73 Missing Socks

People lose an average of 1.5 socks each month. If you then multiply this factor by the average life expectancy of a human, which is currently around 80 years, you get a grand total of almost 1,500 socks lost. There are socks that can cost an excessive amount. Even if you use some of the cheapest socks as the base for your calculations, in this case $2 for a pair, you would still end up wasting at least $3000 on buying new socks. (This is assuming you don't have multiples of the same kind of sock) The easiest way to lose a sock is when they get washed separately. This happen due to a number of factors however mainly just missing one and noticing it later.

Samsung did a study on sock loss to promote their washing machine that can add socks during the wash.

Where to look for missing socks:

Behind/under the washing machine

In other people's dresser drawers

In you own drawers between other clothes (may also be inside pockets/sleeves

Under beds/furniture

Inside a toy box

Check the toaster

On your feet

Inside the washing machine (sometimes they just stick to the side and go unnoticed) You might even need to take apart your washing machine to find them.

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