
Hearing Ye Liang's words, Wolf Ji was stunned for a moment, and then, without hesitation, raised his hand and swore to the sky.

"I, Wolf Ji, swear here today, and from now on, I will be faithful to Ye Liang, obey orders, and if I violate this oath, teach me to be destroyed——!


As the oath was made, Ye Liang heard a sound of thunder and lightning in the sky.

This oath was confirmed.


Looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

No, there are really such people in this world?

Because you lost the bet, you lost yourself to the other party?

If it is ordinary, forget it, but isn't the other party a princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain?

Her future is so promising, and the result is that because she is now in the gutter, losing to herself, losing her to herself?

And made such a vow?


Although Ye Liang did not approve of the behavior of not counting words, he felt that like this, it was clear that the other party had already said that it was not counted, and he had to force the character of giving for nothing...

It's also stupid.

Unless, the other party has some plans.

Is Wolf Ji stupid?

Ye Liang's understanding of her is not enough, and it is not easy to evaluate it at present.

However, he was sure that if she dared to have other plans, he wanted her to look good.

"Well, since you've made your vow, I'll give you a chance. "

He said to Wolf Ji:

"From now on, you are mine... Slave number two. "

"Number two?"

Wolf Ji looked surprised: "Who is No. 1?"

"It's me——!"

At this time, Lu Yaoer stood up.

Seeing that Wolf Ji actually swore to become Ye Liang's slave, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but look strange.

This wolf Ji is so big, she is still the same golden pill period as the female emperor, and she is still the princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain.

But she still became her master's slave.

Becoming my own peer is very stressful.

I didn't expect that in this era, even the slaves were so seriously involved, and the princesses of Jindan came to be slaves.

"Lu Xiao'er, from now on, you will take Wolf Ji, if there is anything you can't do, just let her help you." "

"Uh... Yes, Master Xie——!"

Lu Yao'er hurriedly saluted Ye Liang, and her face was excited.

Master, what does this mean?

Do you mean, let yourself be in charge of Wolf Ji?

Oh my God, this is too much of yourself, right——!!!

She never thought in her life that she would have the opportunity to command a Jindan power——!


Perhaps, with the owner Ye Liang present, Jindan is powerful, and it is a funny word.

In front of the master, how dare Jin Dan be powerful?!!

The master's cultivation is meritorious and transformed, even if she is the princess of the Immortal Domain of Jindan, she is only worthy of being a slave.

Moreover, it is still a matter of asking for it——!

I am so lucky to be my master's slave——!!!

So touched, the slave who can become the master may have used up the luck of his life.

"Wolf Ji, I made you Lu Xiao'er's follower, do you have any opinions?"

Ye Liang's gaze turned towards Wolf Ji again:

"Don't worry, if you have any opinions, I am a very generous person. "


Hearing this, Wolf Ji's gaze looked towards Lu Yao'er.

She could see at a glance that Lu Yao'er was just a rookie chicken who refined qi and was ninefold.

She was a golden pill and wanted to be a follower for a Qi Refining Nine Heavy Layer?!!

"That, I..."

"What that, you are now the master's slave, it's time to call the master." "

Lu Xiao'er said to Wolf Ji.


When Wolf Ji heard this, his face turned slightly red, and he said with some embarrassment:

"Master, I think my cultivation is higher than hers, let her be my follower. "

"Well, good opinion. "

Hearing this, Ye Liang said with a smile:

"However, I still decided to let you be Lu Yao'er's attendant, do you have any opinions? "


Wolf Ji was stunned, good fellow, how is this a little familiar?!!

Are you putting this on hold for me?

If you have an opinion, you just don't listen, right——!!!

"No comment. "

At this moment, Wolf Ji couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

However, Ye Liang guessed well.

Wolf Ji chose to be Ye Liang's slave, of course, not because she really did what she said.

Ye Liang said no need, she still had to be Ye Liang's slave, how could that be.

She is not a fool——!!!

She chose to submit to Ye Liang and be his slave, naturally for a reason.

