"I should be serious too——!

Seeing that Ye Liang seemed to be about to make a big move, Wolf Ji sighed slightly.

Immediately, her mind moved, and the next moment, the green wolf knife took off and swirled in the air.

Behind her, a huge green wolf mark immediately appeared with the sword intent.


It was obviously daylight, but everyone present seemed to see the green wolf roaring moon, and the sword was cold.

On the other side, Ye Liang felt that he had seen almost the same.

Although Wolf Ji did have reservations, Wolf Ji's spells were still too far behind him.

It seems that the spell sword trick given by the system is not an ordinary product——!!!

"Sword to ——!!!"

With Ye Liang's light drink, the Time Wheel Sword that was still inserted on the ground slowly took off, emitting an earth-shattering sword sound.

The next moment, Ye Liang struck a sword finger, and the time wheel sword in the sky fell before Ye Liang's fingertips, and where the fingertips pointed to it would be where the sword came.


Wolf Ji Jiao snorted, ran like a wolf, holding a long knife in his hand, and rushed towards Ye Liang.

Around her, the endless sword intent turned into a wolf-shaped mark, and each mark had an indestructible power and the power to destroy the sky and the earth.

If it weren't for the existence of the laws of the earth, at this moment, I am afraid that the earth has been suppressed by her breath and has changed its terrain.

It may cause the displacement of the earth and the disaster of the sea capsizing.

However, at this moment, the earthlings only felt some movement, and did not feel that they were being protected by what kind of force.

They also don't know what a terrible battle is going on on on the earth right now.

The only person who can know the truth is probably the person at the gate of the Qingcai Academy——!

However, they could only see the figures of the two constantly changing in the air.

As for what the two did, ordinary people really don't know.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but lift her heart slightly, temporarily forgetting to breathe, and was a little nervous.

"What a strong sword intent——!"

At this moment, the Lady Emperor of the Red Moon couldn't help but widen her eyes.


The Purple Heart Female Emperor was curious, what sword intent, but the next moment, she immediately understood.

I saw Ye Liang's figure change for a while, and he stepped out of mysterious footwork, and his fingertips carried out extreme sword techniques.

At that time, the Light Wheel Sword changed rapidly around him, and after rotating for a week, dozens of sword bodies were formed.

Seeing Ye Liang with one hand to the sky and the other to the ground, he drew a Taiji Yi, and in an instant, dozens of sword bodies then rotated around again, turning into hundreds of sword bodies.

With a flip of the sword finger, the Excalibur changed again, turning into thousands of sword bodies.

"Ten thousand swords without regrets——!!!"

The sword technique had been completed, and the next moment, Ye Liang's sword technique in his hand changed again, and thousands of sword bodies turned into tens of thousands of sword bodies in an instant.

For a moment, hundreds of meters in radius were densely wrapped in these tens of thousands of sword bodies.

Even ordinary people can see the countless sharp swords suspended in the air, as well as the sharp sword sound that comes from it.


At this moment, Wolf Ji, who was rushing towards Ye Liang, instantly stayed in place.

Everyone present, even ordinary people, was stunned.

So many swords, so many swords——!!!

The dense and countless materialized swords in this sky have long been stunned.

As an ordinary person, how have you ever seen such a scene?!!!

Even if it was not ordinary people, it was those traitors on the Purple Pole Immortal Star, the Purple Heart Female Emperor, the Chiyue Female Emperor, and the three daughters of Lu Yao'er, they couldn't help but be stunned.

How can a person use tens of thousands of weapons at the same time?

This can't be——!!!

Unless, none of these weapons are real, but spell-based.

But how could the things transformed by magic be so substantive?!!


The sound of swords resounded between heaven and earth, and no one would doubt that those swords in the sky were fake.

No one doubts the power of these swords——!!!

Even if there is a random sword in it, it has the ability to destroy mountains and break mountains.

The next moment, as Ye Liang's sword technique changed, the ten thousand swords in the sky rippled again.

Countless Time Wheel Divine Swords began to rotate wildly around his body in the air, and on each sword, the terrifying sword qi brought a fierce wind visible to the naked eye.

These winds gathered together and turned into a terrifying Excalibur tornado, connecting heaven and earth one after another.

For a moment, heaven and earth turned into a silvery white color.

"Oh my God——!!!"

"What is it?"

"That... That tornado, it's a tornado——!!!"

"What a terrifying tornado ——!!!"

The ordinary people present couldn't help but tremble when they looked at the sword qi tornado that expanded to hundreds of meters wide in an instant.

