"An Miaomiao, where did you learn your medical skills? Can you teach me?"

"An Miaomiao, I want to learn medical skills from you, and I want to become your teacher!"

"Master An, your art is so superb. I must learn from you!"

At this time, An Miaomiao looked at these people talking about her medical skills, and she felt a little happy. Because finally someone else came to praise and think highly of her medical skills.

But An Miaomiao didn't want to accept a disciple, and she didn't want to be someone else. Master. So An Miaomiao wanted to reject others, she said:

"It's like this. I don't want to accept a disciple, because my medical skills have not reached a particularly superb level, and I have not reached a level where I can teach others. So I want to practice cultivation on my own, but I don’t want to take on a disciple yet."

After hearing what An Miaomiao said, these disciples were a little sad. How much they wanted to learn from someone with such superb art as An Miaomiao. They also wanted to improve their own abilities. At this time, they thought An Miaomiao wanted to keep it for themselves. They wanted to keep this peerless and superb medical skill to themselves and did not want to spread it to others. So they kept surrounding An Miaomiao and begging An Miaomiao. They wanted An Miaomiao to be their teacher so much.

Because these disciples have never I have never seen anyone with such superb art as An Miaomiao. They themselves also want to improve themselves and learn from others.

But An Miaomiao is not used to so many people coming to worship her as their teacher, so An Miaomiao refuses their request.

When these disciples saw that An Miaomiao actually refused their request, they felt a little disappointed and stopped talking. At this time, the atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and An Miaomiao didn't know what to do. So she turned around and looked at She asked Jiang Chen what he thought of this matter. So An Miaomiao turned around and walked towards Jiang Chen.

But these disciples thought that An Miaomiao wanted to escape, so these disciples tried their best to block An Miaomiao. Miaomiao's path made An Miaomiao unable to walk.

An Miaomiao looked back at Jiang Chen as if asking for help. He didn't know how Jiang Chen viewed the fact that these disciples wanted to worship him as their teacher.

But These disciples really blocked her way. An Miaomiao really couldn't go to Jiang Chen.

These disciples said one after another:"Master An, we just want to worship you as our teacher. We really envy you." Superb medical skills, we want to learn your superb medical skills, so we sincerely ask you to be our teacher."

Then these disciples ignored what An Miaomiao was thinking. They spontaneously knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to An Miaomiao.

An Miaomiao had never seen such a huge force before. She was so panicked that she didn't know what to do. Yes. But when she looked at so many people, she sincerely wanted to come and worship her as her teacher.

She felt guilty, so she reluctantly agreed. Seeing An Miaomiao agreed, these disciples got up from the ground.

At this time, An Miaomiao Finally squeezing next to Jiang Chen, An Miaomiao asked Jiang Chen:"What do you think of these disciples worshiping me as their teacher?

Jiang Chen thought for a while and said,"I don't have any opinion on this matter." These disciples worship you as their teacher, which shows that they recognize your superb medical skills. As for whether to accept them as disciples or not, it's up to you."

When An Miaomiao heard what he said, there was nothing she could do.

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