Although Ye Liang's behavior is a little more arrogant than before, this is only confidence after gaining strength.

After all, he is not a bad person, and naturally he will not be embarrassed by others because of their normal law enforcement.

Therefore, in the face of those law enforcement officers, he just hid directly.

Anyway, he really killed someone, and he should hide a little.

And where did those two enforcers not understand?

How could they possibly catch the immortals?

Impossible, impossible——!!!

It's impossible no matter how you think about it——!!!!

Therefore, now they can only ask Tang Pinru more about the situation, at least...

In this way, after they go back, they still have something to report, so they will not return in vain.

And Tang Pinru naturally had something to say.

"Because last night... I came home too late from work and met hooligans, and later, I was too scared when I went home, I never fell asleep, I finally fell asleep, but I was late for work..."

Tang Pinru said:

"Boss Zhu wanted to fire me because I was late, and he didn't give me an internship salary, I was aggrieved for a while, and I cried, Ye Qixuan heard my crying, so he entered my house curiously and asked me about the situation...

Without saying a word, he snapped his fingers ... I saw a violent sound in the sky, and a thunder and lightning fell with a bang.

Boss Zhu was chopped to death.

...... And then, it's you guys who come in.

That's how I've known him until now. "

The two law enforcement team members who were taking notes couldn't help but be stunned.

From Ye Liang's appearance, the black and white ball of light was mistaken for a ghost by Tang Pinru.

Until Ye Liang appeared his true body, the heavens and the earth were in turmoil, and the vision of God was full of light.

And what Ye Liang did after that, all showed them what it was to be an immortal.

What is called a fairy——!!!

Ye Liang's previous performance was called a fairy——!!!

Do whatever you want, free from any constraints.

If there is something unpleasant, directly do not say a word, and solve it on the spot.


The two exhaled heavily, and finally allowed themselves to come back from Tang Pinru's description of Ye Liang.

Immortals, is there really such an immortal in this world?

It turned out that the previous celestial change like a solar eclipse was actually just because of his appearance?

At that time, he and the others did seem to see that a divine light in the sky seemed to fall and fall in a certain direction.

Just the appearance has this momentum.

If he wanted to do something else, how could it be so simple?!!!

This is a real immortal with great strength, and it is definitely not comparable to those fortune-telling half-immortals on the street.

How many of those deceitful half-immortals have they caught——!!!

"Miss Tang Pinru, thank you for your cooperation. "

Shocked, he snatched up the pen he had dropped on the ground, and a law enforcement officer thanked Tang Pinru:

"However, there is one thing I want to ask again, just now you said that last night you met three hooligans... Did they hurt you, did you report it?"

"It was too dark for me to remember exactly, though. "

Tang Pinru thought about it and said:

"I remember, they had a scar on one face, one dyed green hair, the other dyed yellow hair, I was almost hurt by them, but a gentleman surnamed Jiang saved me..."

"That gentleman surnamed Jiang isn't called Jiang Shixian, right?"

A law enforcement officer said with a strange look.


Hearing this, Tang Pinru asked in surprise:

"How do you know?"

"That's right. "

An enforcer said:

"Last night we caught three hooligans who deliberately hurt people, they said that they were invited by a person named Jiang Shixian to disrespect a girl and give him the opportunity to save the beauty of heroes, but the money that Jiang Shixian gave them was too little, and they felt a little unbearable together, so they wanted to beat Jiang Shixian... Of course, we don't believe the words of these three hooligans, but we will investigate the specific situation..."


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but froze.


This is the heroic rescue arranged by Jiang Shixian?!!!

Those three hooligans were sent by him?

He was beaten because he was given too little money?!!!

This...... Is this true?

God, if it's true, then isn't he being tricked?!!!

Could it be that three hooligans deliberately framed him?

[Hehe, I didn't expect that the truth was actually exposed by the two of you. ] 】

[However, as far as you say, if Tang Pinru, this stupid woman, can believe it, it would be strange——!

