On the rooftop, the two daughters of Lu Yao'er and Wolf Ji were still in shock.

Because, the identity of the Akatsuki Female Emperor was enough to shock them.

However, the Emperor of the Red Moon told them that she was just a follower of Ye Liang.

How terrifying is Ye Liang?

They can't imagine it anymore.

Because, even Wolf Ji doesn't know what the realm above the Avatar God is.

That's a completely unknowable realm——!!!

"Now, do you know the purpose of the slave family's coming to you?"

The Akatsuki Female Emperor looked at the two women in front of her and asked them.

"Know... Got it..."

At this moment, they are not stupid, and they still don't understand where they are.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor didn't just want to tell them Ye Liang's secrets.

She also wanted to encircle them.

Ye Liang is too strong.

So powerful that even the Akatsuki Female Emperor was only a follower of Ye Liang, a woman's existence.

Then, as long as the woman who appears next to Ye Liang, anyone may be seen by Ye Liang.

At that time, they will be soaring into the sky——!!!

Isn't it impossible to fly on a branch and become a phoenix——!

As soon as he thought of this, Wolf Ji couldn't help but rejoice.

He insisted on being Ye Liang's slave before, which was really lucky.

But Lu Yaoer couldn't help crying.

Once, there was an opportunity to become a master woman in front of me, and I did not cherish it.

Wait until you lose it, and then regret it.

If God could give me another chance, I would definitely say to my master: Come, please ——!!!

Ye Liang, it's really too strong.

Just when the women sighed that Ye Liang was too powerful.

Ye Liang:

"Hey, my strength is really too weak, although it sounds very cool to let a princess of the Immortal Domain be a slave for me...

However, when her father finds out, he will definitely be very cool.

The laws of the earth can only guarantee the integrity of the earth, but there is no way to guarantee the eternal safety of someone...

I still need to get stronger quickly. "

Thinking that now that Wolf Ji's Heavenly Wolf Princess had become his own handmaid, Ye Liang was not too happy.

On the contrary, he was a little worried.

After actual combat, he has recognized his true strength.

Now his strength, self-preservation in front of the early stage of Jindan, even in front of the more powerful Jindan powerhouse, is not a big problem.

However, if this Jindan has a father who has become a god, the situation is naturally different.

Although the Xiuxian voice bag blows very well every day, he will not really think that he is also awesome because the Xiuxian voice bag blows very well.

Fortunately, the time of three days is almost up.

After just a few lessons, he can use the time wheel to travel through time again.

Three days ago, he was only a small refining period, so the time he could retrograde was limited, and the benefits he gained in the past were also limited.

This time, he believes that the benefits obtained are certainly not comparable to the last time.

Perhaps, he can directly break through Jindan in the past.

After he becomes Jindan, the benefits given by the system will naturally be different.

The higher his cultivation, the more likely it is that the system will give a good reward...

"Class. "

The teacher walked in, glanced in the direction where Ye Liang was, resisted the urge to kneel to the immortals in the past, and said to the students below.

"Good teacher. "

Everyone stood up and saluted.


Seeing that Ye Liang and the Purple Heart Female Emperor were also going to get up, the academy master was frightened.

I didn't know before, but now that I know that these two are immortals, where does he dare to let them salute?

He hurriedly said:

"Ye Liang, Zhao Ziyan, cough, two immortals, in my class in the future, you don't want to salute, I don't want to lose my life." "


Hearing this, everyone around couldn't help but laugh.

Perhaps, they will become the luckiest students ever.

Who can have such luck as theirs?

Sitting in class with the gods?


Hearing this, Ye Liang shook his shoulders and sat down with Zhao Ziyan.

He is not the kind of person who has a little ability, and he looks like the biggest character of the big old man of heaven and earth.

Not to mention that he is just an immortal cultivator, even if he is really an immortal, his personality is the same.

Should I call the old man grandpa or the old grandfather, he will not call the old man a grandson because he has some skills.

However, since the other party is so afraid of him, he naturally will not be pretentious.

The time for a few classes passed quickly.

And Ye Liang was also silently calculating the time.

