"I'm afraid you won't make it——!!!"

Facing Ye Liang's disdain, Wolf Ji was angry.

She had never been so looked down upon in her life——!!!

Even her father, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, did not dare to say such things as hitting her with the innate period.

How muddy she is?!!!

"You can try it with the cultivation of the Golden Pill Period, if I can't resist, you can say the kind of nonsense that uses the innate cultivation to defeat me——!!!

Although she is good at speed, she is the biological daughter of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, and she is also his own inheritance.

In terms of defensive techniques, she was no worse than ordinary cultivators who specialized in defense.

"Oh, then you can look good. "

Seeing that Wolf Ji was really fooled, Ye Liang raised the corners of his lips slightly.

At this moment, on the street, many passers-by are watching here.

Some people even took out their phones to take pictures.

Those who came here first knew the cause and effect, and knew that this was the immortal who wanted to fight.

And later people thought that this was acting ...

Although there were those who arrived first to explain, they did not believe it.

With the vision of heaven and earth, this play is really good.

In some people's live broadcast room, some people are even speculating whether this is what crew is filming.

And for those who speculated, those who had arrived first gave a 'silly' evaluation.

This TM is all immortal fighting, there are still people who don't believe it?

But yes...

If the mortal fetus in the flesh does not see a little of the means of the immortals, how can they be credulous of the immortals?!!

At this moment, I saw Ye Liang's heart move, and he pointed his hand towards the sky.

The next moment, the clouds in the sky suddenly and slowly broke.

I saw a huge and incomparable long sword suddenly fall from the sky above the clouds.

Tens of thousands of meters of silver-white clouds were pushed away by the aura on that long sword, forming a huge cloud hole in the sky.

It was a giant sword that was thousands of meters long, and the sword intent was awe-inspiring, falling from the air, bringing up endless air Mars.

From the ground, it looked as if a huge fireball was falling.

However, from a distance, you can see that this is indeed a sword, a giant sword thousands of meters long.

"Groove ——!!!"

The moment someone noticed something strange in the air, he made a foul language on the spot.

Even ordinary people can see the terrifying giant sword that fell from the sky.

It was a very beautiful sword, and unlike the swords used by ordinary people, the appearance of this sword did not seem suitable for fighting.

The whole body of the sword is silver-white, but on the sword grid, it is a roulette wheel-like thing, and there are even hands on the wheel.

However, this kind of sword is the magic weapon of immortal cultivators, and only immortal cultivators can make swords so fancy.

This is not a real sword, but Ye Liang's sword qi has done the essence.

That is, the Time Wheel Sword Qi——!!!

Using the Qi Sword Technique, you can materialize the sword qi of the Time Wheel, and it looks like you have another Time Wheel.

Under time, everything is cut off——!!!

Ordinary people may not see what this sword really looks like, they can only see a huge thing falling.

However, such a huge thing falls, even the blind will be afraid.

“...... Run, run——!!!"

"Oh my God, is this the end of the world?!!!

"It's so big——!!!"

"What? Run——!!!

Thousands of meters of giant swords fell, and those who were watching the excitement could no longer watch the excitement.

At this moment, everyone was desperately running elsewhere.

"This Nima, it's really a fight of the gods?!!!"

"Ye Liang is an immortal, won't it?!!!?"

"I told you everything, you actually don't believe ——!!!"


Such a huge thing, falling from the air, such an impact, I am afraid that the entire city will be destroyed in large pieces.

What's the use of them running now?!!

There were also some people who were directly scared there——!!!

At this moment, the whole audience was chaotic, and the streets were chaotic.

"Wolf Ji, this is my casual blow, not even condensing sword qi, you try, if you can prevent my blow, then I will not underestimate you and use Jindan's cultivation to fight you." "

The giant sword in the sky slowly fell, and Ye Liang said to Wolf Ji casually.

Where could Wolf Ji have thought that Ye Liang didn't have the cultivation of Jindan at all?

At this moment, she just wanted Ye Liang not to underestimate her.

Therefore, she rushed forward against the giant sword that Ye Liang had attacked.

"Don't underestimate me, Ye Liang, I'll make you regret it——!!!"

Being in the air, Wolf Ji did not hesitate and punched into the air.