[Generally, in this case, even if you put the truth in front of such a stupid woman, she will only believe her own feelings. 】

[Otherwise, the Buddha-figure would have told her a long time ago.] 】

At this moment, that voice sounded in Tang Pinru's heart again.


At this moment, Tang Pinru's expression couldn't help but change slightly, and he almost didn't control his expression.

Ye Qixuan, is he?

He should be invisible, maybe he will sit next to him.

Good risk...

I didn't say that he wasn't just now, otherwise, he would already be thinking about how to kill me now.

However, listening to his heart, it seems that what these two law enforcers said is true?

Could it be that all this is really Jiang Shixian's arrangement?

Then he is too disgusting——!!!

Thinking of this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

Because she was really grateful to Jiang Shixian before, Jiang Shixian saved not only her life, but also what she cherished the most.

Later, Jiang Shixian deliberately pretended to be injured, which made her feel even more guilty.

After knowing that it was a feigned injury, she felt better.

But now, she didn't expect that this matter was a lie from the beginning?!!!

It's too much——!!!

However, how did Ye Qixuan know that I was almost in distress last night?

Does he know fortunes?

No...... He said that he would not tell fortunes, and things like fortune-telling were all fake.

Wouldn't it...

Actually, Ye Qixuan noticed me from the beginning, right?

No, I have to find an opportunity to paraphrase him.

At this moment, Tang Pinru suddenly felt that Ye Qixuan was really not as bad as she imagined, and he was a big devil.

Perhaps, she misunderstood Ye Qixuan.

In his heart, he just likes to think about cruel things, and he may not be bad himself.

"Okay, Miss Tang, since we have already asked clearly what should be asked, then we won't bother you——!

Seeing that everything that should be said was said, the two law enforcement officers also walked to leave.

Tang Pinru sent them out of the house.

"Okay, two slow down. "


After going out, a law enforcement officer still reminded Tang Pinru:

"Miss Tang, if you really encounter any trouble, you can tell us, even if the other party is an immortal, you can't... Threaten your life, if something happens, we will fight hard and protect you. "


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but cry and laugh.

She wanted to rely on them as a law enforcer.

But this is impossible, this is decisively impossible, even if she asks them for help, it is just for them to give it away.

Manpower, how can it be possible to resist the immortals?

Moreover, this is not a legendary immortal, but an immortal cultivator.

According to Ye Liang, if he wanted to, it would be easy to destroy the earth, and even the stars in the sky could be taken off.

Those stars are all stars that are thousands of times bigger than the Earth——!!!

Such a small immortal can pluck the stars.

This kind of power is really not something that the law enforcement forces of a country on Earth can deal with.

Their kindness can only be understood by themselves.

Moreover, Ye Liang maybe... It's really not a big devil.

Did you misunderstand him?

Whether it was a misunderstanding or not, she couldn't ask others for help.

The only thing she can do now is one thing.

That is, resigned to fate——!!!

Being targeted by Ye Liang, what else can she do except resign herself to fate?

"Thank you. "

She said to the law enforcement officer.

"Ahem, let's go. "

The law enforcement officer who spoke also knew how unconfident his words were.

It's outrageous to do something right with the gods...

After that, both of them left the place.

"How, were you scared?"

As soon as they left, Ye Liang appeared from behind Tang Pinru, and he smiled and asked Tang Pinru.


Tang Pinru was taken aback by him.

Good fellow, he really was here all the time and didn't leave at all.

She exhaled a long breath before asking Ye Liang:

"You didn't leave at all just now, did you?"

"Of course. "

Ye Liang said:

"As an immortal cultivator, it is difficult to hide your figure in front of mortals. "

"Also... It's also..."

Tang Pinru looked at Ye Liang and hesitated, but he really didn't expect to say something.

She had to say:

"Well, I... I'll go down there, you wait a minute. "

Ye Liang turned his head to look at Tang Pinru and sighed slightly.

