Because this kind of pain belongs to normal perception, it is not dangerous for immortal cultivators, and there is no need to cancel this perception.

In contrast, the more painful things are, the lighter they are for immortal cultivators.

For example, the pain of being burned by fire is completely infestation for immortal cultivators.

When the immortal cultivator has real pain because of being burned by the fire, it proves that this fire is also a dangerous fire for the immortal cultivator.

In other words, Jiang Yurou bit him, and that kind of pain was no different from normal people for him.


After the pain in the flesh, Ye Liang did not blame Jiang Yurou.

After all, he also knew that Jiang Yurou must be feeling sorry for her family now.

He gently raised his hand, patted Jiang Yurou's back, and comforted:

"Well, cry out when you're sad. "


Hearing Ye Liang's comforting words, Jiang Yurou was a little surprised.

Because generally at this time, Ye Liang's heart will definitely come from a bitter scolding and belittling of her.

This time there was actually none...

Could it be that he really felt sorry for himself this time?

So impressed.

She couldn't help but think so.


[Stinky woman, have you hugged enough? Didn't you see that I was accompanying Zhao Ziyan?

Ye Liang: ...

My arms are wide enough to accommodate many people.

So, I never say big or small.

Although Jiang Yurou did not become Zhao Ziyanda, who had become a female emperor.

But, in my heart, they are equal.

Therefore, what the Xiuxian voice pack said was false.

Jiang Yurou: My little Nima——!!!

And so on——!!!

Suddenly, Jiang Yurou's gaze looked towards the Purple Heart Female Emperor on the side.

In her mind, she recalled the ugly face when the Purple Heart Female Emperor was not Zhao Ziyan not long ago.

At that time, she seemed to have made a vow.

If Ye Liang really saw Zhao Ziyan, then she would be willing to be a small ——!

Although she only thought about that vow in her heart, would the vow she thought in her heart also have to be fulfilled?

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was a little panicked.

Abominable Ye Liang——!!!

All blame you for what kind of immortal cultivator, what immortal Venerable...

Well, I don't even know if my vow will be fulfilled.

I...... Do I really have to be willing to be small?

No...... Don't——!!!

I came first——!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was really a little panicked.

Her gaze looked at the Purple Heart Female Emperor standing on the side, and she couldn't help but lower her aura a little.

"Ahem... Zhao Ziyan, hello, when did you come back?"


The Purple Heart Female Emperor's gaze looked at Jiang Yurou, looked over, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said:

"Jiang Yurou, hello, I just came back and was talking to Ye Liang, if something happens in your house, let Ye Liang accompany you first." "

"Ahhh... Oh, then thanks. "

Because there is a vow in his heart, Jiang Yurou at this moment is inexplicably a little weak.

She didn't know if what she thought in her heart was an oath, and whether it would be like the previous Xu Changjun, who would immediately fulfill the oath after making it.

Probably not?

Even if he shouldn't swear, then even if he fulfills the oath in the end, he just did it small.


Well, yes, yes——!

"Zhao Ziyan, I'll call you sister in the future, what do you think?"

For the sake of safety, Jiang Yurou said to the Purple Heart Female Emperor again.

"Okay. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor smiled and said:

"If you don't mind calling me sister, then I'll call you sister from then on." "

Well, Jiang Yurou just thinks that she is older than her, so she calls her sister, right?

She thought to herself.

It's a pity, Jiang Yurou seems to be mortal in the flesh, and she doesn't know Ye Liang's good...

Since Ye Liang wanted to keep a low profile, he didn't tell Jiang Yurou that he was an immortal cultivator.

Then it's not good to tell her about it.

Her family is in difficulty, so it's better to help her.

After all, Ye Liang is not good at making a move.

Thinking of this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor said:

"Sister, there is something in your house, you better go back first. "

At the same time, she said to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, if you need anything later, just send me a message, and we will follow you." "

"Huh? Okay. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang nodded, after all, he didn't know many spells.

If there is a Purple Heart Female Emperor, it can be regarded as a care.

However, thinking about Jiang Shixian is quite miserable, but he just wants to make a divorce, and in the end he was actually targeted by a Jindan female emperor.

Grieve for him.

"I'm not good at dealing with this kind of scene, it might be better to have you secretly helping." "


The Purple Heart Female Emperor was speechless for a while.

Not good at dealing with this type of scene?

I believe you're a ghost——!!!

Even if it is a weak immortal cultivator, it is very easy to deal with ordinary people.

Belch...... By the way, I almost forgot, there are laws on the earth, and immortal cultivators who want to do it to ordinary people have to go through the level of the laws of the earth.

Ye Liang should be thinking, multiple people, many care.

In this way, Ye Liang and Jiang Yurou rushed towards her house.

And the Purple Heart Female Emperor and her two ugly entourage naturally turned into three purple rays of light and followed behind.

At this time, Jiang Yurou was at home.

Jiang Shixian was leading a few people in suits, and across from them, Tang Pinru was sitting there.

"Tang Pinru, these are all evidence of your cheating, I advise you to admit it earlier." "

Jiang Shixian looked at his beautiful wife in front of him, sneered and said:

"Lest you and I confront the court in the future, you will lose face——!"

"Jiang Shixian, what are you talking about?!!

