"What is this thing, it's too fast. "

There are ultra-high-speed moving objects that appear in the monitoring range, which naturally immediately attracts everyone's attention.

At this time, inside the secret base of the military, a middle-aged man in military uniform was frowning at the point that was moving quickly on the large map.

"I don't know. "

"There is no way to detect it, but according to this GPS information, we can find out that the source is a mobile phone, which is the information of the owner of the mobile phone——!

The intelligence officer quickly showed the information he had found out in front of the man in military uniform.

In the picture, there is a teenager-like person, and there is some information about him.

If Ye Liang were here, he would definitely see that the person mentioned in this information was himself.

"Ye Liang, it's him——!!!"

Looking at Ye Liang's information, the man in military uniform changed his expression greatly.

Because, not long ago, he also received news about Ye Liang.

There are many people who have witnessed it with their own eyes, and there are even live video broadcasts to prove it.

Ye Liang and the girls around him are all immortals.

This is already a well-established fact.

However, the military did not rush to have any contact with Ye Liang.

Because no one knows what Ye Liang really thinks.

I don't know what this immortal is capable of.

For this kind of immortal-like existence, rash contact is not necessarily a good thing.

Not long ago, the military also began to actively investigate the matter about Ye Liang.

The result, of course, is that there is no result.

In fact, the military has already formulated a strategy for dealing with immortals like Ye Liang.

That is, before finding out the details of the immortals, there must be no conflict with the immortals.

However, the existence of immortals cannot be widely known to the public.

After all......

What if the military side has not yet made up its mind, and there are already people over there who have successfully contacted the immortals in advance?

How powerful the immortals are, and whether they will have a huge impact on the world, these are beyond the understanding of ordinary people.

Now the only thing they can do is to be silent and quietly investigate.

You can't rush in, and you can't let others get ahead of you.

Based on the pictures taken by those people before, the man in military uniform could already determine that Ye Liang was indeed an immortal who could fly into the sky.


After all, the picture that ordinary people can take is limited.

Therefore, he has no bottom for how powerful Ye Liang's strength is.

Immortals can fly, but how fast can they fly?

Only now, he finally understood——!

Yes, this is also too fast.

At the moment when he was shocked, the other party was already approaching Shangjing.

Of course he didn't know, Ye Liang just flew slowly.

If he casually uses a little speed, he will instantly break through the speed of light.

Everything around him would become static in his eyes.

Even if it is a GPS position, it is impossible to determine where he is.

But even now, the speed Ye Liang showed had already shocked the man in military uniform.

"This... Is this a fairy?!!!?"

He couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and said:

"Pay close attention to all the movements of this GPS, and at the same time, as long as he is located, the Internet is blocked, so that his information cannot be known to unrelated people." "


With the command of the man in military uniform, everyone took action.

Apparently, they wanted to block all news about Ye Liang.

"No, you have to report it immediately, you can't delay it any longer, the ability of the immortals is beyond expectations——!!!

You need to contact him immediately.

Our understanding of immortals is still too shallow. "

After giving the order, the man in military uniform immediately asked people to contact the upper echelons to speed up the planning process of contacting the immortals.

And the few people who followed him were stunned to look at the monitoring screen.

People who didn't know about the immortal intelligence before, listening to the conversation of their superiors, all whispered at this moment.

"Could it be that this ultra-high-speed flying object with a mobile phone to navigate is a god?"

"Wouldn't you?"

"Or is the owner of this phone a fairy?"


"The destination he navigated was the scene of the Shangjing Tianyu concert... He's not going to the concert, is he?"

"Look, he stopped——!!!"

Just when everyone was stunned, suddenly, the red dot that was moving rapidly on the big map stopped.

"Quick, zoom in ——!"

After seeing the red dot on the map stop, the man in military uniform did not hesitate and immediately ordered.

With the intelligence technician's hands in control, the map was instantly zoomed in.

And the picture there was also shown in front of everyone.


