
Ye Ziqian's words made all the women present cast their eyes towards Ye Liang with fiery eyes.

There are even many people among them who are married women.

However, although there are many beautiful women in her company, Ye Liang will naturally no longer look at these ordinary people.

People are like that, except for some people with special hobbies, the vision will only get higher and higher.

Therefore, in the face of those fiery eyes, Ye Liang didn't even bother to politely look back now.

He just introduced Ye Ziqian to all the women present.

After everyone got to know each other, they left the place directly.

It's just that Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian naturally can't look at each other with their previous gazes at this time.

Because Ye Ziqian and Ye Liang were both thinking about a problem, that is, whether the other party knew anything about themselves.

Unlike other women, Ye Ziqian knew much more about Ye Qixuan...

It's definitely not a simple acquaintance, or any contact with him.

Her understanding of Ye Qixuan has far exceeded that of ordinary women.

Therefore, the moment she saw Ye Liang's immortal face, she was almost sure that this was Ye Qixuan.

Therefore, now she is more curious about whether Ye Liang knows her.

You know, she is Ye Liang's mother, although she is only an adoptive mother, but if Ye Liang does not know her, she will definitely not dare to show Ye Liang easily.

Otherwise, it would be too humiliating.

I saw that on the rooftop, the group turned into a stream of light and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

And the male and female employees who were still kneeling on the roof couldn't help but look at each other.

"Groove, I... Am I dreaming?!!! "

It wasn't until Ye Liang and them left that everyone present dared to speak.

"What happened today is really too mysterious, right——!!!

"Our Ye Zong is actually a fairy? She's too beautiful. "

"No wonder she hasn't been old before, and she's too young."

"Manager Yan is also a fairy, she... She looks more moving than before. "

"Could it be that after becoming a fairy, people will become more beautiful than before?"

"I'm so stupid, really... Just now, Ye Shao has become an immortal, why don't I believe that Ye Shao is also an immortal? "

"That's it... Unexpectedly, Ye Shao was not only a god, but also so awesome that he included the alien princess and female emperor in the harem. "

"This... Is this the daily routine of immortal cultivation? Loved, loved. "

"If I believed Ye Shao's words at that time, maybe Ye Shao has already taken me as an apprentice now."

"Hehe, you men, you really want to fart and eat, why did Ye Shao take you as an apprentice?"

"It's ——!"

"To say that Ye Shao fancy me, it is still possible."

A very delicately dressed woman spoke.

"Huh, you? Forget it, you don't think Ye Shao will look at a married woman, right? "

"You know what, this is called a wife, and some people are good at this."

"Then do you dare to say this to your husband?"

"If Ye Shao agrees, I'll say."


Since the showdown has already been, Ye Ziqian is not as poor as before.

She directly took Ye Liang to the place where she usually lives, an independent compound villa.

"Xiaoliang, and beautiful daughters-in-law, this is my home, rest assured, my family is very big, everyone can live in ——!"

Pointing to the luxurious villa in front of her, she said to Ye Liang and the others behind her.


Jiang Yurou looked at such a big villa and couldn't help but exclaim.

This, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of villas, in such a lot, such a large area, just the land is hundreds of millions.

However, after she exclaimed, she found that the surrounding women were very calm, and it seemed that there was nothing new about this large villa.

Only her mother looked shocked like her.

In this way, it feels as if both she and her mother are low.

Everyone else looked calm, just the two of them looking amazed.


Tang Pinru naturally noticed that the surrounding goddesses looked quite calm.

She coughed a little embarrassed, and then cast a strange gaze towards Ye Ziqian.

Good guy, it turns out that you have always been so rich.

So you used to pretend to be poor in front of the old lady?

The old lady has been worried that you are not doing well——!!!


Facing Tang Pinru's resentful eyes, Ye Ziqian's face was guilty, but her heart was already proud.

Hahaha, how's it going, I can't pretend in front of that smelly boy, and I can't pretend in front of you?

You always thought that the sister who had a bad life and had no money was actually a billionaire and lived in such a good big villa.

You must be incredible, right?!!


Looking at the huge villa in front of him, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

He asked:

"I said Mom, you've always been so rich, since you're so rich, why didn't you tell me before?"