Looking at these so-called evidence in front of him, Tang Pinru couldn't help but look livid and very ugly:

"What cheating, what the hell are you talking about?!!!"

"Didn't say anything. "

Jiang Shixian said:

"See for yourself, is this evidence true?!"

He pushed that evidence in front of Tang Pinru.

Tang Pinru's face became even more ugly...

Although she knew that her relationship with her husband had faded for a long time, she did not expect that things would develop to this extent.

Today, this shameless person actually brought a few lawyers to her door to divorce her?

Even if the divorce is over, he actually falsely accused him of cheating in marriage?

I Tang Pinru acted rightly and sat decently——!

However, when she saw those documents, her expression couldn't help but change slightly.

"Tang Pinru, tell me about it, are these true?"


Tang Pinru nodded and said:

"It's true. "


Hearing this, those lawyers couldn't help but change their expressions.

Unexpectedly, it was actually true?

Tang Pinru actually admitted it so easily?

"Ms. Tang, now that you have admitted these cheating facts. "

"Well, this divorce agreement, you can take a look. "

At this time, a lawyer took out a divorce agreement he had drawn up with some apprehension.

Tang Pinru took a look at the divorce conditions.

Because he admitted to cheating in marriage, as the guilty party, he voluntarily gave up all his property, left the household, and gave up custody of his daughter.

"Ms. Tang, look, do you have any opinions?"

The lawyer was very apprehensive at the moment.

He has seen divorce agreements a lot, but he has never seen this kind of divorce agreement that makes people completely clean and out of the house.

You know, although Tang Pinru admits to being the guilty party, the joint property part of the husband and wife is created by Tang Pinru.

As a deputy member of the city, Jiang Shixian's formal income cannot have so much.

No matter how stupid she is, she can't give up, right?

However, after Tang Pinru just glanced at it, he nodded and said:

"I'm okay with that. "


At this moment, the lawyer couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Is this woman so easy to talk to?

Why don't you think about it?

Even if it is cheating, this kind of thing is in this day and age... Pretty normal thing too.

I really haven't seen anyone cheating and willing to leave the house.

There are some cheating themselves who have calculated all the money away, so that the cheated ones have left their personal wealth empty, and they also pretend to be aggrieved.

"Ms. Tang, can you see these agreements clearly?"

"Yes, I see clearly. "

"Otherwise, I'll read it to you, the content of this agreement is..."

In order to confirm, the lawyer read the content of the agreement, filmed the content of the agreement with a camera, and then said to Tang Pinru:

"Ms. Tang, are you sure you want to sign this agreement?"

Tang Pinru said affirmatively:

"OK. "


All the lawyers present were dumbfounded.

I have never seen this kind of divorce agreement in my life, and the other party agreed so easily...

"Uh what uh?!"

Jiang Shixian looked at the lawyer who had been talking wordy, and couldn't help frowning:

"Since she has admitted it and agreed, what else is there to say, let her sign it."

This kind of woman, a couple with her for a moment, I feel disgusted. "

"Okay, Mr. Jiang. "

The lawyer nodded and said:

"Since Ms. Tang, you have repeatedly decided to sign the agreement, then please sign it. "

“...... Good. "

Tang Pinru picked up the pen and was about to sign it.

At this time, Jiang Yurou and Ye Liang just rushed to the hall of Jiang's house, and seeing that Tang Pinru wanted to sign, Jiang Yurou's expression couldn't help but change, and he quickly rushed over.

She snatched the pen over and asked Tang Pinru:

"Mom, what are you doing?!!

"Yurou? You came just in time——!"

Seeing Jiang Yurou coming over, Jiang Shixian on the side raised the corners of his lips a little proudly.

"Your mother has admitted that she cheated in marriage, and she has decided to leave the house and give up your custody, see for yourself." "

"How is this possible——!!!"

Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be stupid, how could her mother admit to cheating in marriage?

And decided to leave the house?

She said to Tang Pinru:

"Mom, what's going on? Are you being threatened?!"

She looked at Tang Pinru in disbelief.

"Yurou... I'm sorry for your dad, I'm ashamed of him, I signed it voluntarily, and I wasn't threatened. "

Tang Pinru shook her head with a look of guilt.

"No... This...... How could this ——!!!?"

At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt that her three views exploded.

Even if the father cheated on him, it turns out that the mother cheated is also true?!!

No, it won't.

How could her mother do such a thing, she couldn't live with her father, and she would definitely take the initiative to file for divorce.

Cheating in marriage, she is unlikely to do it——!!!


Ye Liang didn't need to ask, he had already figured out most of the situation here.

His gaze looked over to the so-called evidence on the table.

I saw a lot of photos on the table, and those photos seemed to be pictures of Tang Pinru standing with a young man when he was young.

Then, there are some textual descriptions, when and where and so on...

With these things alone, can it prove that a person is cheating?

Moreover, Tang Pinru actually admitted it?!

A spiritual light condensed in Ye Liang's eyes, and his gaze looked towards Tang Pinru.

The next moment, Ye Liang's expression was strange.

Mind Control ?!!


(Because the comments are unstable now, so many comments can't be seen, and I didn't know until a long time after someone tipped, but when I saw it, I was really encouraged, in short, thank you for your support, automatic subscription, tips, monthly passes, flowers, evaluation tickets, praise... )

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