Chapter 158 The exquisite box opens a lonely!!

When everyone was looking for the white-clad youth, another thing that was enough to detonate the Heavenly Xuan Dao Domain came out!

“The Contemporary Divine Son of the Southern Immortal Qin Family possesses four supreme horror physiques?? Holding the Imperial Sword?? Have the assets of the Emperor?? Talent is even more taboo——— covered? ”

I don’t know where the news came from, instantly detonating the entire Heavenly Xuan Dao Domain!

Qin Changsheng’s name instantly overwhelmed that day, the huge picture above the Heavenly Dao…

Qin Changsheng: Good fellow, I press myself.

“Wochu, you say that Qin Changsheng is really rumored to have the assets of Gaidai?? One person has four terrifying physiques and also possesses the Imperial Sword!! Sleeper, how could I be so unbelieving!! ”

“I don’t know, lately they have gone crazy, saying that they have seen it with their own eyes, that Qin Changsheng is mighty on all sides, and even a sword has swept through the fiftieth place in the list of horror beings, Emperor Funan!!”

“What, one sword defeated Emperor Funan?” Really fake. ”

“But no, I heard it at the time, and it almost didn’t scare me to death.”

“Hey, why have I never heard of such a character?”

“That’s not very normal, the Immortal Qin Family was originally in the Southern Domain, that Qin Changsheng debuted very late, I heard that when he was born, he had invincible assets and had never been defeated!”

Some people believe, most people don’t believe…

However, only half a day had passed, and within a super empire in the Middle Domain, Emperor Funan, who ranked fiftieth in the human list, stood up and actually admitted to it himself, and Qin Changsheng defeated him with one sword.

“I am a super empire… Huang Funan, that Qin Changsheng had…

He is the strongest man I have ever seen in my life, and there is no one!

He alone has four terrible physiques, and there is also an imperial sword, when he defeated me, he did not even use the imperial sword, he used just an ordinary long sword, a sword defeated me, I thought that in front of him, I was a garbage. ”

Originally, many people had a kind of unbelieving mind, but since the Super Empire Emperor Funan, personally stood up to Qin Changsheng’s sword to defeat him, and even said that in front of him, it was a garbage, such words… Everyone closed in shock

On the mouth!!

Not long after Emperor Funan, it turned out to be another person who was proud of the heavens.

“Although I Ye Liangchen was very unhappy with him, but I didn’t lie, Qin Changsheng was really good!” One punch and it flew me…”

After Ye Liangchen, followed by another rumor, Qin Changsheng killed the hundredth Dongliqi in the list with one sword.

The news that Qin Changsheng had killed three people in a second with Gai Dai’s assets came out! Everyone couldn’t sit still.

The crowd was completely shocked, and even began to be a little frightened, and the forbidden words that had not appeared for countless years, Gaidai, began to spread on the mainland again!

Gaidai’s capital Qin Changsheng spread madly throughout every corner of the entire Heavenly Xuan Dao Domain in an instant.

“Has the Golden World opened completely?” What does Tiandao really want to do? Is it a final struggle…”

In this square world, out of nowhere, there was a hoarse voice, but no one knew…

Middle domain.

On a vast immortal island, a transcendent family stands here.

“Patriarch, what to do now, Mu Xue, mentioned Qin Changsheng, now the outside world rumors that he actually has four terrifying physiques, and an imperial sword!”

“Hmm, I think it’s all Qin Changsheng colluding with that Emperor Funan!” Perhaps the Immortal Qin Family and the Emperor Fu Empire had already united together. ”

“That is, you talk about it, let’s not say whether the Emperor Sword is true or false, a person has four physiques, how is this possible?” As far as I know, it seems that there has never been such a thing in the Heavenly Xuan Dao Domain…”

“And that imperial sword, as far as I know, it seems that the Qin family does not seem to have an imperial weapon about the sword, right?” Even if there is, will it be given to him??

Haha, such lies can be made up, it is really laughing at the old man. ”

“Gaidai’s capital, they really dare to think, haha, I want to laugh as soon as I hear it, a bunch of boys who don’t have hair on it, I’m afraid I don’t even know what Gaidai’s taboo words mean.”

“The Qin family seems to have nothing to fear.”

In the hall, the elders of the Mu family were dismissively discussing all kinds of rumors about Qin Changsheng in recent days, but there was no accident, all of them were unbelief, not even hesitation.