When they saw the scene in the picture, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Sure enough, it's a personal ——!!!

It's really a person, a person who is standing in the air.

A man standing at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

He stood quietly in the sky, standing in the sky, terrifying.

"Groove, what is this?!!!"

Although it was on this serious occasion, some people couldn't help but burst into foul language.

"God... Immortal ?!!"

"Oh my God, this... How is this possible——!!!"

"It's really fairy?!!!"

Even the people who already knew some of the information about Ye Liang before widened their eyes at this moment.

What others have confirmed is naturally different from what you have seen with your own eyes.

Can the pictures captured by other people's mobile phones be compared with their professional surveillance satellites?

At this moment, several Skynet satellites are operating at the same time, and under the monitoring of these satellites, they can see from multiple angles...

What kind of scene is in the picture?


In the picture, there is a boy, quietly suspended in the air, holding a mobile phone in his hand, observing the situation below.

At his feet is the scene of the Shangjing Tianyu concert.

The audience here can be said to be a sea of people, very boiling.

At this moment, no one expected that in the sky, there was a person holding a mobile phone, watching the situation here.

The person standing in the air with his mobile phone, who is not Ye Liang?

"Wow, so many people?"

Looking at the sea of people below, Ye Liang was secretly surprised.

What surprised him even more was that he also saw many people holding a sign with Yang Liuyan's avatar, which seemed to be Yang Liuyan's fans.

Isn't Yang Liuyan not graduating yet?

This already has an army of fans? I didn't see that she was so powerful.

It seems that in most cases, stars still have to be popularized.

When no one is popular, even if she is walking on the road, the difference between her and ordinary people is that she looks good, and she is not so brilliant to the extent of exaggeration.

At this moment, Ye Liang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

He raised his head and looked into the sky.


Ye Liang frowned, feeling as if his eyes were staring at him.

The next moment, his gaze broke through the distant space and saw directly where the satellites in the sky were.

I saw that above the satellite, a camera was looking in its direction.

His gaze looked to the other side, and in that direction, there was also a satellite looking in his direction.

At this moment, Ye Liang's gaze passed through the two satellites and fell on everyone who was monitoring this direction.

And they, too, looked at Ye Liang's gaze through the screen.


What kind of experience is it for ordinary people to directly meet Ye Liang's vigilant gaze?!


The absolute sense of fear instantly enveloped the hearts of everyone in the entire intelligence base.

At this moment, they felt as if they were in an endless white world.

In this world, there is a pair of huge eyes, as big as the cosmic starry river, quietly staring at them.

Ordinary people, in front of this pair of huge eyes, only feel as if they are staring at by the starry sky.

Smallness, weakness, helplessness, fear, all kinds of emotions, instantly infected their hearts.

Fear, in this instant, almost overwhelmed their state of mind.

They even have an urge to kneel, and only in this way can the fear in their hearts be alleviated.

Fortunately, in just a moment, Ye Liang withdrew his gaze.

And in the entire intelligence room, everyone felt a pang of softness, and cold sweat flowed behind their backs.


They couldn't help but swallow, fearful, and made their mouths dry.

Looking at Ye Liang, who just glanced at them and looked away without care, they could be sure.

Ye Liang must have seen the satellite just now.

His gaze, even directly through satellite imaging, fell into their eyes.

The powerful oppressive force is really extraordinary people can bear——!!!

Ye Liang didn't care about the satellite being photographed in the sky.

Although it may be a little inflated to say, he really doesn't need to care about the gaze of others now.

It doesn't matter who is watching him behind the satellite, as long as it's not an enemy.

Compared with the satellites in the sky, Ye Liang is now more concerned about the lively scene below.

I saw the scene of the Tianyu concert, and at this moment, there were many people, and there were many audiences.

The host of the concert also arranged one guest after another on the stage in a very orderly manner, playing their works, bringing waves of audio-visual feasts to all the audience.

Ye Liang was not in a hurry for a while.

