
Under Ye Liang's explanation, the people of the earth all had a general understanding of the realm of immortal cultivators.

But obviously, only know one name, the understanding of farts——!!!

At this moment, all the people on the earth are still confused.

And after Ye Liang explained the matter about the realm of immortal cultivators, his eyes looked towards the live broadcast room.

Smiled and said:

"I know, many of you must be curious about what kind of strength each realm of immortal cultivators represents."


That's natural——!!!

At this moment, people all over the world are spitting in their hearts.

You only introduce a realm name, how do we know what the corresponding strength of an immortal cultivator is.

"Next, I will explain to you what each realm of immortal cultivators represents."

Saying that, Ye Liang waved his hand, and the scene in the live broadcast screen immediately changed.

I saw Ye Liang, who was originally in the room, and the scene around him had changed into a beautiful place at this time.

"Knock ——!!!"

Although I know that the other party is a fairy, this is a live broadcast.

In the live broadcast screen, a casual swipe appeared in a beautiful place, no matter what principle is used, it is enough to make all earthlings shout magic.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was an immortal, I don't know how many people would be shouting now.

Looking at Ye Liang in the picture, people all over the world couldn't help but have a bit of heat in their eyes.

If only they had this ability, I don't know if they would have the opportunity to become immortal cultivators in this life.

"If ordinary people want to become immortal cultivators, the first thing they must learn is refining qi."

I saw Ye Liang standing at the bottom of a waterfall, pointing to the surrounding mountains and waters, and said to everyone:

"Between heaven and earth, mountains, rivers, plants and trees, everything has spirituality, can produce aura, even human beings themselves, can produce aura, these aura, represent endless energy... However, these energies cannot be used directly, and people need to have special methods to support their use of Reiki, which is the practice of immortal cultivators, using this technique, they can refine all the Reiki for their own use, that is, the refining period. "

"Ye Xianzun, may I ask how the strength of the refining period is?!!!

"Seek, how powerful is the refining period?!!"

"How can we refine qi?!!!?"


"Ye Xianzun is too handsome."

In the live broadcast room, countless comments floated up, some people were asking about business, and some people were making idiots.

And Ye Liang went on to say:

“...... The refining period is like an infant period for immortal cultivators, and ordinary people can refine qi after ten years of cultivation, you say, how powerful can the refining period be? "


Hearing this, people all over the world couldn't help but get more excited.

It only takes ten years to reach the refining period?

Does that mean that they also have a chance to enter the refining period?

As long as there is a good way...

At that time, in case Ye Liang was in a good mood, he passed down an immortal cultivation exercise to the earth.

In other words, if other immortal cultivators pass on an immortal cultivation exercise to them, then they will all have the opportunity to become immortal cultivators.

Although the refining period is only the most basic entry stage of immortal cultivators, it is definitely not that powerful in comparison, after all, it is an immortal cultivator.

"May I ask Ye Xianzun, how powerful is the refining period?"

The comments in the live broadcast room quickly brushed up.

At this moment, the whole world is concerned about this issue.

What is the strength of the refining period.


The whole world was eagerly watching Ye Liang in the live broadcast room, waiting for his answer.

"The refining period is divided into nine layers in total."

Ye Liang also did not sell the pass, and directly explained it to everyone:

"The first weight of refining qi, probably, you can smash a boulder with all your strength, although the attack methods are different, but the results are similar, just like this."

Saying that, he reached out and hit a boulder next to the waterfall.


With a loud bang, the boulder that was four or five meters high was smashed to pieces by his punch.

There was a shaking in the picture, and everyone watching the live broadcast couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

The first weight of refining gas has such a strong power?

Then, if they have the opportunity to refine for ten years, will they have this kind of strength?

It's cool to think about——!!!

If only he had such strength...

Unless you encounter an immortal cultivator, then you can walk sideways anywhere, right?

Who else dares to bully themselves?!!

Everyone watching the live broadcast stared at Ye Liang with shocked eyes...

Although they had already seen Ye Liang's cosmic war before.