First, it was because of the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor has no less talent than her, and her future achievements are limitless.

Second, it was Ye Liang himself.

The power of Ye Liang's spell was far beyond her understanding.

She was sure that Ye Liang must not be simple.

If you can follow Ye Liang, you have the opportunity to learn a trick or two from him.

Then, her achievements will definitely be unlimited in the future.

Actually, she said big things before...

Although it is true that she is the princess of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, her father, the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, has heard that there are more than a thousand children.

And she only saw her father once or twice every hundred years.

Even, she didn't even have a special Yuan Infant guard.

In case of emergency, you also need to apply to your father for help so that the Yuan Infant powerhouse can help.

At the same time, she competed with more than a thousand siblings.

That is, she, at all, is not valued ...

In order to have the ability to inherit the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Domain, she must rely on herself to fight.

And Ye Liang and the Purple Heart Female Emperor are her opportunities——!

For a better future, it is nothing to bear the burden of humiliation for a while.

“...... This is not the place to talk. "

Seeing that there were still so many people around here, Ye Liang spoke:

"Let's go our separate ways first, Purple Heart and I will go to class first." "

"Uh, yes. "

Hearing Ye Liang say that he was going to class, Wolf Ji couldn't help but have some doubts.

Class, what is the use of class?

Why did someone as powerful as Ye Liang and the Purple Heart Female Emperor have to take the time to go to class?

Is it really because they enjoy classes?

"Wait, master, these people are traitors to the Purple Pole Immortal Star, they... What to do with it?!"

At this moment, Wolf Ji suddenly noticed the traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star, and she quickly asked Ye Liang.

“...... These guys, it's better for Purple Heart to deal with it herself. "

Ye Liang looked at the traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

These traitors couldn't help but look at Wolf Ji angrily.

Good fellow, are you crossing the river and killing a donkey——!!!

Take advantage of us to pretend to be forced, now we are useless, decisively backhand a report, right?!!

The next moment, they cast their terrified eyes towards the Purple Heart Female Emperor.

But they saw that the Purple Heart Female Emperor was smiling and looking at them, and her cold eyes made them all tremble.

"These people, it's useless to stay. "

The Purple Heart Female Emperor said coldly.

Don't look at these guys escaping to Earth, it seems miserable.

However, if it weren't for the obstruction of these guys in the first place, her Purple Heart Female Emperor might not have needed to be so difficult and troublesome to save the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

Therefore, for these traitors, the attitude of the Purple Heart Female Emperor is, one does not remain.

"I see. "

Hearing this, Wolf Ji's gaze turned to look at the traitors of the Purple Pole Immortal Star.

There was a bit of pity in her eyes...

In the future, there will be no one under him to use.

"Uh... Run——!!!"

Those few people saw that their vitality was broken, and where did they not know what would happen next?

I saw that several of them instantly rose up into the sky and flew towards the sky.

At this moment, they only hoped that they could escape further and escape the sight of these terrifying guys.

As long as it escapes their sight, then they have a chance to survive.

Even if they had already been cast a special spell by Wolf Ji, they would not be able to escape for a while.

However, it is a while to be able to escape.

"Groove ——!!!"

Seeing that those few people were all immortals and could fly into the sky, the people on the road were stunned.

But the next moment, I saw Wolf Ji point his finger, and several sword qi flew out, directly piercing the bodies of several people in the sky and shooting them down from the air.

The gap between innate and Jindan is really big.

She was just a few sword qi that she swung casually, and those innate cultivators had no room to resist at all.


Before passers-by could exclaim that these guys were all immortals, the next moment, they saw the immortals rushing to the road.

Under the ravages of the sword qi, their bodies could not withstand that level of destruction, and they were instantly destroyed.

Never seen again.


"Killed ——!!!!"

"God, these are immortals, they just died?"

"That princess named Wolf Ji killed them with a wave of her hand. "

"But she is not Ye Liang's opponent, if she wants to call Ye Liang's master, then Ye Liang is not a very powerful immortal?!!!

