"What are you crying about?"

If someone is sad, they don't want anyone to ask themselves this question...

Especially, when a person is alone, the sound that suddenly appears.


Tang Pinru looked up in surprise, and then, he didn't see anything.

Is it an illusion?!!!

She breathed a slight sigh of relief.

Although she didn't want to be disturbed in her heart, she still wanted someone to comfort her after all.


Tang Pinru cried sadly again.

As soon as she stepped into society, she was severely beaten by society, which is really unbearable for a girl like her.

Go to work well, your ability is no worse than others.

Why should I be treated differently just because I am beautiful?

The boss takes care of himself, and others say that he is the boss.

They refused the boss and were retaliated by the boss, and those guys said that they were doing a good job and that they deserved it.

Well, if you are late and you are fired, those guys are still behind their backs and may not be able to say about themselves——!!!

"What the hell are you crying about?"

Ye Liang, who was suspended in the air, couldn't help but ask again.


At this moment, Tang Pinru heard that voice again.

She looked up in surprise, but she still didn't see anything.

"Don't look, it's not an illusion. "

Looking at Tang Pinru's puzzled silly look, Ye Liang felt as if he saw Jiang Yurou's silly girl.

He sighed helplessly, allowing his Xuan Light to turn into a true light visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Tang Pinru finally saw it.

Under the ceiling, black and white rays of light intertwined together, converging into a ball of light visible to the naked eye.


The moment the brilliance in the sky converged in one place, Tang Pinru couldn't help but exclaim.

She couldn't care about being sad, and directly slipped out of the cigarette and escaped from the place where she rented.

Ye Liang: "..."

Isn't it a ball of light in the shape of Tai Chi Yin and Yang?!!

Generally, when you see the shape of Tai Chi, you don't want to go to the Taoist immortal method, and you don't want to go to the ghost, right?

I didn't expect Tang Pin to be so big when he was young?!

Helplessly, Ye Liang had to follow in the direction of Tang Pinru.


Tang Pinru has just watched some horror movies about ghosts recently, so when she sees that abnormal state, the first thing she thinks of is ghosts.

Because she was so scared, she ran away from a shoe directly...

Hearing a woman shouting ghost, passers-by looked behind her.

Everyone saw the black and white ball of light that followed in the sky.


Although this thing does not look like a ghost, the first person to see it shouts ghost, which also affects the judgment of the people behind.

For a while, the people on the street were frightened and scattered.

Ye Liang: "..."

Tang Pinru ran far and finally couldn't run.

At this moment, she was sitting barefoot on a park bench, kicking her breath non-stop.

I just feel that I have never been so unlucky in my life.

I just saw the ghost when I was fired by the boss, did I make any sins in my last life?

Why else would it be so unlucky.

"Hiss... It hurts..."

Just now, he ran away from his shoes, barefoot, like a madman running so far, until this time, Tang Pinru found that his feet hurt so much.

"What do you say you run?"

At this moment, that voice sounded in her ears again.

She raised her head and looked into the sky, only to see nothing.

"Don't look, I already knew that your guts were so small, I shouldn't have let you see it." "

Ye Liang's voice continued.

"Even if I'm not an immortal, I don't look like a ghost. "


At this moment, Tang Pinru really couldn't run.

She sat on the bench, panting constantly, and swallowed deeply before slowing down.

"You... What the hell are you?!!! why are you chasing me?!!!"

"The Buddha-figure just saw you crying sadly and wanted to ask you a few words, but you kept running, and I chased you when you ran. "

Ye Liang in the air said casually:

"Why are you running?"

"If you chase me, you will run——!"

Tang Pinru said speechlessly:

"Who isn't afraid of a sudden voice like you... If you're a ghost, don't look for me, I haven't lived enough——!!!"

"Do you think that if it is a ghost, dare to use the Taijitu as an illusion?!"

Light and shadow condensed in the air again, still the same as before, it was a ball of Taiji light formed by black and white colors.

"Tai Chi, but a symbol of Taoist runes, specializes in driving away ghosts and dissolving evil. "


Looking at the Taiji light ball that appeared again in the sky, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be stunned.

Yes, this ball of light doesn't look like a ghost.

I was really fussed just now.

Composure, composure... What a yarn——!!!

Even if it's not a ghost, what is it?!!!

"You... What the hell are you?!!!?"

She asked to the ball of light in the sky.


Ye Liang, who was suspended in the air, couldn't help but think at this moment.

