Because Jiang Chen didn't answer their questions, they were curious, but they continued to eat.

They all ate very slowly because the task of going down the mountain was completed and they could relax for a while. But being used to being in a hurry, they still ate quickly.

Soon they were all finished eating. When Jiang Chen saw that everyone had finished eating, he said to everyone:"Hurry up and pack up and get ready to go up the mountain."

They all said hello, then packed up and got up, ready to go back to the mountain.

Afterwards, they packed up their things and got up to go back to the mountain. On the way back, everyone bowed their heads and walked silently.

But this time when they returned to the mountain, they had an unexpected harvest, because someone saw a few rabbits. Several people quickly stepped forward and caught the rabbits. and tied up.

Someone said happily:"Tonight we can have rabbit dinner again."

Because of this episode, everyone started a heated discussion again. It was as if the awkward atmosphere just now didn't exist.

Seeing them like this, Jiang Chen also joined their conversation and discussed with them.

At first they were surprised and nervous. But after discussing for a while, they all felt that Jiang Chen was witty and smart. Because Jiang Chen can answer them one by one for any questions they don't know.

Jiang Chen will also share with them his past experience of catching monsters. After Jiang Chen's series of explanations, they also got a rough idea.

Jiang Chen saw that they were chatting happily. I was also thinking: I should tell them the reason why I didn’t stay at the villagers’ house for dinner. Otherwise, they will not be free in the future. Jiang Chen thought: I must tell them.

Jiang Chen organized the group and said to everyone:"Do you want to know why I didn't stay at the villagers' house to eat, but went out to eat?"

Everyone responded one after another. Seeing that they were so curious, Jiang Chen told them.

Jiang Chen said to them:"We helped the villagers, which is what we should do, because catching monsters is our duty, but if you stay at the villager's house to eat, it is equivalent to accepting the benefits he gives you. But we cannot accept it. They give us benefits."

Everyone was wondering, why not?

Then Jiang Chen said:"Because, if you accept the benefits they give you, you will have to go and help them if anything happens to them in the future. If you don't help, if they spread the word, they will say You are greedy for petty gains."

Everyone suddenly realized that this was the case.

Jiang Chen told them:"In the future, when you go on missions, you must not accept the benefits they give you. It is not okay to ask you to eat. You must not ask for anything they give you.""

"Moreover, if you accept the benefits they give you, then you will have no freedom. It's equivalent to being controlled by them and doing things for them. So remember not to accept their benefits, do you hear that?"

Everyone said:"I know."They were all grateful to Jiang Chen for telling them the news.

At the same time, they admired Jiang Chen even more in their hearts. After this experience of going down the mountain with Jiang Chen to catch monsters, they completely changed their views on Jiang Chen.

Who said Jiang Chen He is very bad, but he is obviously a nice person. In order to prevent us from starving, he even used his own money to let us have a good meal in the tavern.

They all thought Jiang Chen was very good.

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