"Lying groove, Ye Liang, please look at me, my talent is good, I must be the immortal cultivation wizard that is not one in ten thousand——!!!"

"Brother Ye Liang, take me, the little sister has a very good figure——!!!"


I don't know which one is smart, and I suddenly thought that Ye Liang was not only an immortal, but also a very powerful immortal.

If he could worship Ye Liang, wouldn't he also be an immortal?!!

At this moment, he knelt down directly in the direction of Ye Liang.

Seeing him move like this, everyone around him reacted and knelt down to him.

People who knew the situation all felt that this must be their immortal fate, and they all knelt down towards Ye Liang.

And those who do not know the situation cannot help but be confused.

What are these guys doing?

And Ye Liang looked at the people kneeling around, and he couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Are these guys trying to fart?

I have all crossed hard to become an immortal cultivator, and I easily want to worship myself as a teacher?

Dreaming about it.

I want to worship the teacher, go to those traversers of the apprentice system, but I am not.

He didn't bother to pay attention to these guys, and took the Purple Heart Female Emperor into the Qingcai Academy.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor naturally followed him.

Later, there are Lu Yao'er and Wolf Ji's two daughters...

Wolf Ji looked at Lu Yao'er, and her expression was slightly strange.

Because she found that Lu Yaoer's talent was actually not bad.

However, compared to the Purple Heart Female Emperor, it is still a lot worse.

Seeing Ye Liang and the others enter the Qingcai Academy, those kneeling on the street at the entrance of the academy couldn't help but look at each other.

Immediately, everyone stood up in unison, their faces embarrassed.

It seems that they have no immortal relationship.

The scene that happened here today will be unforgettable for their lives, probably.

Some things just happen so coincidentally...

Those who are lucky enough to see everything with their own eyes.

And people with bad luck, even if things happen not far away, do not know.

The battle between Ye Liang and Wolf Ji just now was just a moment.

Although it has almost turned upside down.

But what mortal eyes can see is limited after all...

Not many people in the Qingcai Academy got the news and rushed over to watch the immortals fight.

There are really a few people who are lucky enough to run to the scene.

In their opinion, the vision in the sky may be similar to the purple light hole before.

As that expert said, it's useless, mirage.

Far from here, there is already a web conference going on.

Inside the online conference, there are many middle-aged and elderly people, all of them are watching a video in amazement.

The picture in the video is exactly the battle between Ye Liang and Wolf Ji just now.

The battle between the two is too fast and terrifying, and the picture that ordinary people's mobile phones can capture is really limited.

However, they could still see the scene of tens of thousands of flying swords appearing in the sky.

You can still see that it seems that the world is about to be destroyed...

Ten thousand swords fly together, swords cut the starry river, such a battle actually happened on Earth.

Moreover, it has been witnessed by many people——!

At this moment, these middle-aged and elderly people couldn't help but swallow deeply.


After the battle video ended, someone changed the scene to another video, and the scene in the video was still the same, but the angle was different.

It's all Ye Liang's battle with Wolf Ji.

Ordinary people's mobile phones, it is already lucky to be able to shoot two people in the air.

To photograph their battle situation is a dream.

"Everyone, I'm sure you've all seen ——!!!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man sat at the top of the online conference room.

With a serious expression, he looked at everyone present:

"These images are real... I don't know who these people are, but I do know that they have terrifying powers...

Next, how are we going to deal with the presence of these people?!"


Everyone looked at each other, and at this moment, they only felt a pang of fear.

There are immortals in this world, which is not a good thing for the managers of ordinary people.

This proves that their status will begin to falter the moment they know that there are immortals.

Are they really as high as they think?

These fairy-like characters, take them out at will, maybe they can easily take their lives——!!!

Could it be that they had unknowingly offended this immortal existence?!!!

"No matter what, this person named Ye Liang, as well as the women around him, are not simple... I proposed, let me reach out to them first. "

A square-looking man spoke:

"You must not be careless in dealing with such a fairy-like figure, if not, I am afraid that it will bring the scourge of extinction to this world——!!!


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