Because he heard the host's voice:

"Next, let's ask singer Yang Liuyan to bring us her new song: The End of the World——!"

As the host's voice sounded, the scene immediately resounded with the sound of fans cheering.


"Liu Yan, Liu Yan, Liu Yan ——!!!"

In the audience, Yang Liuyan's fans reacted very enthusiastically.

The momentum is not small compared to those real big stars.

Although in this era, female stars are more difficult to mix than male stars, as long as they are really powerful people, there are still many boys who are willing to pursue them.

Moreover, there are not a few female fans of Yang Liuyan.

Seeing this situation, some people are still asking the people around them:

"Who is this Yang Liuyan?"

"Yang Liuyan, you don't know, a new song she sang, called Tianya, has recently been on Tianyu Music, which is very popular. "

What is so good about the new song, the current song is not nutritious at all, I still like to listen to the songs sung by those old stars, the songs they sing, that is called good, only then is it called connotation. "

"That's not necessarily, this world is very powerful, you wait to listen." "

"I don't believe it..."

To the cheers of the fans, the people of the band were ready.

With a melodious flute sound, the sound of drums follows.

BGM, which is mainly composed of classical instruments and mixed with some popular instruments, sounded at the concert scene.

Yang Liuyan also walked to the stage with BGM.

"It's dark and dark

Can't help the shooting star

Can't lie down and hide a dead heart

The hard search

Dazed to lose

What a pity for the cute hateful


Accompanied by the BGM played by the band, Yang Liuyan sang loudly, which instantly made the audience boil.

Whether a person's song is good or not, it really is all clear as soon as he opens his mouth.

With this opening, Yang Liuyan has already conquered many audiences.

However, this is only the beginning.

You know, what she is singing now is a song that does not exist in this world, and the level of this song itself is the first-class level in the Chinese song industry in this world.

The layman listened to the voice, the insider listened to the doorway, no matter what, this song instantly made many people present who thought it was a new song and didn't think much of this song shut up.

And some people who have long heard Tianya can't help but sing along.


Empty sky

Can't hold a smile

It hurts God and hurts people too sadly

Why bother, why ask where is my home

Love or hate


All the audience stared at the stage with eyes as if they had seen a treasure.

At the moment, they can't care about what they have.

Because, this is really good——!!!

End of the world.

This song is not only Yang Liuyan himself has high hopes, but also many people who have heard this song feel that this song is likely to become a bombshell in this year's music scene.

And Yang Liuyan's singing did not live up to the level of this song.

With her unique cold voice, she sang the song's free-flowing, wandering but fearless artistic conception.

Although the song sung by Ye Liang before once made Yang Liuyan feel ashamed of himself, this is not to say that Yang Liuyan is too weak.

It's that Ye Liang is too strong...

At this moment, in the sky, Ye Liang quietly listened to Yang Liuyan's singing below, feeling the warm atmosphere of the scene, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

This world does not have the culture of its own past life, so it is better to move the culture of your past life to this world.

It seems that the response of this song is really good.

Yang Liuyan is also more and more excited the more he sings at this moment.

She knew that her dream might be about to come true——!

With this song given to him by Ye Liang, he will definitely be able to dominate the music scene.

At this moment, she is like a heroic woman on the stage, bringing a sense of pride that makes people look at it.

With her cold singing, the pride rushed to the face, the sound of drums, flutes, and the cheers of the audience.

The enthusiasm at this moment is even comparable to the solo concerts of some big stars.


"Liu Yan, good ——!"

"I love you——!!!"


After Yang Liuyan's singing, the audience cheered.

Yang Liuyan also stayed on the stage, thanking the audience below:

"Thank you all——!!!"

She is a newcomer, so after singing, there will be a host Q&A session to let everyone get to know her as a newcomer.

This is also a very important link for Yang Liuyan to pull good feelings.

As long as she behaves well here, her popularity will definitely not be less in the future.


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