Her petite figure, facing the giant sword falling in the air, was like an ant trying to stop a falling real sword.

However, after her punch was thrown, she saw that her fist power instantly turned into a huge heavenly wolf of thousands of meters.


The Heavenly Wolf roared, stood on the earth, and bit towards the Time Wheel Sword Qi that fell in the sky.

In Wolf Ji's opinion, this kind of sword qi that has not been condensed, even if it is turned into substance, is of little use.

The green wolf roared, and the sword qi rushed down.

At this moment, a dazzling silver-white light seemed to flash between heaven and earth.

Originally, Wolf Ji thought that his fist strength should be able to easily disperse the opponent's seemingly substantial sword qi.

However, the next moment, she couldn't help but look great.

Not to mention that it was to break up the opponent's sword qi, the green wolf turned into his own fist strength was pierced by the opponent's sword qi in an instant.

The green wolf dissipated.

The next moment, the terrifying sword qi fell directly towards her, and Wolf Ji was already locked by the sword intent on the giant sword.

The difference between immortal law and martial arts is that martial arts can be avoided, and immortal law must be locked successfully, then there is no way to avoid it.

At this moment, Wolf Ji couldn't help but widen his eyes.

At the moment when she was locked by the giant sword, she finally sensed the horror from the giant sword——!!!

Die, will die——!!!

Her proud defense, in the face of this attack, was not worth mentioning at all.


The next moment, Wolf Ji saw that the sword in his eyes was getting bigger and bigger.

She was like an ant, watching the giant sword press down on her.

With a scream, the greatsword passed through her.

Perhaps, it should be said that her body passed through the giant sword.

Because she and Ye Liang were just a simple challenge, Ye Liang's attack could not hurt her.

If the two were in a life-and-death fight, she would have died...

However, if it was really a life and death fight, she would not be stupid to meet someone else's immortal law.

She is not stupid to touch each other's moves when others are obviously higher than herself.

At this moment, Wolf Ji breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ye Liang didn't have killing intent on her just now, otherwise, she might really die.

In the process of passing through Wolf Ji, the giant sword had already fallen heavily towards the ground.

Everyone below was desperately trying to escape.

If the giant sword fell to the ground, I am afraid that the entire city would destroy a large area.

"Spare your life——!!!"

"Immortal, Immortal, Ye Liang Shangxian, quickly collect the magical power——!!!"

At this moment, those who were still frightened and stupid around Ye Liang finally reacted.

Seeing that there was no escape, they all begged Ye Liang for mercy.

"Don't worry, this sword can't hurt people..."

Ye Liang smiled slightly.

Although the sword qi that had turned into substance could not hurt the protected earthlings, it was scary enough.

Can you imagine what it would be like for a huge sword of thousands of meters to fall to the ground with an atmospheric Mars like a meteorite?

In that scene, ordinary people are really bold if they are not scared to cry.

Therefore, Ye Liang snapped his fingers to the sky.

The huge sword qi that was slowly falling in the air disappeared instantly.

"Gone, gone, you see, the big guy is gone. "

"Hahaha, saved, saved——!!!"

Below, those who were rushing around and looking for shelter saw the giant sword that descended in the sky disappear, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of aftermath.

"Woo hoo... I...... I thought I was going to die——!!!"

"Oh my God, this... Is this a fairy fight?"

"It's horrible. "

"Ye Liang turned out to be really an immortal?!!!"

"I told you a long time ago, why don't you believe it?!!!

"Believed, believed. "

"God, Ye Liang is actually an immortal?"

“...... No wonder, no wonder, there are so many beautiful women around him, I can finally understand. "

"It's not an immortal, how can there be so many beautiful women willing to follow him." "

"Yes, not to mention, Zhao Ziyan herself is a fairy——!"


At this moment, while everyone below breathed a sigh of relief, some were directly scared to cry, and some couldn't help but look excited.

Others are still in disbelief and feel like they're dreaming.

Wolf Ji, who was in the sky, also had palpitations.

Her gaze looked in Ye Liang's direction...

It's terrible.

If Ye Liang really used Jin Dan Xiuwei to fight her, she might really not be able to fight.

The gap in strength is actually so big?!!!

It's unimaginable.

Moreover, the spell that could make the sword qi materialize had never been seen before.