I haven't thought about how to face Tang Pinru yet.

What would happen if I met her as I was?

If Tang Pinru saw his appearance in advance, what would be the consequences?

Do you want to give it a try?

No, no, no...

Or forget it.

Before he wanted to kill Jiang Shixian, he failed, and let people kill Jiang Shixian, but also failed.

It is enough to prove that time still has a certain inertia.

Those who have been determined to live into the future will be protected by the power of time and will not die until then.

Even if he is an immortal cultivator, if he wants to change the past rashly, he needs to find a way to change the past without affecting the future.

How great is the power of time.

Why should he deliberately provoke time with such insignificant things as image?!

Born as a human being, it is better to have some respect for all things in the universe.

Therefore, he couldn't show his true face in front of Tang Pinru.

Still, don't meet her as well.

"I'm just an ordinary immortal cultivator passing by..."

[How will the Buddha-figure tell you that the Buddha-figure is the Universe Immortal Venerable, Ye Qixuan?]

[With the knowledge of you, the mortal woman of the earth, even if the Buddha-figure tells you, you don't know. 】

Ye Liang: Ye Qixuan, appeared again?!

"Immortal cultivator?"

Tang Pinru was a little puzzled.

What is an Immortal Cultivator?

Why did a voice come out of his heart when he spoke?

This seems to be his heart——!

Could it be that all immortal cultivators are like this?

While talking, let the other person's heart also hear the voice?!

No, no, no, no, this can't be...

How could someone deliberately let others hear their hearts?

So what's going on?

I seem to have heard his heart?

Does he know he can hear his heart?

Give it a try——!

Thinking of this, Tang Pinru was unprecedentedly calm.

Probably, I was scared just now.

So now she can't be frightened.

She asked:

"What is an Immortal Cultivator? Is it your name?"

"Of course not. "

The ball of light shook in the air, and Ye Liang continued:

"Immortal cultivators can be said to be immortals among mortals. "

"You... You immortal ?!!!"

Hearing this, Tang Pinru's eyes couldn't help but brighten:

"Are you really an immortal, are there really immortals in this world?!"

"Of course. "

Ye Liang said:

"If you are not an immortal, how can you fly in the air like me?!"

[A mortal woman is a mortal woman, and the immortal body of the Buddha-figure is in front of you, but unfortunately, you are as if you are blind with your eyes open, and you can't see it at all. 】

Ye Liang: ... Belch......

No, Xiu Immortal Voice Pack, didn't you always respect Tang Pinru before?

Why is it that now he also began to shout that Tang Pinru was blind?!!!

Tang Pinru: Blind with open eyes?

Are you talking about me?

Belch...... Abominable——!!!

After Tang Pinru was speechless for a while, he rolled his eyes and asked Ye Liang:

"It's not necessarily the immortals who fly in the air, but also monsters and ghosts, aren't the immortals all human——!!!?

Hmph, let you say I'm blind.

I also said you're a ball——!!

She probably felt that she could really hear the heart of this ball of light in front of her.

Moreover, this ball of light does not seem to have discovered this.

"Hehe, this ball of light is just something that I condensed with True Yuan and used to hide my figure, and my real body appearance is certainly not like this. "

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"However, it is inconvenient for me to appear in front of you, forgive me. "

Although he now uses the immortal phase, after all, the immortal phase still has some similarities with the Buddha-figure.

Therefore, if he can not show his face, he still does not want to show his face.

[Three million male immortals in the sky, I must also lower my eyebrows. ] 】

[It is not that the Buddha-figure cultivates to be superb and overpowers the universe, nor does it mean that the Buddha-figure is in charge of the universe, referring to the stars, just because the appearance of the Buddha-figure is too outstanding. ] 】

[Even the female emperor in the sky will see the Buddha-figure, and she will not wait to enter the arms of the Buddha-figure. ] 】

[How can the immortal face of this Buddha-figure be easily revealed in front of you, a mortal woman?]

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Pinru: Uh... Is it really so handsome?

So handsome that the three million male immortals in the sky are ashamed of themselves?!!!

How handsome is it?

A little curious——!!!

At this moment, Tang Pinru was really curious.

This one called Ye Qixuan, said in his mouth that it was inconvenient to show his true face, and said it very politely.

But in his heart, he was very narcissistic and arrogant.

Three million male immortals had to lower their eyebrows in front of him, just because he was handsome?!!

I don't want to look at myself, hum, I look like I rarely see it.

