
Ye Liang originally wanted to give the opportunity to make a choice to Tang Pinru.

However, at this moment, Tang Pinru listened to Ye Liang's heart, and the whole person was about to cry in fear.


Looking at Tang Pinru's appearance, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little stunned.

This future mother-in-law... But it's so easy to move.

Are all girls in this era so easily moved?

Future girls are not so easily moved.

Tang Pinru: I moved Nima——!!!

Seeing Tang Pinru so moved, Ye Liang really couldn't help it.

He raised his hand to wipe her tears and said with a smile:

"Pinru, don't worry, you can think about it slowly, it's really not okay, we can do it again next time." "

[Woman, make a decision quickly, the Buddha-figure is already impatient]

"Ahem. "

Tang Pinru coughed, took a deep breath, and said:

"Well, I think... Some people's luck... It's a little bit worse, only a little bit ——!."

She looked at Ye Liang with some pleading eyes.


Of course, Ye Liang could see what Tang Pinru meant.

He nodded slightly, looked at those who were still kneeling on the ground, and said:

"You also heard that if you do something wrong, your luck will be a little worse... If you do something bad in the future, your luck may be even worse. "


Hearing this, those who were so frightened that their legs were weak and they knelt on the ground could not help but feel a pang of fear.

What is called luck will be a little worse?

How does it compare to bad luck?

Can't you explain it?!!!


Seeing them like this, Ye Liang asked lightly:

"You guys, don't you understand?"

"No, no, no, we understood, we understood, we understood, we understood——!!!"

Hearing this, everyone quickly responded.

At this time, who dares to say that they don't understand?

If they dare to say that they don't understand, believe it or not, Ye Liang gave them a bad luck.

That's great——!

No one wants to disappear out of thin air like Zhu Million.

"Pinru, let's go. "

Ye Liang turned his head and said to Tang Pinru.

"Ah? Go... Oooh, good. "

Tang Pinru still wants to say, is this leaving?

However, think about it, don't talk too much.

Ye Qixuan definitely had his plans.

"Then let's go. "

Saying that, Ye Liang waved his hand, and the next moment, his body and Tang Pinru's body bloomed with black and white light at the same time, and the two instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared into this office.


People outside the office couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they looked at the scene in front of them.

This...... Now there are people who say that it is magic, it is an illusion?!!!

This Nima is really a fairy——!!!

Tang Pinru really brought the immortals, and in front of everyone, let the immortals summon thunder and lightning, and chopped Zhu Million to death?!!

Moreover, this immortal also disappeared with Tang Pinru with light?

Everyone's eyes widened, confirming that what they saw in front of them was not wrong...

The two really disappeared out of thin air.

And those who were originally kneeling on the ground felt that the strength in their legs seemed to return all of a sudden.

A woman swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the empty office, and whispered:

"We ... Can you get up?"

"I... I feel that I usually don't offend Tang Pinru much..."

"Yes, I took care of Tang Pinru before, but I didn't expect that she was now a fairy, and she didn't know to take care of me..."


At this moment, in the sky, thunderclouds rolled again.


Those who were still kneeling suddenly weakened their legs in fright, holding their heads and croaking.


Another sound of thunder and lightning sounded, and the thunder and lightning rushed directly into the office, accurately finding the few people who spread rumors with their mouths.


After the thunder, the few people in the crowd instantly turned into ashes, and there was no trace of it.

You can't even smell the slightest burnt.

Completely disappeared into this world.


The entire company was frightened and stupid at the moment...

Good risk, good risk, just now they thought they were going to die——!!!

These guys are really.

That immortal man has already said that this time it is just to let them have a little luck and let them not do anything bad again.

Why don't they just listen?

Well, life is gone——!!!

You have to be a, right?!!!

Now, I'm afraid you're going to talk to the ghost.

It's just that I don't know what the immortals do, and Yan Wang Ye dares not care about it.

Moreover, Yan Wang Ye really has to take care of it, I am afraid that it is also in charge of those of you who have done too much bad things.

Ye Liang took Tang Pinru and left, and instantly returned to Tang Pinru's rent.

The sound of thunder and lightning in the sky startled Tang Pinru.

When she came out of the light, her hand involuntarily hugged Ye Liang's neck.


Looking at Tang Pinru, who was hanging on him, Ye Liang coughed lightly and reminded her:

"Arrived. "


Tang Pinru reacted instantly.

She quickly let go of Ye Liang's neck and got down from him with some embarrassment.

She asked:

"What happened to that thunder just now?"

Ye Liang replied, "It's nothing, it's just a small lesson to a few low-mouthed people." "

[Woman, are you sure you want to know the truth? 】

Ye Liang: ...

Tang Pinru: No, no, I don't want to know.

At this moment, she felt a little like crying.

Looking at Ye Liang standing in front of her, she was a little overwhelmed.

Although Ye Liang helped her breathe, but...

This breath is a little too big.

It's so big that she can't take it back——!!!

Now, she was a little embarrassed, and after thinking about it, she said:

"Ah, by the way, you haven't eaten yet, have you? I'll cook for you, how about it?"

Ye Liang said:

"Okay. "

Giving Tang Pinru the gas has already come out, and what he has to do next is to find a way to create the future.

This process, how to say it...

It's a bit complicated.

Even a little, perverted.

Because Tang Pinru must marry Jiang Shixian, with his current means, this step cannot be bypassed.

Unless he has the ability, he can deceive the eyes of his own immortal cultivators who are already in the future.

If you can't do this, then everything you do is meaningless.

However, there are some things that can fool the eyes of your future self.

For example, the relationship between Tang Pinru and Jiang Shixian may not be good at all.

For example, Jiang Yurou may not be Jiang Shixian's daughter at all...