I heard Ye Liang ask.

Ye Ziqian's gaze turned towards Ye Liang, and he spoke:

"Smelly boy, what do you know, I'm poor, if the old lady lets you know from the beginning that the family is so rich, then you must not waste it?" Look at you, obviously my mother sent you to study so hard, but how did you repay your mother, your achievements... At your age, you take such a grade, are you embarrassed?!! "

Saying that, she also counted Ye Liang.

It was as if a piece of his own painstaking heart was not understood by Ye Liang and was grievance.

"Mom, you don't really think my grades are bad, do you?"

Ye Liang said with a smile:

"I just want to surprise you after the college entrance examination."

Anyway, now he won't admit that his original grades were very poor.

[That's right, I just deliberately pretended to have bad grades and wanted to pretend to force you after the college entrance examination, how about it?]

Didn't expect that?! 】

"I'm shocked ——!"

Ye Ziqian couldn't help but scold, and then, in order to maintain her image, she quickly put it away again and pretended to be a serious book.

His eyes looked at the women beside Ye Liang and said:

"Come, beautiful daughters-in-law, come with me."


Tang Pinru couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and glared at Ye Ziqian.

She really wanted to correct Ye Ziqian's statement, she was not her daughter-in-law.

Did this woman do it on purpose?

However, after thinking about it, she deliberately emphasized this, but it seemed that she was deliberate.

So she put up with it.


When Ye Liang's family was reunited, on the other side, the world was still boiling.

At this moment, people who were still in shock before were desperately looking for people around them to verify whether what they had just seen was a dream.

Some people directly ask the people around them, and some people go online, independent courtyard forums.

There are also some who are receptive and accept this fact instantly, and then begin to despair.

Because, some people did do something to provoke Ye Liang before.

Moreover, the mobility of these guys is not low at all.

Otherwise, Ye Liang would not have felt that hundreds of millions of people had entered his perception just now.

Earthlings are protected by the laws of the earth, and entering his perception can only prove one thing.

They are already unprotected in front of him.

Ye Liang thought that he was not a treacherous person, and he did not have the degree of wronging himself for others.

For whatever reason, it is certainly true that those people denigrated him and provoked him.

Therefore, the next time, if Ye Liang needs to fight with all his strength, it must be the death of those people.

With his current attack power, any move can ripple the entire earth.

How could ordinary people withstand the aftermath of his battle?!!

What Ye Liang said was not a lie.

And those who had felt Ye Liang's sword qi before also really felt the feeling of facing death.

At this moment, they are the most anxious group of people.

"What to do, can anyone tell me, what should I do?"

"Is there anyone who can save me, I seem to have felt Ye Xianzun's sword intent just now——!"

"I apologize to Ye Liang now, is it still time?"

"It's time, it's time for a hammer, didn't you guys have a lot of fun just now?"

For those who feel the sword intent, those who do not feel the sword intent are naturally gloating.

Feelings between people are not common.

For most people, the sadness of others may be their own happiness...

Especially those who fought fiercely before.

In a short period of time, it is unknown how many different points of view have caused many controversies on the mountain.

Those who have already felt the sword intent, some people have abandoned themselves, and at this time they are smearing Ye Liang on the Internet.

"Ye Liang is not an immortal at all, what an immortal cultivator, he is simply a demon, don't you see? Just now, he fought with that Heavenly Wolf Emperor in the universe, and his sword fell to the ground, causing many deaths and injuries——!!! "

"Yes, moreover, we are not wrong at all, if he hadn't kidnapped other people's princesses to serve his mother, how could he have attracted the Heavenly Wolf Emperor?"

"If we hadn't been frightened by the Heavenly Wolf Emperor, we wouldn't have provoked Ye Liang, and this was simply Ye Liang's fault."

"Ye Liang is a demon, I suggest sending an army to suppress him immediately——!

"Since there is Ye Liang on the earth, there must be other immortal cultivators, right? Why didn't the state send an army of immortal cultivators to suppress Ye Liang, he made such a big deal this time, he has violated the rule that he cannot become refined since the founding of the country——!!! "

"Silly? Everyone can hold the stars in their hands, you go and suppress one——!! "

Hearing the words of these self-defeating people, those who gloated could not help but be speechless for a while.