The old man sitting above had not spoken for a long time, quietly meditating on something, since that day Mu Xue Hui Clan came with that Heaven and Earth Divine Creature Spirit Fire, the deadly toxin in him had all been eliminated, and even with the help of that Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, his whole body cultivation had reached a higher level.

Now it seems that the spirit is much fuller.

“Well, let’s all be quiet, no matter what the outside world rumors are, it is better to send someone to check on what others say, it is better to see the truth yourself… In the judgment of the true and false old man said lightly, people can not see the mood. ”

“Patriarch, that Spirit Fire?”

A clan elder stood up and said suddenly.

“…… Tell Mu Chen that child, integrate as soon as possible. ”

The old man pondered for a moment, and considering the anti-heaven of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Fire, he said fiercely.

At the same time, the old man’s heart thought of the beautiful girl’s figure: “Mu Xue, forgive Grandpa for being so selfish, born in a big family, no matter what happens, we must give priority to the family…”

In another part of the Middle Realm, within the Super Imperial Dynasty, this supreme power that had been very unpeaceful lately.

Today, it seems that something great has happened in the Central Empire, completely angering the emperor with supreme power.

Inside the main hall of the palace.

A group of ministers knelt neatly on the ground, trembling as they felt the middle-aged man above him, on the high seat and the dragon chair!

Just now, the lord of this super imperial dynasty broke out into a furious rage, because he couldn’t find the man who killed the emperor!

“Unbridled! Am I hearing you wrong! You’re saying it again! ”

The man sitting high on the dragon chair said with a gloomy face.

And from within his body, the terrifying pressure released made the ministers below sweat on their foreheads, and even the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound, for fear of anger…

The guards kneeling in front of the ministers were all under the pressure of this violent force, and they fainted for a long time, before he trembled and said, “Back… Your Majesty… Words came out of the Tianji Pavilion… They didn’t know anything about the man…”

“Unbridled! Isn’t the Tianji Pavilion known to be omniscient! I look at the Tenki Pavilion is looking for death!! ”

The man on the dragon chair above was another roar, thinking of the signboard of the Tianji Pavilion, this was obvious, did not want to tell it, it was not unaware at all!

The man guessed, and his face was ugly! Long.

“Pass on the order, choose the sixth prince, marry Mu Xue, the Mu family, if the Mu family does not listen, he will personally lead the army… Stepping on the Mu family! ”

The man on the dragon chair said viciously.

When the ministers below heard this, their faces were shocked.

Who doesn’t know that the sixth prince in the palace is a super cunning, greedy for money and lustful proficient, and since the emperor did not know who had been killed, the emperor was in a state of rage every day.

Go to the Mu family to inquire, and the Mu family tells them that Mu Xue has been imprisoned by his own family.

Who believes this? Fools believe!

They looked up at the middle-aged man on the high ground and thought… The emperor was utterly furious!

Tianji Pavilion ignored it, even if the Mu family was still like this?

Such consequences will only cause infinitely terrible consequences!! For a father who has lost his best son…

Everyone else in the sword pool had already gone out, leaving Qin Changsheng and the other three still inside.

At this moment, Qin Changsheng was still immersed in the reward given by the system, the Anti-Heaven Divine Medicine, and felt infinite shock!

With such an anti-heaven divine object, Qin Changsheng didn’t even care about the second kind, Qin Changsheng thought in his heart, is there any treasure more powerful than the second life?

“Even if the second treasure is an air, I won’t complain about you, System Qin Changsheng smiled and said.”

It’s not an exaggeration at all, it’s all true, because when the system just issued rewards, the first one was fine, and when it came to the second, it seemed to be malfunctioning?

Also said one, bug??

Not even a few star rewards, that’s nothing?

Qin Changsheng thought inwardly, but with the Cursive Sword Technique and the Immortal God Medicine, these two anti-heavenly things, he already felt very satisfied, so he looked at the second with an attitude of indifference.

When he saw the second kind, Qin Changsheng raised an eyebrow: “Still a box?” It looks very delicate! ”

Qin Changsheng, who could not escape the law of true incense, still couldn’t help but look forward to it and slowly opened the box!

Rumble! A flash of golden light flashed.


Qin Changsheng’s eyes widened… Said.

Look down.

What’s in the box? It’s a lonely one!

“True stepping horse is air?? Don’t play like that! ”

Although Qin Changsheng didn’t care, he still skimmed his lips and said somewhat wordlessly

What Qin Changsheng didn’t know was that when he opened the box, something seemed to fit into his body.

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