"The three-day period has arrived, and it's time to sacrifice the wheel of time again. "

After calculating the time, Ye Liang stood up and said to the Purple Heart Female Emperor beside him:

"I have something to do, go out. "

[Another kid who doesn't know the face has come to Earth to pretend to be forced, and it's time for the Buddha-figure to save the earth. ] 】

[Sure enough, it's still low-key, it's the style of the Buddha-figure, if it's too high-profile, how can those guys dare to come to Earth to die. ] 】

[Arrogant, with a proud posture, pretending, pretending to be an angle, low-key, with low-key eyebrow angles, invincible, invincible loneliness...]

Ye Liang: ...

Who are you pretending to show this for?

Purple Heart Emperor: Is it here again?

What kind of crisis the earth is facing, with his own golden pill cultivation, he does not know at all.

I just don't know if Yan Qing's cultivation can perceive anything.

She is better than me, and she may be able to sense anything.

She smiled and nodded to Ye Liang.

I saw Ye Liang walking all the way towards the door of the classroom.

"Wow, Ye Liang came out——!!!"

The moment Ye Liang walked out of the classroom, a large group of girls who had been guarding outside the classroom for a long time couldn't help but exclaim.

Not only girls, but also some bold boys knelt down directly to Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang big guy, Ye Liang big guy, look at me, I must be one of the ten thousand immortal cultivation geniuses——!!!"

These boys are also very sought after by the opposite sex in the academy.

Even in the face of people who are richer, more handsome, or have better grades than them, they are still proud.

However, at this moment, as soon as they thought that the opportunity to seek immortals was just around the corner, they consciously let go of their arrogance in front of Ye Liang.

Kneel directly——!!!

"Master, master, look at the apprentice, the apprentice Loliyin, the person is very well-behaved——!!!"

Even, there are some girls kneeling to Ye Liang, wanting to get close to him, it is best to be seen by him.

Causing such a situation, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He also ignored these guys and slowly walked in one direction.

The men and women in the corridor looked at Ye Liang's dismissive gesture towards them, but no one was sour anymore.

At this moment, everyone felt that Ye Liang's attitude was the attitude that a god should have.

He may need to enter the world and live in seclusion in the red dust, but as an immortal, he will naturally have the style of a fairy.

"God, Ye Liang is so handsome——!!!"

"So envious——!!!"

"Damn, I'm still far behind, I didn't let him look at me." "

"You say, where is he going?" "


Perhaps, because of the closed news, people in the outside world do not know what happened just now on the Avenue Street of the Academy of Qingcai Academy.

However, now the people in the Qingcai Academy must have known.

Because of the battle there, but someone filmed the video.

These videos have been passed on ten, ten, and hundred, and have long been backed up by everyone in the entire Qingcai Academy.

Some people may wonder why such a big battle took place and why no one has yet gone out to see it.

In fact, such a big movement, everyone went to see and saw it.

However, not fully seen.

The time for the battle to end is only a few minutes, and at such a distance, all ordinary people can see is flying swords flying around in the sky or explosions and the like.

Definitely can't see people.

It was through later rumors and video sharing between everyone that they learned about the battle between Ye Liang and Wolf Ji.

Seriously, this level of battle, even if it happens in front of ordinary people's eyes, ordinary people may not see it, let alone shoot it...

If you think about it, how fast is Jindan?

With the eyes of ordinary people, it is strange to be able to see the battle between Jindan.

Even if someone occasionally saw it or photographed it, it was Ye Liang and Wolf Ji who did not deliberately use super speed to fight.

Otherwise, even if the two of them come ten shots in front of ordinary people, ordinary people will not see it.

Too fast...

And now, the people of the Qingcai Academy have all had a video, or several videos, which confirmed that Ye Liang was indeed an immortal.

And he completely changed from a stormy figure in the academy to a mythical figure.

Now Ye Liang is just out of the classroom, and everyone is speculating about where he is going.

This is the so-called celebrity's every move, and someone cares.

Watching Ye Liang walk with the wind, slowly moving forward step by step, everyone's eyes were staring at him tightly.

"He must have something very important to do. "

"That's right, he is a fairy, and when the immortal goes out, he is naturally different——!"

At this moment, the whole corridor, the first floor, the second floor, the third floor...

Several floors of corridors, all crowded with people.

I don't know how many people are staring in Ye Liang's direction.

The eyes of these people are full of admiration and expectation.

At this moment, who doesn't want to have the opportunity to make friends with Ye Liang?

However, even if they had the courage to step forward, they did not have the blessing to have a word with Ye Liang.

