354 Kindle Fire

A Kindle Fire is actually a really great tablet. I owned "one" quite a few years ago and for some odd reason it always seemed to break whenever it was nearing the end of it's warranty. The warranty on it was for a year and each time it broke, they just sent a new one with a renewed warranty. They also always included a new charger.

The name of the Kindle actually got updated each time it was replaced to (Name)'s 2nd/3rd/4th/... Kindel Fire.

Kindle Fire: Very durable, very affordable, very useful and practical, the best warranty you could wish for

I had mine 9 years ago, but I'd still consider it a good option. In the span of ~3/4 years I think I ended up on a 5th Kindle.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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