87 Secret Menus

Lots of restaurants have a secret menu. These secret menus contain untraditional items that have either been removed from the normal menu or just wouldn't be something you should advertise. These can be insanely unhealthy foods or just a weird combination.

For example, you can order a grilled cheese sandwich at McDonalds. You can also order a "McGangBang". It's almost what you would expect with a double cheese burger and chicken burger combination. The next burger is one that shouldn't be eaten alone. It is a big mac tower with 8 patties called the "Monster Mac". A diet friendlier option would be the "Hash Brown McMuffin". Hash browns are a popular American breakfast where potatoes are pan fried after being diced. With this option you get a hash brown on your muffin. One menu item that I might actually try next time is the "Surf and Turf". It's a combination of a "McBurger Supreme" and a "Filet-O-Fish".

At burger king, you can order the veggie variant of the whopper called "Veggie Wopper". One way to gain calories is by ordering the "Suicide Burger" that not only includes 4 greasy patties, but also lots of cheese and bacon too. The "Rodeo Burger" is a cheeseburger with onions and BBQ sauce. Another option would be the "BK Club". It comes with extra bacon, tomato, and cheese on a chicken sandwich.

In Subway you buy a "Pizza Sub". It's exactly what it sounds like, a Subway sandwich topped with pizza toppings.

The KFC bowls are fully customizable to any combination you want. You can mix and mash whatever you want. Alternatively you can try the "Double Down". It's what you would get if you replaced the buns of a burger with chicken and only got bacon and cheese inside.

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