Everyone was guessing that Ye Liang must have something very powerful to do.


Ye Liang flashed, and the person had completely disappeared into the corridor.


"Look, it's gone. "

"Lie down, oh my God, I didn't believe it just now, but now I do. "

"He really disappeared. "

"Immortal, Ye Liang is really a fairy?!!!"

"I'm going to write an eight-hundred-word essay called My Immortal School. "

"I'm still in my immortal class." "

"My Immortal School Grass ——!"

"Immortal School Grass fell in love with me?"

"Gan, hurry up and write the essay, I definitely don't read it without you in the full score essay." "


Since the identity of the immortal cultivator has been exposed, then Ye Liang does not have to be polite with these guys.

In fact, he didn't intend to deliberately hide himself...

In this world, the word invincible is already written on the face of the innate period.

The identity of an immortal cultivator is not a secret worth hiding.

Ye Liang really couldn't find a reason why he couldn't use the means of immortal cultivators in front of ordinary people.

At this moment just now, he just used super fast speed to instantly come to the rooftop.

I have to say, the rooftop is really a good place.

Usually not many people come, and the place is quite spacious.

Looking left and right, there was no one on the roof.

Ye Liang's mind moved, and the real wheel of time slowly flew out from behind him.

The time pointer above began to reverse wildly.

Ye Liang didn't have any clear goals, so after he randomly chose a point in time, the pointer on the time wheel stopped.

The next moment, Ye Liang slashed the Excalibur in his hand forward, splitting the time channel.

He slowly walked into the time passage.

The next moment, the time channel disappeared.

Perhaps, for this world, Ye Liang's disappearance is only a moment.

However, at this time, Ye Liang had already come to the past of this world through the time channel.


After walking out of the time passage, he determined his situation, and Ye Liang stood in the air and stepped into the air.

Because Qingcai Academy is a private aristocratic academy, it did not exist more than ten years ago.

Glancing at the situation below, he decided not to meddle in all the things at this time, and said to himself:

"Let's start practicing. "

In the past time, Ye Liang did not want to cause more trouble.

Although it is reasonable to exist, if he makes a rash move in the past, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

For example, if he kills someone who lives into the future at this time, he does not know whether it will have any impact on the future.

To avoid trouble, he prefers not to intersect with anyone at this time.

As soon as his mind moved, Ye Liang's figure spun, turned into a black and white ball of Taiji Light, and flew towards a small lake in the distance.

After the ball of light fell into the lake, there was no movement on the surface of the lake except for a slight ripple.

The spiritual energy in this lake is very abundant, and if he adds Ye Liang's own immortal phase bonus, his cultivation speed will be even faster.

He decided to practice in seclusion in this lake until he broke through the golden pill and came out again.

Sometimes, however, God always fails to do what people want.

Ye Liang didn't want to interfere in this time matter, but some things would always appear in front of him automatically.

He had just been in the lake for a few days, and this night.



A woman's cry for help made Ye Liang, who was cultivating, slowly open his eyes.

"Hahaha, don't run, come on. "

"Little beauty, what to run, let the brothers play with you. "

"Don't come here——!!"

"Hahaha, if you let us not come, we will not come, how faceless?!!!

"That's it, little sister, don't be afraid, we're not bad people. "

At this moment, on the shore of the lake, there is a young woman who is surrounded by several hooligans.

At this moment, she looked at the men around her with a look of fear, and couldn't help but cry in fear.

I have long known that the neighborhood is not peaceful, but I didn't expect that I just came home a little later today, and I met these guys, and it was over——!!!

"Don't come, I'll give you money, please——!

"Hahaha, little sister, you give us money, we don't play with you for a while, how embarrassing." "

"Yes, brothers are not the kind of bad guys who take the money and leave you here alone. "

"That's right. "


Several men surrounded the woman and were about to pounce on the ground.

They don't care how scared the woman is, how scared she is.

All they knew was that she was beautiful and had money.

Ye Liang, who was meditating in the lake, couldn't help but sigh...

Although it is only a short period of more than ten years.

But the difference in law and order in the same place is really too great.

Although Ye Liang made up his mind not to have any intersection with people at this time.


It's just that he doesn't take the initiative to intersect.

Something bad is happening in front of him, and he won't just watch it.

He is not the kind of cold-blooded ruthless person.


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