Hey, although he made up his mind to change Tang Pinru's original fate.

But didn't I go a little too far?

This kind of contrarian thing is really exciting——!

If Jiang Yurou knew, she would definitely not be able to stand it.

It's a little guilty to think about.

Hey, hey——!!!

While Ye Liang and Tang Pinru were eating dinner, the two law enforcement officers had already returned to the bureau to report.

"How about it, you two, go to that Tang Pinru's house, have you got any useful clues?!"

Because the case this time was a bit big, even the captain sat in the task force and personally asked the two of them.

There were still a lot of people sitting in the office, and everyone looked towards the two law enforcement officers.

"Uh... There are clues. "

Hearing the captain's question, one of the two law enforcers who came to Tang Pinru's home spoke:

"Captain, there are clues... We already know who the prisoner is, the man who followed Tang Pinru, and he himself confessed. "


Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but be pleased.

This, such a big case, was done at once?

The other party directly confessed guilt?

"Oh, Zhang Quan, Zhao Tie, you two can ah——!!!"

Hearing this, the captain of the group was happy at once.

However, soon he couldn't help but change his expression slightly:

"Since he confessed his own guilt, why didn't you bring people back?"


Hearing the captain's question, Zhang Quan couldn't help but look strange, and after looking at Zhao Tie, he spoke:

"Captain, colleagues, before we officially speak, there is something I want to remind you. "


Seeing Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie looking so serious, the law enforcement officers in the bureau couldn't help but take a deep breath, leaned back tactically, and sat up straight.

The captain said with a serious face:

"You say. "

What kind of big man is this crime?

The kind that even you dare not offend?

Otherwise, why would he do this?

However, even the biggest figure cannot, he killed people in broad daylight, and confessed his guilt.

If they do nothing, how can they build a fair and strict image in the future?!!!

"Captain, I said, don't be afraid..."

"You ——! just say"

The captain frowned and said:

"We are a law enforcement team, we will not be afraid of ——!"


Zhang Quan opened his mouth and said:

"This time the matter may really be a little mysterious..."

The captain said, "Go on." "

Zhang Quan rubbed Zhao Tie beside him with his hand and asked him to speak.

Zhao Tie also had to speak:

"That suspect is named Ye Qixuan... He, he's a fairy——!"


Hearing this, the collective law enforcement team members present couldn't help but gasp.

Everyone's eyes stared at Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie.

Some people have already held a puff of breath at the corners of their lips.

"Which immortal?"

The captain asked.

"Not any immortal. "

Zhao Tie said:

"It is the kind of immortal who turns his hands into clouds, turns his hands into rain, summons lightning, turns into streamers, and travels thousands of miles in an instant——!"


Everyone leaned back tactically and looked at Zhao Tie and Zhang Quan in disbelief.

"Poof... Haha..."

Someone couldn't help but laugh.

Zhang Quan......

"Don't laugh, we're serious. "


At this moment, everyone laughed.

It's just that the captain's face is dark——!

He asked Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie:

"You two, you know, what are you talking about?"

"We know, and besides, we're ——!!!serious"

Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie both said affirmatively:

"We didn't believe it at first, but when we saw it with our own eyes... We believed. "

Tell me how powerful he is to make you believe he is a fairy?!"

The captain asked with a livid face.

"It's not a question of whether he's great or not... Be...... It's true...... He turned into a ray of light directly in front of us and disappeared in an instant——!"

"Yes, we have checked everywhere, it is not magic, it really disappeared directly in front of our eyes." "

Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie both explained:

"It's true... Is he really a fairy——!!!

It was he who used lightning to chop Zhu Million away. "

"Zhang Quan, Zhao Tie, you two, maybe you haven't rested well recently..."

The captain said:

"I see, I'd better give you two days off. "


Zhang Quan and Zhao Tie couldn't help but cry and laugh.

What I said is true, why doesn't anyone believe it?


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