However, the cosmic war for them... It's just magical.

When it comes to expression, it is not more shocking than Ye Liang's casual punch to smash a boulder.

Because ordinary people's eyes can receive limited information, they can see limited details when they look at Ye Liang's battle in the universe.

Ye Liang don't say that he hit the solar system, that is, hit the galaxy, for ordinary people, it is just a string of light and shadow.

It's like the Milky Way colliding with the Andromeda Galaxy, and the two galaxies colliding, for the earthlings, there is actually no feeling.

And the scene of Ye Liang breaking a boulder made ordinary people really see this power.

Is this the power that can be cultivated in ten years?

"During the refining period, every time it passes, the strength will increase significantly."

Just when all the people on the earth looked yearning, Ye Liang went on to explain:

"If you count it by improving one weight in ten years, ordinary people can break through to the ninth weight of refining gas in about ninety years, and the strength of the nine layers of refining qi... Cast spells that can easily move mountains and fill the sea, just like this——! "

Saying that, Ye Liang waved his hand, and the next moment, in the picture, where Ye Liang was, the mountain slowly flew up.

A huge mountain...

For ordinary people, it may be an eternal mountain, but with a gentle wave of his hand, it slowly flew into the sky.

Although he was so small compared to this mountain at the moment, this mountain seemed to be a plaything in his hands.

The mountain slowly flew towards the sky.

The perspective is far away, everyone can see that this mountain is huge...

It was thousands of meters high, and as Ye Liang supported his hand, the thousands of meters of giant mountain slowly flew towards the clouds.

"Groove ——!!!"

Compared with the kind of picture that can only see the light and shadow in the universe, this picture of a person holding up a giant mountain in the air with one hand is indeed more shocking.

Mortals are mortals after all, and their eyes cannot see things that are too detailed.

Therefore, as far as the eye can see, the biggest thing is the mountain, and they can't even see the mountain, let alone the sea.

Now Ye Liang's scene of lifting a mountain up like this caused shock to ordinary people was definitely no worse than the shock he pushed the sun out of the solar system.

"Oh my God——!!!"

"I was lucky enough to think it might be some special effect, but now I'm stupid... Only need to cultivate for ninety years, can you have such a powerful power? "

"Upstairs, how much you don't want to accept reality? The power of immortal cultivators is what we mortals can imagine?! "

"Ye Liang Immortal Venerable 66666 ——!!!"

"One palm hanging over the mountain, what a mighty power——!!!

"No matter how much human technology develops, it can't be developed to this extent?!!


"Impossible, technology has limits——!!!"

After slowly lifting the mountain, Ye Liang's figure also slowly floated upward.

Immediately, I saw a burst of immortal light shaking, and Ye Liang showed a fairy appearance.

He had long silver-white hair, a blue-white Taoist robe, an ethereal fairy aura, and a peerless fairy appearance.

"Wow, that's so handsome——!!!"

"It's too immortal, I can't do it——!!!"

"I, I... I regretted why I got married. "


"I regret it too, why should I find a boyfriend? With Ye Xianzun's face, I only need to be able to look at it once a day to be satisfied——! "

"I'm sure you've all seen me like this."

Ye Liang continued:

"This look, called immortal phase, every immortal cultivator can learn a spell after having a sense of qi, it is called immortal phase art, immortal phase art, that is, using immortal road dress, unsealing their sealed face, and revealing their true appearance... Generally speaking, men will become handsome and handsome after using immortal phases, and women will mostly become beautiful and young after using them, not only that, immortals that suit their state of mind are of great benefit to their own practice and battle... However, after the already ugly person uses this spell, the appearance will become very strange. "


Hearing this, the whole world froze.


With such a handsome look, do they have a chance to do it?

If they learn this fairy art, if they are so beautiful, will they need to dress themselves up in the future?

Only some people who were already ugly were speechless for a while.

Isn't it true that cultivating immortals can't save the ugly?!!

"Ye Xianzun, can I lick your Yan? You're so handsome——!!! "

"Upstairs, don't lick the screen quietly, disrespect Ye Xian, do you want to die?"

