The carriage started to move, the team moved forward, and everyone set off.

In the middle of the journey, the carriage stopped. Jiang Chen was puzzled. He opened the curtain and saw nearly a hundred people blocking the queue. These people were all wearing shabby clothes and had yellow and thin faces. They were all women and children. There were also many old people. They looked like refugees who had been hungry for a long time. Jiang Chen motioned to his men to inquire.

The men came back and told Jiang Chen that these people were all villagers at the foot of the mountain. They were invaded by monsters and knew that there was a fairy gate on the mountain, so they fled up the mountain and met Jiang Chen and the others.

Jiang Chen frowned even more when he heard the report. He got off the carriage and walked in front of these people.

He asked a person who seemed to be the leader,"When did the monsters start to appear? How many are there? How many of your villagers are left?"

The man looked at Jiang Chen's clothes and thought that he should be from the Immortal Sect. Man, I finally found a savior.

"These monsters have been pouring out since seven days ago. At first, there were only a few of them, and they were all on the outskirts of the village. We found a few middle-aged men to go together to deal with them. Who would have thought that later, there were more and more monsters, and the village gates were guarded. Unable to stop it, monsters entered the village. The village chief asked me to lead the women and children from the back door to the mountain to seek your help! Now there are only many young men left in the village who are still fighting against them."

Seven days ago, it was the day when the Patriarch died. Jiang Chen also heard his disciples talk about the monsters at the foot of the mountain. There were many monsters suppressed at the foot of the mountain. It was only because of the Patriarch's suppression that the villagers lived a stable life. , the Patriarch originally wanted to move these villagers, but they felt that the village was their roots, and they would live and die there.

Jiang Chen thought, these monsters reappeared, perhaps because the Patriarch could no longer suppress them, and now he is The new Patriarch has the responsibility and obligation to help the villagers suppress the monsters. He comforts the villagers.

"Now you don't have to be afraid. We are here to protect you. I will leave some people to take you to the mountain. I will settle you down first and fill your stomachs. And I will but others go to destroy monsters and rescue others, please believe me."

The men also comforted the villagers,"Don't worry, this is our new ancestor, he will definitely save your relatives!"

After the villagers understood, they knelt down with the others and said,"Master, we will always remember your great kindness! Jiang

Chen asked them to stand up,"That's not necessary. It's my responsibility to help you.""

He asked his men to make arrangements, leaving some people to protect the villagers and heading to the mountain, while the rest followed him to the foot of the mountain.

After knowing the urgency of the matter, the team moved forward even faster, and no more people could be sacrificed..

On the way forward, Jiang Chen could still see some villagers who had escaped one after another. Although people had settled them down, he still blamed himself a little. If he had known about the situation of the villagers earlier, If it was so serious, then he would have brought people to suppress the monster earlier, and then the number of injured and dead people would be greatly reduced, but how could anyone in this world have known it earlier?

"Come on, speed up, the villagers are still waiting for us!"Jiang Chen shouted, and the passers-by speeded up the team again.

The team was now heading towards the foot of the mountain at a high speed, with the sound of horse hooves and the raised dust dancing on the road.

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