Horrible, terrible——!!!

If it was just an ordinary wind, it would be fine, but this wind still carries a sword in it, or in other words, it is the whirlwind of the sword that causes this violent tornado——!!


"Run Nima, don't make a noise until Lao Tzu watches the immortals fight——!!!"

"It's just, the immortals fight, you think you can run, if they really want to hurt you, you will be dead long ago——!!!"

"Stop running, useless ——!"

Some people at the scene were so frightened that their legs fell to the ground, and some people wanted to escape.

But there are also those who are bold and attentive, looking at the terrifying vision in the sky, with longing in their eyes.

Immortals, there are indeed immortals in this world.

"It's a mystery ——!!!"

At this moment, Wolf Ji came back from his shock.

She didn't believe that there would be such a magic method in this world that could turn sword qi into a state as indistinguishable as a magic weapon.

Not only that, but it can also transform tens of thousands of solid sword qi with the same power.

If only she knew that what Ye Liang took out from the beginning was not a magic weapon, but a sword qi...

I'm afraid she wouldn't think so.

Not believing that Ye Liang's magic was really powerful to such a heaven-defying degree, her figure instantly moved.


She was on tiptoe, and her figure exploded in the direction of Ye Liang.

She wanted to rush out of the ten thousand sword tornado with her body.

However, just as she rushed to the edge of the tornado, she immediately felt a terrifying sword intent rushing towards her.

It's true, these swords, it's real——!!!

At the moment when she sensed the invasion of the enemy, the countless Time Wheel Sword Body was also rushing towards her.

They had already gathered into a tornado, and the moment they were attracted by the enemy, their speed was countless faster.

In an instant, dozens of sword bodies had already rushed to the Wolf Ji Face Gate.

Where did Wolf Ji dare to be careless, running the Green Wolf Technique with all his strength, adding it to his own body, the Green Wolf Knife in his hand roared like the moon, and slashed towards those sword bodies.


The swords touched, and the figures swirled in the air, and in an instant, dozens of swords had been cut down from the air by Wolf Ji.

Dozens of swords were inserted into the ground, and it seemed that they had lost their divine power.

Several swords even pierced directly through those spectators who were nearby.

However, nothing.

Even if they are pierced by the sword, these ordinary people will still not be harmed at all.

It was as if they and these swords were actually in two completely different worlds.

At this moment, Wolf Ji also felt that his hands were a little numb.

Unexpectedly, these swords were so extraordinary, and each sword was comparable in power to the air sword technique that Ye Liang had made just now.

Even if it is just an angel first, it can hurt Jin Dan.

If she hadn't resisted it with all her strength, she might have been hit hundreds of times by now——!

However, this is only the beginning.

In the sky, countless swords attacked Wolf Ji, and Wolf Ji's figure constantly dodged in the air.

At this moment, she didn't want to be close to Ye Liang's body, but she wanted to be safe under the attack of these flying swords.

The green wolf knife in her hand continued to slash, changing moves left and right, and flying swords in the sky were constantly shot down by her.

Swords rain down——!

"Groove, these swords... Are these swords real?"

"A lot of swords..."

“...... God, that sword seemed to have passed through me. "

"I'm not dead, hahaha, I'm not dead——!!!"

The people watching the battle below looked at the rain of swords in the sky, and their reactions were different.

And the wolf Ji in the sky faced the dense flying sword attack, and at this moment, it was also difficult to parry.


Although what she likes is to move forward, obviously, wanting to get close to Ye Liang is a dream for her now.

She had to distance herself from Ye Liang first.

The figure instantly withdrew from a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and Wolf Ji's gaze looked at Ye Liang in the distance, and he only felt that his arm was numb.

She couldn't believe that the cultivation of the Jin Dan period could actually launch such a terrifying attack.

If she were an ordinary Jindan, she would have knelt down just now——!

And after she opened the distance, Ye Liang couldn't help but be pleased.

Here's your chance——!!!

But seeing Ye Liang's mind move, the swirling range of the sword body that originally surrounded him hundreds of meters instantly soared to thousands of meters away.

The sword technique pointed to the sky, and countless flying swords rushed up into the sky, turning into a torrent of swords in the air, flying towards the wolf Ji in the distance.

Ten thousand swords are fired in unison, their power is like a rainbow, and they seem to be invincible.

Even ordinary people can see that tens of thousands of silver-white flying swords in the sky are densely flying towards the distance.

"Green Wolf Roaring Moon ——!!!"