He wants to promote Tang Pinru marrying Jiang Shixian, but he can't let Tang Pinru fall in love with Jiang Shixian.

And even more... He also wants Jiang Yurou to be not his biological daughter.

This, not only perverted, but also evil.

Even if the future Jiang Shixian is a real scumbag, no, the current Jiang Shixian is not a good person, just a hypocrite.

But, even so, he was a little miserable...

It's just miserable——!!

No wonder the future Jiang Shixian was very disgusted when he saw me, maybe it was because I had this cause and effect with him.

It's so sinful to think about...

And inexplicably some excitement, what's going on?

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get an additional reward for cultivating immortals: the light of the holy girl.

A miracle-type spell unique to the host, which cannot be detected by anyone.

Once the woman who has applied this law, she will no longer be touched by any man who has lust for her, except the host. "

At this moment, a voice sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

The sound of the system.

The moment he heard the sound of the system, his eyes became strange.

The corners of his lips couldn't stop rising...

Gradually, it turned into a slightly funny and evil expression.

Good guys, system, you did it on purpose, right?

Do you think you understand me well?


I'm not that kind of person——!!!

What kind of light of the Holy Lady shines on the three thousand worlds, how could I possibly do that kind of thing?!!!

Am I that kind of person?!!!

However, after all, you have sent me this spell by the system, so I better study and study it.

I'm just here to learn——!


At this time, everyone in Tang Pinru's previous company had already recovered from the shock and fell into the second shock.

They were shocked that it was all true.

What just happened is not a dream.

They really saw the immortals.

The fairy-like man summoned lightning in front of everyone and chopped their boss to death.

After the horror, in the end, someone still chose to report the crime.

Anyway, this is broad daylight, a big boss disappeared in the company, and here something like this has appeared again...

They can't hide it even if they want to.

Members of the law enforcement team quickly arrived at the scene.

The security of this era is not as good as the future, not because the law enforcement team of this era is unprofessional.

Just because the technology of this era is not yet developed, the network is not yet there, and everyone uses Nokia.

But if anyone does report the crime, they will still move quickly.

"What's going on here?"

A member of the law enforcement team asked to the people inside the company.

Everyone looked towards the boss's secretary.

The boss's secretary couldn't help but look pale, but he still stood up and said:

"Yes... That is true...... Just now our boss was receiving guests, and suddenly... There was a thunder in the sky... Then, our boss just... Hit by lightning, the whole person disappeared. "

After all, she is still a secretary, and her mind turns quickly.

Words came to mind all at once.

This statement did not confess the immortals, nor did he commit perjury.

Perfect ——!

Everyone around couldn't help but secretly give her a big finger.


The people of the law enforcement team looked at the situation at the scene, but they couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Although they have not heard of the things that were struck by lightning...

However, no matter how powerful people are, they just chop people to death, right?

At most, bad luck and was chopped into coke.

Where is it possible to chop people off?

You don't want to say that he was chopped through?!!

"Are you sure?"

The people of the law enforcement team looked at the boss secretary in front of them with a strange expression.

The boss's secretary was anxious, her eyes looked at the people around her, and said:

"Everyone saw it with their own eyes, and this was the way it was. "


The members of the law enforcement team all looked towards the people in the company, obviously doubting the secretary's words and wanting to get the truth from them.


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but cry and laugh.

Although there is something to hide, this is the truth.

"Yes... It's true. "

"We saw with our own eyes that our boss was struck by lightning and the whole person was gone. "


The people of the law enforcement team, of course, did not believe it ...

No matter how powerful the thunder and lightning are, it only scorches people, and it is impossible to chop people completely.

So, next, they investigated countless times.

Then, even more outrageous results were obtained.

An immortal came to this company, summoned thunder and lightning, and killed Boss Zhu.

Law enforcement officers: ...

I believe in your evil ——!!!

A big boss disappeared out of thin air, and it was still in broad daylight, in broad daylight, in full view.

It's incredible no matter how you look at it.

This case was naturally treated as a serious case, and a special task force was even established.

The most important task is to deal with the so-called immortal appearance and lightning punishment incident.

And according to the clues, naturally someone soon found out about Tang Pinru.

Because that so-called immortal was brought to the company by Tang Pinru.

Although I don't know if he has anything to do with Boss Zhu's disappearance.

However, it is still necessary to inquire about what should be asked.

And at this time...

Ye Liang was lying in Tang Pinru's home.

After a full day of research, he was able to get it.

The Light of the Holy Lady is really a miracle-type spell.

Because he had no way of understanding what the metaphysical basis of the Holy Lady's Light was.

It feels like... The setting is like this, no reason is needed.

This is something beyond the knowledge of immortal cultivators.

The wheel of time still needs a reason to drive, but the light of the saint is completely a setting placed there.

The effect is naturally ——!

This thing, if he could really understand it, then I am afraid that his Immortal Dao cultivation would reach its peak in an instant.

Even, this is not something that immortal cultivators can understand at all...

In short, it's very powerful——!

After getting the light of the Holy Daughter, Ye Liang's first target was naturally Tang Pinru.

Before, he was still thinking about how he was going to guarantee it.

A person who already had a husband and a daughter in the original setting.

How can we ensure that there will be no husband and a daughter with him because of the inertia of time.

Now that the system gives him this thing, he doesn't have to be afraid at all.

However, he still had to find a target to try the effect of the Holy Light.

Although it is a system product, it must be a boutique, but be careful to sail the 10,000-year ship.

Where did Tang Pinru know that Ye Liang had unknowingly cast a spell on her.

Although this spell is not a good thing for her, it is absolutely, definitely a thing that she will be happy for in the future.

I believe that even if the future Tang Pinru knew that Ye Liang had cast this spell on her, she would not be angry, and she would even be grateful to Ye Liang.


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