Ye Liang decided to go to his house with Jiang Yurou and the two to play, and this topic could not be ended at the beginning.

Jiang Yurou was excited.

It's great to finally have the opportunity to see my mother-in-law——!

At this moment, she has already identified herself as someone close to Ye Liang.

And, to be honest, she wasn't ashamed at all.

The only thing she wanted to do now was to make Ye Liang kneel in front of her and obediently admit her mistake.

As long as Ye Liang still had a little conscience, he couldn't help but apologize for his rudeness.

Even if she just apologized to her in her heart, she was acceptable.

After all, she Jiang Yurou is a generous woman, this kind of thing, as long as you talk well, can be discussed.

The Purple Heart Female Emperor and Tang Pinru had already finished talking.

They walked to the restaurant from the other side, the Purple Heart Female Emperor looked calm, but Tang Pinru, who was following her, had a strange face, especially when her gaze was cast towards Ye Liang, she always felt a little strange.

"Ye Liang, the matter has been done, I'll go first. "

With that, she was leaving.

"Wait. "

Ye Liang stopped her.

He spoke:

"I'm going home with Yurou to see my mother today, are you going?"

[Woman, your performance is very good, just give you a chance, let you meet the mother of Buddha-figures, the opportunity is in front of you, whether you can seize it, it depends on yourself. ] 】

"Ding, congratulations to the host, get the additional reward of cultivating immortals, and upgrade to the Yuan Infant Realm with the method of returning to one. "

At this moment, in Ye Liang's mind, a voice sounded in Ye Liang's mind.

The next moment, one after another information poured into his mind.

Returned to one, actually upgraded?

At this moment, Ye Liang was a little surprised.

After all, for him, returning to the yuan is a divine skill...

Unfortunately, after he entered the Golden Pill Period, the bonus effect of returning to the Yuan and returning to one was not so obvious.

Without hesitation, he was in the Jin Dan period, and he would definitely not be able to return to the attack of the Yuan Infancy Period.

After he entered the Yuan Infancy Stage, his true divine skill had already become the Green Lotus Sword Technique.

He thought that the divine skill of returning to the yuan would definitely be abandoned by him.

But now, Guiyuan Huiyi has actually upgraded?

Yuan infant level return to one, gee——!

Ye Liang felt that the defensive power of the light theory, although Gui Yuan Hui Yi was not as good as the attack power of the Qinglian Sword Technique, but with this move, I am afraid that in the face of the power of the Transformation God Period, he was not intimidated.


Hearing this, the Purple Heart Female Emperor couldn't help but look happy, and quickly said:

"Of course I'm going, and I want to see my future mother-in-law." "

To be honest, she was really curious about what kind of strange woman had such good luck and became Ye Liang's mother.

Looking at Ye Liang's appearance, it was obviously not just shouting and playing with that woman...

He seemed to really respect the woman, the woman she had already called her future mother-in-law.


Hearing that the Purple Heart Female Emperor was going, Jiang Yurou couldn't help but feel depressed.

I thought it was a chance to be alone, but this depressed thought passed in an instant.

After all, she is not faceless, Ye Liang, this bastard has not really liked her now, he will agree to take her over, or because there is no way to refuse.


After meeting her mother-in-law, she Jiang Yurou will be guaranteed in the future.

At that time, even if Ye Liang, the bastard, didn't like her in his heart, she could pester him openly.

After all, that was an affirmation from my mother-in-law——!

For her future, Jiang Yurou is full of confidence at this moment.

"Let's go then——!!!"

Now that he had already made up his mind, Ye Liang naturally didn't say much.

However, his gaze looked towards Tang Pinru and asked:

"Aunt Tang, do you want to come with us, you and my mother haven't seen each other for a long time, right?!"


Hearing Ye Liang's words, Tang Pinru thought about it and also said:

"Well, I really haven't seen your mother for a long time, and I do want to talk to her a lot." "

For her daughter's affairs, she felt that there were still many things that needed to be asked about with Ye Ziqian.

Moreover, she was also curious about why Ye Liang was an immortal cultivator.

Although he said that he had only been cultivating for a few years, he could get the favor of the Purple Heart Female Emperor, which made her feel that Ye Liang was definitely not as simple as it seemed.

She asked Ye Liang, but Ye Liang didn't say, perhaps, she could know something from Ye Ziqian.