How stupid it is to say such a thing.

An army of immortal cultivators?

Read too many novels?

Do you think there are some dragon groups, dragon teeth and the like?

"By now, I have to admit that I am actually an immortal cultivator——!

Even in such a chaotic situation, there are people who are not afraid of death rubbing the heat.

Many anchors who claimed to be immortal cultivators suddenly became popular.

If someone asks them to show the means of immortal cultivators, they will say very seriously, 'The methods of immortal cultivators, how can you and other mortals know at will?' ' or something like that.

In this way, it scared many viewers.

They really thought that these anchors were immortal cultivators.

For a moment, those who dared to claim to be immortal cultivators were furious.

No one dares to doubt it anyway.

In the end, Ye Liang, as an immortal cultivator, suddenly revealed his power, which was a bit too much.

It has completely surpassed ordinary people's cognition of immortals.

Those who felt Ye Liang's sword intent were worried.

Even, someone directly reported the case, wanting to let the people of the law enforcement team go and arrest Ye Liang.

But let's do it...

If it is another crime, forget it, no matter how brave the people of this Nima's law enforcement team are, it is impossible to be strong with the immortal cultivator.

Using mortal laws to restrain immortal cultivators, this official power is not so great.

For Ye Liang, the official not only did not have any behavior that wanted to suppress, but even repeatedly issued announcements on the Internet to notify the whole people and let everyone do their own thing.

Don't try to provoke immortal cultivators——!!!

At the same time, someone quickly gave instructions on how to contact Ye Liang.

Immortal cultivators are immortal-like beings beyond everyone's imagination, and no one can easily provoke immortal cultivators.

This is the only definitive decision at this time.

At the same time, in view of what Ye Liang had said that the era of Earth Immortal Cultivators was about to come, it was necessary to seize the time to reach cooperation with Ye Liang.

Seek refuge from Ye Liang.

After Ye Liang had already shown his strength in holding the stars, even the most arrogant person did not dare to pretend to be an identity at this moment.

Human beings must realize the existence of immortal cultivators as soon as possible.

What to hide the truth, what to avoid panic, these false slogans are no longer mentioned.

At this moment, managers around the world are almost unanimous.

That is, we must understand what kind of existence an immortal cultivator is as soon as possible.

Moreover, it is not they themselves who quietly understand the research, but to let everyone understand the immortal cultivator.

Only when you understand the immortal cultivator, can you seek the protection of the immortal cultivator, and you can...

It won't implicate the entire earth because others offend immortal cultivators.

The present life of immortal cultivators is a global crisis, definitely not a global opportunity——!!!

Under such circumstances, on that day, a helicopter carrying many big people came to visit the Ye family.

(For some reason, I don't write this kind of plot that pretends to be forced in front of management, just brush it off, otherwise it will be troublesome to change it later.) )

For those management's concerns, Ye Liang naturally understood it.

This is no longer the difference between ants and people, but the difference between people and immortals.

No matter how powerful people are, no one will be able to exterminate ants.

However, the immortals may inadvertently wipe out the earth.

If they weren't afraid, it would be strange.

Therefore, Ye Liang said that he would open a live broadcast room after that and give all the explanations, what is called... Immortal cultivator.

For Ye Liang's kindness, the management who came to visit him were naturally very excited.

Their previous choice was indeed correct.

For the affairs of immortal cultivators, they are just ordinary people, so it is better not to participate indiscriminately.

They did not choose to be the enemy of Ye Liang at the beginning like some brainless people abroad, and even called on people inside the country to be rational.

That's why they now have the opportunity to visit Ye Liang.

Otherwise, with Ye Liang's strength, even if they were above ten thousand people outside?

At that time, Ye Liang is not good, and the earth is gone, GG.

Although Ye Liang has said that immortal cultivators can't hurt the earth.

But this kind of words were said by Ye Liang, if you want to feel that you have the right to equal dialogue in front of Ye Liang based on these words, is there something wrong?

Other countries do not know that Huang Yanguo has always treated people with humility.


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