369 Morals

Thus I've taken the liberty to up the stakes quite a bit. An out of control train is barreling down the tracks towards 5 workers. You just happen to be in a position, where you are able to make the train change tracks. However if you do, you will endanger 4 other workers.

This is not as simple as 5 workers vs 4 workers. If you make the train change tracks, you will be that reason that 4 innocent people just died. Those deaths will be on your hands. 4 people that still had their whole lives ahead of them. 4 people with friends and family.

You either watch 5 people get run over, or you save 5 people whilst killing 4 others.

What would you do? There is no alternate option.

What If it was 10 vs 1. Or a friend vs 10 strangers. (The first person/group is the one in direct danger)

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