In this way, the group decided to go to Ye Liang's house to play.

However, the first time he went home, he took such a few girls with him, and Ye Liang felt that the formation seemed to be a little unspectacular.

How about calling a few more people?

At that time, the mother will also be very happy to see that she brought so many girls back, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang directly moved his heart and passed an order to Lu Yao'er, who was still at home, asking her to inform Wolf Ji and Yan Qing, who was on vacation, and then he would come together to pick them up to play at his house.


Lu Xiaoer, who was watching TV with Princess Wolf Ji at Ye Liang's rented house, suddenly received Ye Liang's order, and couldn't help but turn pale with fright, and the whole person froze.

"Uh... What are you doing, scare me——!!!"

Wolf Ji, who was watching TV, saw Lu Xiaoer's movements and couldn't help but be speechless.

"I... Not...... Nothing..."

Lu Yao'er couldn't help but feel the cold sweat on her forehead flowing down.

Good fellow, does the owner know how scary his breath is?!!!

At the beginning, he actually didn't want to face, and he was kind enough to pretend to be an ordinary refining period in front of him.

I really dare to make a move with my master.

If it weren't for the benevolence of the master, or rather, the owner took a fancy to him, perhaps, he would have already not known where to reincarnate.

The host is definitely more than just Jindan——!!!

Whether it is Her Majesty the Female Emperor or the Wolf Princess in front of her, they are all in the Golden Pill Period.

Although Jin Dan period is stronger than himself and makes himself desperate, he is not as exaggerated as the breath that the master just revealed.

It's terrible, it's just the strong breath that the owner unconsciously exudes when he transmits the voice.

Being able to follow such a master is really a blessing that has been cultivated for several lifetimes.

Thinking of this, Lu Yao'er couldn't help but feel a burst of happiness, and there was a feeling of blessing in disguise.

If it weren't for his own lack of self-determination and provoking his master, he would not have the opportunity to become the master's slave and maid.

It's a pity that I actually played reserved in front of my master, but now it's good...

I really became a low-class slave, and I didn't even have a chance to be seen by my master.

If someone bullies you, tell me, I'll protect you——!

Seeing Lu Yao'er's appearance, Wolf Ji couldn't help but smile badly, and was about to pounce on her.

But Lu Xiaoer said:

"Stop making trouble, the master gave me the order. "

"Ah? What orders does he have, it won't be for you to whitewash me, will it?!"

Princess Wolf Ji couldn't help but look strange:

"God, is the day when my wolf Ji sacrificed her life to a man finally come——!?

Although he knew that Ye Liang was very powerful, even the female emperor of Chiyue said that Ye Liang was very powerful.

However, Wolf Ji has been self-reliant since she was a child, and for her, it is not her habit to be attached to others.

It is different from people like Lu Yao'er who will give up temperance in order to survive.

If Ye Liang really wanted her now, she would definitely be very depressed, angry, and then helpless.

Saying that, her gaze turned to Lu Yao'er again:

"I said Ya'er, you know me, what I like is you, you just take it from me, anyway, the two of us will end up in the hands of Ye Liang's guy, can't cheapen him——!"

Saying this, she threw herself towards Lu Yao'er again.

Where is Lu Yaoer her opponent?

She only needed to pounce lightly to throw Lu Yao'er onto the sofa, and she couldn't resist.

And Lu Yao'er gave her a blank look and said:

The master has said that you will listen to my orders in the future, and don't worry, the master is not interested in you, he just informed me, let me inform the Akatsuki Female Emperor, and he will come and pick her up to meet her mother later." "


Hearing this, Wolf Ji couldn't help but rejoice for a while, but he was immediately shocked.

"Ye Liang..."

"Call the host. "

Lu Xiaoer reminded her.

Wolf Ji laughed sarcastically, and said:

"The master actually has a mother, then how powerful does his mother have to be?!! is it a true immortal of the entire universe?!"

"How do I know. "

After Lu Yao'er pushed Wolf Ji away, she got up and walked towards the door of the room, opened the door, came to the door of the Emperor Chiyue, and knocked on the door of her house.

The Akatsuki Female Emperor was making up for beauty sleep at this time.

Yesterday, she obtained a lot of essence yuan from Ye Liang.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, and a tail was stretched out with some dissatisfaction.