After seeing that he had opened the distance, Ye Liang's attack actually followed like a shadow.

Wolf Ji was furious——!

She snorted, and the sword in her hand flowed like moonlight, and instead of retreating, she rushed towards the torrent of flying swords.

The knife is like thunder, and the sword is like rain.

In the sky, I saw a silhouette flowing up against the sword, and the knife in his hand was fast.

The momentum on the knife, fierce.

Every move, every move, will make a sword fall from the air.

A terrifying rain of swords fell in the sky.

For a moment, everyone on the ground could clearly see that the rain of swords in the sky fell one after another, and a figure flew in the air.

With her movements, a cyan celestial wolf seemed to appear in the sky, roaring at the torrent formed by the Excalibur.

People who are a little further away don't even know what's going on.

Just seeing a sharp sword falling in the air, and even some people were directly passed through the body by the sword, they were scared and trembled.

For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

Ten thousand swords have no regrets, and ten thousand swords strike in unison.

Even if the congenital stage is an ant in front of Jindan, but tens of thousands of minds are connected to the innate stage together?!!!

Moreover, ants are ants after all, and ants cannot resist people.

However, congenital is not an ant after all.

Innate knows to resist, and even thinks more than Jindan.

At this moment, Wolf Ji only felt that for the first time in his life, he was so embarrassed and tired.

Give up, lose.

It is impossible to beat him——!!!

At this moment, such a voice had even appeared in Wolf Ji's mind.

Because, she has already reached her limit.

And it seems that Ye Liang is still very relaxed...

A congenital period, a golden pill into this look.

Even if this innate period is a congenital period in which a real strong person suppresses his strength, it is still a congenital period.

Wolf Ji was unwilling.

She didn't believe it, she thought that she was a petite girl of heaven, and she couldn't even beat a person who only used innate cultivation.

Fought ——!!!

Even if she loses, she must attack Ye Liang.

She didn't want this guy to win too much——!!!

Thinking of this, she instantly increased her speed, flashed left and right, and went up against the flow of the sword.

The flying swords in the sky seemed to have been locked on her body, no matter how she dodged the targets of these flying swords, it was still her in the end.

However, she ignored it and watched those flying swords coming towards her.

If she can avoid it, she avoids it, and if she can shoot down, she shoots it down directly.

If there is an attack that affects her progress, she does not care about it.

Let that attack fall on her.

However, she also ignored Ye Liang's attack and rushed directly towards Ye Liang.

At this moment, there was no flying sword protection around Ye Liang's body.

"Ye Liang, although I am defeated today, I will also slash you——!!!

Wolf Ji shouted angrily and shouted out.

As soon as the figure turned, the blade turned into a huge long knife of tens of thousands of meters, and before the knife came out, the blade had already slashed towards Ye Liang.

This blow, Ye Liang definitely can't dodge.

The Purple Pole Immortal Star cultivators below, as well as the Akatsuki Female Emperor, all looked at the sky.

Wolf Ji's defeat has been decided, but now she wants to cut Ye Liang and let Ye Liang also lose face.

If Ye Liang was just a congenital cultivator, theoretically speaking, he should not be able to avoid this blow.


The traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star couldn't help but be afraid at this moment.

Unexpectedly, this guy named Ye Liang was so strong.

He only used his innate cultivation to drive Miss Wolf Ji to a corner.

If he didn't use innate cultivation and directly used Jin Dan cultivation, wouldn't Miss Wolf Ji be killed by him in seconds?!!

And Ye Liang was on the side of the Purple Heart Female Emperor...

The Purple Heart Female Emperor, will she let them go?!!

Isn't it weird——!!!

And the two daughters of the Purple Heart Female Emperor and the Akatsuki Female Emperor can be regarded as having really seen what is called surprise.

What TMD is called surprise.

Although they knew that Ye Liang was very strong, they did not expect that Ye Liang was really strong to this extent.

It only takes the innate period to defeat a powerful Golden Pill cultivator.

What realm is Ye Liang's true strength?!!!

If they were fortunate enough to get Ye Liang's guidance, would they really have that great emperor posture in the future?!!

Lu Yao'er looked at Ye Liang in the sky, and couldn't help but regret it.

God, was I stupid or whatever.

There was once an opportunity to be a full-time maid for Ye Liang in front of him, but he did not cherish it.

Wait until now, but regret it.

If the heavens gave her another chance, she would definitely say to Ye Liang:

Master, please do whatever you want to me, you're welcome——!!!


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