"Whew... Call...... Phew..."

At this moment, although Tang Pinru didn't say anything, her heart had been turned upside down by shock.

She really couldn't imagine that Jiang Yurou was so bold and made fun of her?

Moreover, it is still this kind of joke.

Even so, Ye Liang, this guy, actually cooperated with Jiang Yurou seriously.

Because she was so shocked, she couldn't help but sweat coldly, secretly panting all the time.

"Impossible, impossible——!"

So what...

Whatever, it must be impossible, how could I agree to it.

And when she heard Ye Liang say that her heart was disagreeing, she was also secretly relieved.

That is, how could she agree...

Forget about others, Ye Liang is her daughter's boyfriend.

This can't be messed with.


"Oh? don't you agree?!"

Seeing Ye Liang cooperating with herself seriously, Jiang Yurou was secretly amused, and she said:

"Maybe your attitude is not firm enough, perhaps, if you are firm, it will agree to let you touch?"

"Uh... Impossible, absolutely impossible——!!!"

At this moment, Tang Pinru couldn't help but open her mouth, squinting her eyes, and looked so stunned that she didn't know how to react.

She shook her head slightly without a trace.


Hearing this, Ye Liang pretended to be bright, and asked Jiang Yurou beside him:

"As long as it is firm, will it agree?"

"Of course, it's actually very talkative. "

Jiang Yurou said affirmatively.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, Jiang Yurou, what are you talking about, shocking my mother for 10,000 years, is this a good relationship?!"

Tang Pinru's heart kept roaring:

"Even if you talk well, you can't let people touch yourself, you girl, believe it or not, wait for your mother to tear your mouth?!"

"Then I'll try it. "

Ye Liang said with Jiang Yurou.


Hearing this, Tang Pinru couldn't help but be dumbfounded:

"Xiaoliang, what are you doing, how can you fool around with Jiang Yurou, is this what you can say to my face?"

Although she thought so, she couldn't help but feel nervous.

"Huh? It seems to really agree——!

At this moment, Ye Liang, who was serious about cooperating with Jiang Yurou, suddenly shouted.


Tang Pinru couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

She couldn't believe that she had heard such words.

"What? I agreed? When did I agree?"

Her whole body froze there, cold sweat.

"I'm not, I don't, don't lie to me——!!!"


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou looked excited, Jiang Yurou's gaze cast behind Tang Pinru, and said:

"It all agreed, so you still don't go over?"

"Okay. "

Seeing Jiang Yurou looking so excited, although Ye Liang was not interested in the doll, he also cooperated with her, stood up, and leaned in the direction of Tang Pinru, who was still in shock.

Tang Pinru??!!!

She looked nervous, cold sweat, sitting there quietly, and for a moment she didn't know how to react.

She instinctively closed her eyes...

The next moment, Ye Liang took the doll placed behind Tang Pinru and sat back.


Jiang Yurou smiled and asked Ye Liang:

"Not bad, huh?"

"Ok. "

Ye Liang squeezed the doll in his hand with his hand.

"Plush and comfortable. "


Tang Pinru, who was closing her eyes, opened her eyes and looked at the fluffy doll in Ye Liang's hand, and immediately understood.

I misunderstood it just now.

It turned out to be the little doll.

Fortunately, I didn't reprimand me just now.

Hahaha, really, what are you thinking about Tang Pinru.

How do you think, Jiang Yurou can't let Ye Liang do that kind of thing, right?

It's impossible.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she was inexplicably a little embarrassed.

What's going on with this disappointment——!!!

She couldn't help but rant at herself in her heart.

"Xiaoliang, don't go back tonight, just sleep here, how about it?"

After dissolving the misunderstanding, Tang Pinru proposed to Ye Liang.

"This... Wouldn't it be inconvenient?"

Ye Liang asked.

"What's inconvenient. "

Jiang Yurou smiled:

"That's it, Ye Liang, you live in my house, tomorrow is Saturday, we can just hang out together." "


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh for a while.

The place to rent your own house is not far from here, so you can play together at any time if you want to play.

This girl deliberately wants to keep herself.

Okay, okay, just as she wished.

"Okay, then bother. "

He spoke.

"What's there to disturb, don't say such kind words at your aunt's house. "

If it had been before, Tang Pinru would have been really embarrassed to leave Ye Liang behind.

After all, Jiang Shixian's guy is too much.

If she left people behind, it would be embarrassing.

But now that she has divorced Jiang Shixian, she doesn't have to worry about these problems.

So, tonight, Ye Liang decided to stay at Jiang Yurou's house.

At nightfall...

Jiang Yurou quietly opened her door, came to Ye Liang's door, and knocked on the door.

Knock knock knock——!!!


Hearing the knock on the door, Ye Liang opened his eyes slightly, and then, grinned.

Good fellow, I haven't acted yet, I didn't expect that you girl is even more anxious than me.

He opened the door and saw Jiang Yurou standing in front of his door in his pajamas.

"Yurou, what's wrong, why don't you sleep in the middle of the night?"


Hearing this, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

A girl yourself, knocking on your door in pajamas in the middle of the night, you bastard won't think of something else?

Is it to look down on the charm of the old lady?

She spoke:

"Ye Liang, people miss you, if they are not by your side, people can't sleep. "


Ye Liang: "That's right, then come in." "

Saying this, he let go of his figure and let Jiang Yurou in.

Jiang Yurou was a little shy, afraid of making any movement, and carefully entered his room.

After Ye Liang closed the room, Jiang Yurou turned around and was about to say something to Ye Liang.

But right now.

