Facing the unanimous voices of these two good friends, Jiang Chen didn't know what to say, but now he really had no choice, so he wanted to find a new ancestor, so it would be okay to share the burden for himself.

Otherwise, if I suddenly have a mission in a few days and then leave, who will take care of it here? No one cares about these people, and they don't know what they will do to bully others. Fortunately, he is still here and can solve this problem.

But these two people disagree, so what else can be done? This is the only way. Anyway, this is the only way he can think of at the moment.

Jiang Chen asked:"Since you don't agree, have you found another way?"

Lao Pao was also the one watching him step by step:"There is no such way, but we just don't want you to find it. A new Patriarch. How can this be done? Are you cruel enough to give up your hard-earned position to others?"

"What else to do? There is no other way now, but I was informed by my superior that I have to do something in a few days, so this matter must not be delayed any longer. This is the only way to wait. An

Miaomiao couldn't bear it:"We will help you think of methods. Think about how you got your position?" You were bullied and stepped on by others before. You climbed up to this position bit by bit through your own efforts. Now that you are giving up this position, don't you feel that your previous efforts were in vain?"

"Yes, you are worthy of your current self, but are you worthy of your former self? Don't think about it, I'm definitely sorry. Your past self has sacrificed so much, and now that you have finally become the Patriarch, you still want to give up. It's natural for Miaomiao and I to stand up against you. We don't want to see you spend so much and then end up with nothing. Miaomiao continued to attack:"

Yes, you don't know, you are stupid to do this." Your efforts like this are in vain. I am also considered your old friend, and Lao Pao is also considered your old friend. Just listen to our advice and don't find a new ancestor. Does this make you feel better? It is not easy for you to go through it step by step, there is no doubt about it. Jiang

Chen finally wavered:"Yes, this is indeed beyond doubt. I have made efforts before, and I have paid a price, but for my mission, I have to do this. My own heart is also I don’t want to do this, but now I have finally grown to this position, and I can’t accept it if you want me to go down."

"Isn’t this enough? Just follow your heart. Miaomiao suddenly thought of a way:"No matter what, you can't find a new main career. You can let someone replace your position, but you can come back at any time and give him supreme rights. Who doesn't want to help?" And you.

This method was still adopted by Jiang Chen:"Ah, why didn't I think of it?" This method is not impossible, so I will try it."

The two of them smiled happily. Jiang Chen finally listened to the advice. If he really finds a new ancestor, he will definitely regret it in the future. A few days later, Jiang Chen went out, taking with him a few people who scolded him on weekdays. The disciple who scolded him the most.

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