Then the Wu clan detectives must have seen it at this time. Jiang Chen had already left here, and there must be a touch of joy in his eyes. Since Jiang Chen has left here now, it means that his chances are gone. It's already here.

Moreover, God is already helping them now, and the Wu Clan detectives have all gone back in a hurry at this moment.

I saw the clan leader saw the Wu clan, and saw the sweat on his forehead again. He was so anxious, and he was a little confused in his heart. Could something have happened? He was inexplicably panicked at this moment.

"Why do I feel that you are a little panicked at this moment? Could something have happened?"

When I saw the clan leader, I couldn't help but start asking about the Wu clan. I really wanted to know what happened.

"Clan Leader, what I want to tell you now is that Jiang Chen has already left here, and I saw it with my own eyes at the time."

Anyway, their family is really feeling a little stunned now. They didn't expect that Jiang Chen would leave at this time. Isn't this increasing the chance for them?

At this moment, they all feel that since the opportunity has come, , then they must seize it well. If they don't seize this opportunity, wouldn't they be just fools?

"One thing I never thought of was that Jiang Chen had actually left here at this time. Since he had already left here, I couldn't waste such a good opportunity."

This person has said this. When this person finished saying this, the other person must have nodded at this time, which means that they must think carefully about this method next. What should they do? how to do it

"I think the most important thing for us today is to go well……"

Everyone in the Immortal Sect already knew about this matter at this time. Now that they all know about this matter, what should they do now?

"Now that Jiang Chen has left, he is creating opportunities for us. Since he is creating opportunities, what should we do next?"

"what to do? Isn't that simple? I think we can attack them at this time. If we waste such a good opportunity, it means we are fools, right?"

They are not fools, and they are extremely smart. They are already here and have been cleaning up at this moment. After cleaning up just now, they must have planned to attack them at this moment. Got it

"Now that Jiang Chen is not here, I just think that we will definitely win this time. I believe that they will definitely become the losers."

He said this, but the people around him who trusted him so much must have heard it. They were shocked at this moment. They didn't expect this person to say this.

At this time, when they all took a look at their disciples, they all decided to attack Huo Qilin and the others. They believed that if they attacked these guys, they would be caught off guard.

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