[Hey, it's a pity, Ben Zun Bai is looking forward to it, and I thought it would be Aunt Tang who came over. ] 】

[I didn't expect it to be Jiang Yurou, this woman, it's too shameful, in the middle of the night, take the initiative to come to the room of the Buddha-figure, what do you want to do?!]

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: My sister Ganni——!!!

What are you pitying, bastard?!!!

What the hell are you expecting?

You actually expected it to be my mother?!!!

By ——!!!

Who the hell doesn't want face, you smelly guy, I came to your room to be faceless.

But you're expecting my mother to come to your room, and your face?!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou was secretly depressed to death.

However, her acting skills have already been perfected, and naturally she will not let Ye Liang see that she has now heard Ye Liang's heart.

She just raised her head and stared at Ye Liang and asked:

"What, Ye Liang, can you turn on the light?"

"Hmm. "

Ye Liang nodded and turned on the light.

When the light bulb turned on, he also saw Jiang Yurou's appearance at this moment.

Although Jiang Yurou did not dangle in front of him in his pajamas before.

But, after all, the atmosphere is different now.

Ye Liang looked at Jiang Yurou's gaze, naturally a little different from before, with a bit of appreciation.

The first time she faced Ye Liang's gaze, Jiang Yurou was naturally a little surprised.

She was a little shy, blushed slightly, and looked away.

"Ye Liang... What are you doing looking at me like that?"

At this moment, the depression in her heart just now was thrown aside by her.

Because she was really excited.

Unexpectedly, Ye Liang would actually look at himself like this.

Even if this guy looks down on himself, after all, he is also a big beauty, hee-hee.

There is no shortage of charm that I should have.

He must be so fascinated by his charm that he can't take his eyes off, hehe, man.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yurou naturally became even more proud.

"Naturally, I was seeing that you looked beautiful. "

Ye Liang praised Jiang Yurou.

[Gag... The Buddha-figure just found that there is a green onion on your tooth, do you want to keep it for the night snack... yue——!】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ——!!!!

She couldn't help but change her expression, green onion?

Do you have green onions on your teeth?

No, right?

She resisted the urge to test it and thought about it carefully...

I do have a good brush of my teeth, and I definitely don't have green onions on my teeth.

This guy must be slandering himself——!!!

Abominable, slandering yourself in your heart, Ye Liang, you stinky man, there is no more hateful person in this world than you.

She thought resentfully in her heart, but a smile squeezed out of her face, "Where, I'm far worse than Sister Yan Qing." "

Ye Liang said: "No, I think you are no worse than them. "

[Stupid woman, but also some self-knowledge. 】

Jiang Yurou:


I'm going to cry——!

You bastard, you've been pissing me off, you haven't stopped at all——!!!

She decided to divert the topic, so as not to really be angry with Ye Liang.

Therefore, she opened her mouth and asked Ye Liang:

"Ye Liang, let me ask you, do you like that. "

"What, what?"

At this time, Ye Liang's ears moved, and he felt as if he heard a sound of footsteps outside the door.

Although this footstep was very light, if Ye Liang noticed it, it would be clear in his ears.

Apparently, this footstep is... Tang Pinru.

She doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, what does she want to do?

Although he didn't see it, Ye Liang just moved his ears, and he probably knew what Tang Pinru was doing.

She was standing outside her door, actually eavesdropping?


She probably wanted to rush in at a critical moment and stop something.

In that case, it would be excessive.

At this time, Tang Pinru did quietly come to the outside of Ye Liang's room, put her ear to Ye Liang's door, and listened carefully.

She happened to hear Jiang Yurou's sentence.

"Ye Liang, do you like that?"

Then, it was Ye Liang's answer.

"What, what?"

At this time, Tang Pinru couldn't help frowning, feeling a little strange.

What is the daughter asking?

Just listen to Jiang Yurou say:

"Oh, Ye Liang, don't pretend, of course I asked what it was.

Say, do you like that?!"


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

I said, chick, your mother is eavesdropping outside, I don't know if I should tell you.

Don't tell.


He said seriously:

"What are you talking about, I don't, it seems to me.

This thing, that's all the same.

I never thought there was anything worth caring about, I never cared. "

While speaking, his gaze unconsciously looked towards Jiang Yurou.

Compared with Tang Pinru's, Jiang Yurou's is a little inferior.

Although in the average girl, it is not bad, but, obviously, Jiang Yurou still has a lot of potential that has not been developed.

Not to mention that compared with Yan Qing and Xu Yingbing, Lu Yaoer and them, even compared with her mother, she is also worse.

[Poof, it's so small. 】

Ye Liang: ...

Jiang Yurou: ——!!!!!

At this moment, Jiang Yurou felt as if she had felt the feeling of anger when she saw Ye Liang for the first time for a long time.

Obviously knowing that he looked down on himself in his heart, disliked himself, and slandered himself.

However, he couldn't tell what he thought.

Because this is my biggest advantage.

For a long time, with the continuous being blown up by this guy, his lung function has become more and more powerful.

If it is an ordinary thing, I just feel a little depressed.

But now——!!!

She felt a little unbearable, angry, extremely angry——!!!

This anger made her almost lose control, pinching the knuckles of her fingers.

She almost gritted her teeth, and after a long time, she forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart.

Squeezed out a smile and said to Ye Liang:

But, Brother Ye Liang, I feel that your words are a bit false——!


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little speechless:

"Where am I fake? I'm telling the truth. "

"No, you lied, don't think I didn't see it. "

Jiang Yurou said affirmatively:

"You... I've been secretly watching my mother just now, right? What are you looking at? Is my mother's disease still not cured?!!!?"


Ye Liang solemnly denied:

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense. "

And Tang Pinru, who was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping, couldn't help but panic.

Jiang Yurou, what are you talking about?!!!


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