Isn't it just a face?

No matter how handsome you are, you can still be handsome?!!!


He seems to be really in heaven now.

As a woman, there is a male fairy flying in the air in front of her.

However, she could not see the true face of the male fairy.

This feeling, with a man, there is a fairy in front of him.

But what difference does it make a fairy wearing a bull warrior's hood?

Tang Pinru looked at the sky with a bit of expectation in her eyes.

She really wanted to see if this guy was really as handsome as he thought in his heart.

But, she knew, she couldn't speak her mind.

If she asked this question, wouldn't it mean that she heard his narcissistic and arrogant heart?

"I don't believe it. "

Tang Pinru rolled his eyes, and he already had an idea.

"You say you're a god, you don't even have a human form.

You must have lied to me, you're a monster, right?

Maybe you're actually a ghost and sealed in this ball——!

You want to use me to unlock your seal?"

Heehee, the old lady said so, don't you show your true face to the old lady?!!!

"Uh... Hahahaha..."

Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"You're funny, you're quite imaginative, but what you're saying is not impossible. "

"After all, you are just an ordinary person, for you, there may be thousands of truths, what I said may not be true." "

[Hahaha, laughing at the Buddha-figure, what is the benefit to you by laughing at the Buddha-figure?]

[Say that the Buddha-figure is a monster, and also say that the Buddha-figure is a sealed ghost, woman, you really dare to say it.] 】

[Sure enough, it is a mortal fetus with the naked eye, and those who do not know are fearless.] 】

[You have successfully attracted the attention of the Buddha-figures, woman——!!!]

[The Buddha-figure likes a woman like you who is obviously afraid to die, but she still dares to be tough. ] 】

Ye Liang: No, Xiu Xian Voice Pack, did you get the wrong object?

This is your Aunt Tang in front of you——!

However, if Jiang Yurou knew the voice of the current Xiuxian voice pack, maybe she couldn't help but say 'Tang Pinru, you also have today'...

After all, Jiang Yurou was used by Xiu Immortal Voice Pack to compare with Tang Pinru I don't know how many times.

Every time Xiu Immortal Voice Pack praised Tang Pinru to the sky, and then stepped on Jiang Yurou by the way.


Tang Pinru listened to Ye Liang's heart, a little proud, and a little speechless.

Proudly, his behavior actually aroused the other party's liking.

Speechlessly, the other party likes himself because of ridicule.

Damn it——!!!

"Why, don't you dare to show your true face, afraid that I will find out that you are a monster, or a ghost?!!! facts"

She asked Ye Liang in the sky.

"It's really not that I don't dare. "

Ye Liang said with a smile: "It's really because of some things, it's inconvenient, forgive me." "

[The Buddha-figure will not let you see the immortal face of the Buddha-figure. 】

[If you let you see the immortal face of the Buddha-figure, you are afraid that you will directly throw your arms around the Buddha-figure. 】

[This is not okay, there are enough fairies pestering Buddha-figures. 】

[Come to think of it, I really can't let you see the immortal face of the Buddha-figure. 】

[Come to think of it, a mortal girl like you can't experience in her whole life what kind of handsomeness it is to do whatever she wants just by being handsome. ] 】

[As for whether the Buddha-figure is a god or not, do you believe it or not. 】

[Give you another chance, if you don't believe in the immortal body of the Buddha-figure again, the Buddha-figure still go elsewhere to play.] 】

Ye Liang: How handsome is it to do whatever you want?

Say it and let me hear it too.


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel depressed.

His own agitation method is of no use to this guy.

Abominable fellow, never seen such a narcissistic person.

Moreover, this guy is still so inconsistent.

He said so politely in his mouth, but he was so narcissistic in his heart.


Anything that sees your face will throw a hug directly at you.

Do you think of this girl as that kind of idiot?!!!

Even if you look handsome, this girl will not look at you more.

If you want this girl to look at you more, let this girl ... Well, how to come, in short, it's up to you.


Thinking depressed in his heart, Tang Pinru said:

"You're really a fairy, then... What do you call it?"

After all, the other party already thinks that way in his heart.

If I doubt him again, I'm afraid he will really turn around and leave.

After speaking, she couldn't help but sigh again.

This morning, what a strange morning.

I, Tang Pinru, actually met the immortals——!

What a blessing it is——!!!

But...... I'm really curious how handsome he really is.

To what extent can a person encounter such narcissism——!!!


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