That tail directly touched the void and gently pulled open the door of her house.

The next moment, the tail retracted again.

Lu Yao'er looked respectful and slowly walked inside.

With each step, her expression became more and more respectful.

Because she could never imagine that the small earth was actually such a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

There are so many strong people...

Until now, she also understood why the earth had that law.

Because if there is no such law, these strong people on the earth can yawn casually, and the earth may be gone.

Because the earth exists, this law must also exist.

Otherwise, the earth would not exist.

Princess Wolf Ji is the princess of the Celestial Wolf Immortal Domain, and her father is a Celestial Wolf Emperor who transforms into a god.

Her father, on the other hand, was just an outer gate elder of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance.

And the Lady Emperor of Akatsuki is the alliance master of the Akatsuki Immortal Alliance.

She was so high, but she only stooped to Ye Liang's side and became an ordinary woman.

Even, she had to wait for someone to help her compete for favors.

Ye Liang... How scary is it?

Could it be that Ye Liang is the real immortal in this universe?

His own master, unfathomable and terrifying.

After walking into the room of the Akatsuki Female Emperor step by step, looking at the fox spirit who had become an ordinary person and was sleeping on the bed, Lu Yao'er sighed secretly.

Compared to her, he is really far behind.

"Lu Xiaoer, is there something wrong?"

The Female Emperor of Chiyue sat up and asked Lu Yao'er.

"Akatsuki Female Emperor. "

Lu Yaoer said very respectfully:

"The master ordered me to inform you that he would take you to his mother later. "


When the Akatsuki Female Emperor heard this, she couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and then she was overjoyed.

Ye Liang is going to see his mother?

He is going to see Ye Ziqian?


Now that's interesting——!!!

Ye Ziqian, that old demon woman, was still thinking of finding an opportunity to pretend to be in front of Ye Liang.

Now okay, Ye Liang directly pretended to be on her face.

She couldn't wait to see Ye Ziqian's depressed expression.

In this way, he revenge for being exploited by Ye Ziqian's evil boss when he was still Yan Qing.

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone.

With a sneer, he dialed Ye Ziqian's video.


At this time, Ye Ziqian, who was sleeping lazily in his home, received a video from Yan Qing, and naturally jumped up in fright on the spot.

Because she knows that Yan Qing, this little, has hooked up with her son now, and she is already her daughter-in-law.

Now she can't take Yan Qing's video casually, maybe Ye Liang is next to Yan Qing's little.

Therefore, she got up from the originally comfortable soft sleeper, sneaked up with a cigarette, and then quickly rushed to the room she had prepared that looked very poor.

Then, the video was turned on.

"Hello, Mom, how's it going, did it make you sleep?"

Looking at Ye Ziqian, who looked panicked on the other side, the Akatsuki Female Emperor was secretly proud.

Old demon, although you are usually very majestic in front of me, your appearance of being in a hurry to cover up the truth is really a street in my eyes.

"No, my good daughter-in-law, how come you have time to call me for a video?

Ye Ziqian looked at the expression of the Lady Emperor of Chiyue, where did she not know, this smelly girl must be watching her joke.

It's really abominable, the old lady was so good to you at the beginning, and it was hard to cultivate you into what you are now, and this is how you repay the old lady?!!!

Hmph, don't think it's okay if you hook up with my son.

I see you don't know, what does evil mother-in-law mean——!!!

Ye Ziqian thought so badly, and even had an idea that made Yan Qing proud.

"Ye Liang is not there. "

The next words of the Red Moon Female Emperor immediately made Ye Ziqian very depressed.

"Gan, I already knew that I wouldn't get up. "

As she spoke, she became sleepy and fluffy again, and walked back to her original luxurious room.

"What's wrong with you? Are you pregnant?"

She asked casually.

"Sorry, no. "

The female emperor of the red moon said goodbye, how is it possible, the old lady is the power of the transformation of the god, do you know what the god of transformation means?!!

The god of transformation is no longer the same as the infant, the god of transformation has been freed from the shackles of matter, and belongs to the existence of the category of true transcendent creatures...

How could it be so easy to get me pregnant?

Even if it was Ye Liang, it was impossible.

Thinking of this, she said again:

"I just wanted to remind you of one thing... Your good son is coming back for you. "


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