This Ye Liang is not as simple as it seems.

He is different from the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor was at most a scattered cultivator, moreover, she was also a scattered cultivator without any inheritance.

Ye Liang mastered a very exquisite sword technique, and the spells he mastered were completely out of his own.

With his cultivation crushing himself, there was such a powerful spell.

He is indeed not his opponent——!

She obediently landed slowly from the air, facing Ye Liang, she wanted to speak, but she was a little embarrassed.

Punched in the face again.

"Today's young people are really unassuming. "

Looking at the wolf Ji who fell in front of him, Ye Liang said with a smile:

"If it weren't for the laws of the earth, you would already be dead——!"

Hehe, I really didn't expect it, I can fool the past.

It's wonderful...

If not, if you really fight, it's really hard to say whether you can hit her.

No matter how high the attack is, in front of the immortal cultivators, it is all virtual.

If you can't even lock the other party, it doesn't make any sense.

Her speed is indeed fast enough.


Hearing Ye Liang's mockery, Wolf Ji suddenly couldn't help but look angry.

Good fellow, I know you are powerful, what are you mocking, hateful——!!!

Even if you are more powerful than me, you are only stronger in cultivation than me, and when I really cultivate like you, I don't know who is more powerful.

Of course, she was just not convinced.

She also knew that the gap between herself and Ye Liang was indeed too big.

If Ye Liang didn't suppress Xiu Wei, she and Ye Liang couldn't fight at all.

Helpless, the skill is not as good as the person.

She had to say:

"Ye Liang, I admit that you are very powerful, but you can think clearly, even if you really only use innate cultivation to fight me, losing is losing——!!!"

"Of course, I'm a man who counts words. "

Ye Liang smiled.

Hahaha... Does she really believe that I have Jin Dan Xiu for?

It seems that this primordial breath trick is really useful.

Even a real Jin Dan couldn't tell that my cultivation was only innate.

However, Sister Yan Qing should be able to tell the difference.

[Hey, invincibility is too lonely, if it weren't for the fact that the entire universe couldn't find someone who could match the Buddha-figure, why did the Buddha-figure have to stay on this small earth. 】

[Waiting for these ignorant little guys to come and play with the Buddha-figures every day?]

[If too much strength is exposed, the little guys don't dare to come to the Buddha-figure. ] 】

[There are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, and I need to lower my eyebrows when I see me... It's chilly to be in a high place. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Purple Heart Female Emperor: It turns out that he has been suppressing his high cultivation because he is too bored, just so that others are not afraid of him and come to him for trouble?

Shhh, is this what the worldly masters think?

Is Invincible really so lonely?!!!

Lady Emperor Akatsuki: Hehe, there are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, and seeing that he also needs to lower his eyebrows, he is so breathing.

However, the slave family liked it——!

Before officially starting a war, it is still important to get a feel for the mentality of the other side.

Therefore, Ye Liang felt that he still needed to continue to do things.

Facing Wolf Ji, Ye Liang continued:

"But to be honest, I still have some expectations, you can take my blow, even if it's just a blow... I'll look up at you too. "

Listening to Ye Liang's trash talk, Wolf Ji exploded on the spot.

Ma yes.

Even if the skill is not as good as the person, it is really abhorrent to be ridiculed by the other party.

This guy is measuring that he can't catch his attack, right?!!

Even if it is the same golden pill period, his cultivation is higher than his own, and it is normal that he does not dare to take it.

However, he had suppressed his cultivation to the innate stage, and did he think that he did not dare to accept his attack?

Don't look down on people——!!!

She glared at Ye Liang viciously:

"Don't talk nonsense, come on, this time, I'm going to make you look good——!!!"

And Ye Liang also changed his cultivation back to a normal state.

Innate infancy.

Ye Liang's true cultivation ——!


Wolf Ji thought that he was just suppressing cultivation to the innate great consummation, but he didn't expect that he actually suppressed cultivation to the innate early stage?

How despising this must be, abominable——!!!

At this moment, Wolf Ji felt like he was going to explode.

I have never been looked down upon so much in my life——!!!

Do you really think of her as one of those garbage Jindan whose strength is mediocre and will be challenged by others?!!!

Hmph, wait until you want to make him look good——!!!


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