"Even if it is death, I confess it... What kind of fairy face is this, my God——!!! "

Ye Liang's eyes appeared with the comments in the live broadcast room, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips slightly.

Their own immortal appearance, but the ultimate immortal appearance, ordinary women can parry it is strange when they see it.

Seriously, if it weren't for women with a particularly high bottom line, now he only needed one movement to make them obediently throw themselves into his arms.

Whether that woman has an object or not, whether she has a husband or not, she will definitely not be able to parry this fairy-level charm...

Although the attraction of fairy qi to people is not as good as the enchantment power of fox spirits, people attracted by enchanted power will be mentally destroyed.

The charm of fairy qi, on the other hand, makes people fall in love with themselves from the bottom of their hearts, and although the results look the same, they are actually very different.

Although Ye Liang is now a powerful god, after all, he has not practiced for many years, and his mind is not much different from ordinary people.

Suddenly worshipped by men around the world and obsessed with women, he naturally does not feel unhappy.

"This is the greatest power of the refining period."

At this time, the shot of Ye Liang holding the mountain is one place, and the shot of him talking is another.

Only in this way can ordinary people know what he is doing now and what he has done.

Let a mountain fly like this and stand quietly in the air, this is the power of the refining period?

Only need to cultivate for more than ninety years, can you have this level of power?

This is an immortal cultivator——!!!

People who were originally very afraid of immortal cultivators had some urgent hope at this time that an immortal cultivator could suddenly appear beside them and lead them into the path of immortal cultivation.

The power of the refining period is really too strong.

This is the power that the earthlings can really see intuitively at this moment——!!!

A nine-fold immortal cultivator who refining qi might already be enough to make all the countries in the world helpless.

Don't say anything about nuclear bombs ...

No matter how powerful the nuclear bomb is, it has to hit people.

Moreover, immortal cultivators still need to condense their attack power to a point when fighting, and it is strange that the divergent power of nuclear bombs can cause damage to immortal cultivators...

When the world was shocked by the strength of the refining period, Ye Liang spoke:

"However, after all, the refining period is only the infancy of immortal cultivators, in the face of the congenital period, the refining period is much weaker, and the congenital period of refining is the same as adults hitting kindergarten children, one punch at a time."


Hearing Ye Liang's words, the earthlings couldn't hold back.

Just now, they were only shocked by the power of the innate period, and they almost forgot...

The refining period is only an infancy period for immortal cultivators.

"I'll simulate for you now a scene of an innate cultivator fighting a Qi refining ninefold cultivator."

Saying that, Ye Liang's mind moved, and a split shadow appeared in the universe.

The live footage switches out of two frames again.

I saw that in the universe, the innate split shadow stretched out a finger in the direction where Ye Liang was at this moment.

"Breaking the Yin and Destroying the Yuan Finger ——!"

As his finger stretched out, the next moment, in the universe, a huge finger of tens of thousands of meters slowly fell from the air.

I saw that finger broke through the atmosphere, slowly pressed down, and the finger rubbed violently with the atmosphere.

When the clouds broke, everyone saw a mountain beneath the clouds.

It was the mountain that Ye Liang had lifted before, that huge mountain, in front of that huge finger, it was just a small bean.


Looking at this terrifying scene, all the people on the earth couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

This is also too exaggerated, the gap in strength is so big?!!!

However, compared to the shocked place of others, the Red Moon Female Emperor couldn't help but be even more shocked when she looked at Ye Liang's fingers stretched out from the sky.

Good fingering——!!!

This fingering method is not simple, and it is definitely not an idle exercise.

Unexpectedly, today my Akatsuki Female Emperor actually entrusted the blessing of the earthlings and saw such a powerful finger——!!!

At this moment, the eyes of the Akatsuki Female Emperor were staring at the giant fingers that fell in the sky.

The finger that broke through the clouds rubbed the picture of golden light in the earth's atmosphere...

She felt that she seemed to feel the opportunity for a breakthrough——!!!


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